Withdraw/Drop Request
To withdraw from a class or completely withdraw from the college, please follow the appropriate steps outlined below.
You will be responsible for any and all financial delinquencies which result from failure to complete the withdrawal process by the dates established in the Academic Calendar. If you are enrolled in an online class through a KCTCS college other than ACTC, that college's academic calendar may be different. Check your course syllabus or contact your instructor to confirm those dates.
If you stop attending and do not officially withdraw from a class, you will receive a failing grade.
You can complete the Withdraw/Drop Request in Student Self-Service. Instructions can be found on the Student Training and Learning Center.
- After mid-term, you must have instructor permission to withdraw from a class. Instructors will be notified of your request, once you officially submit the online form.
- Any student withdrawing from a developmental course at any time during the semester MUST have the Instructor's permission.
- If you receive financial aid (grants, scholarships, or loans) and withdraw from all courses, this can result in repayment of financial aid received. If you have questions about how this may affect your financial; aid, please consult the Office of Financial Aid before submitting your request.
The last day to officially withdraw can be determined by the official Academic Calendar. Academic Calendars can vary in online courses, depending on the offering school.