Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures
Student Organizations & Clubs Policy and Procedure
This includes information about registration, classification, advisors, funding, membership, and classification, advisors, funding, membership, and scheduling activities.
Effective: July 1, 2004
ACTC Student Organizations Policy
To establish a mission for encouraging opportunities outside the
classroom that will enhance academic learning and encourage
personal and professional growth.
It shall be the Policy of Ashland Community & Technical College to
establish the following Mission Statement for Student Activities.
The mission of the Ashland Community & Technical College Student
Activities program is to provide opportunities for students outside
the classroom that will enhance academic learning and encourage
personal and professional growth. We provide a broad program of
activities including educational, cultural, social, and community
service events.
Other Policy Provisions
All student organizations must be registered through the Student
Activities office. A copy of a student organization’s registration form
and by-laws will be kept on file in the Student Activities office.
Registration is renewable each year by submitting in writing the
intention of the organization to be active and names of officers and
Student organizations are classified as affiliated and unaffiliated.
Affiliated organizations are generally defined as a chapter or unit of
a recognized national or state organization. Unaffiliated
organizations are generally defined as a local club. Inactive
organizations are generally defined as those clubs that have not met
for at least one year and/or are not in compliance with college
procedures and guidelines.
All new student organizations and clubs, regardless of national
and/or state affiliation, will be classified as unaffiliated for a period
of two years. After a two-year probationary period, a student
organization may apply for affiliated status by making its request in writing through
the Student Activities Coordinator. Written
documentation of meetings and activities will be required to be
considered for affiliated status.
Political and religious student organizations will not be eligible for
affiliated status at any time.
Every student organization is required to have an advisor. Advisors
can be a member of the full-time college faculty, professional staff,
or administration.
Advisors are expected to abide by all rules set forth in the KCTCS
policies regarding student organizations (see KCTCS Student Code of
Conduct Article 4.5).
Student Organizations Funding
Only those clubs classified as affiliated are eligible for college
funding. College funding is limited to a designated amount per
organization per year and all college funds are considered matching
funds (i.e., requests for college funds will be matched according to
the organization’s contribution toward a particular expense).
Every student organization, affiliated and unaffiliated, must submit
an annual financial statement to the college chief student affairs
officer by July 31st of each year (see KCTCS Business Procedure
7.11.5 for financial statement contents).
Inactive clubs are not eligible for funding.
Minimum Membership
Each club must maintain an active membership of ten members,
schedule at least two meetings per semester wherein a program or
agenda is presented, and maintain a roster of attendees for each
meeting including the advisor.
Dean of Student Services
Approved by the College President this 1st day of July, in the year 2004 by: Gregory D. Adkins, President & CEO, Ashland Community & Technical College
Effective: July 1, 2004
ACTC Student Organizations Procedures
To establish a mission for encouraging opportunities outside the
classroom that will enhance academic learning and encourage
personal and professional growth.
The Director of Student Activities will prepare at the beginning of each academic
year and
before September 30th a packet of all information submitted by the organization requesting
annual membership approval to the Chief Student Affairs Officer for action.
Scheduling Procedures for Student Activities
- Only officially registered and approved Ashland Community and Technical College
organizations are eligible to schedule student activities. - The advisor or president of the student organization must complete the “Student Activity Request form.” Copies of the form are available in room 222C.
- The completed form must be submitted to the Student Activities Coordinator in room 222C for approval of the activity so that over-booking is avoided.
- Once approval has been received, the organization may book the event. If an agreement or contract is required, it must be reviewed by the Student Activities Coordinator or the Dean of Student Affairs, and then forwarded to the Dean of Business Affairs for final review and signature. Contracts are subject to review by KCTCS Purchasing for final approval.
- Organizations are encouraged to schedule activities as far in advance as possible, but at least two weeks before the event is scheduled.
- A completed “Student Activity Request Form” is required for each event or activity, including fundraisers and off-campus events. The one exception is regularly scheduled meetings which may be included on one request form at the beginning of each semester.
Dean of Student Services
Approved by the College President this 1st day of July, in the year 2004 by:
Gregory D. Adkins, President & CEO Ashland Community & Technical College
Activity Request Form
This form should be filled out and returned to the Office of Student Activities for
Most Important Information for Student Organizations & Clubs