Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is an integral part of student activities and enhancing the student experience. At monthly meetings, students discuss opportunities for community building, including activities like Party on the Lawn and Spring Fling.
All ACTC students are welcome to these monthly meetings.
SGA is led by the Executive Council, but also hosts a Student Activities Council.
2024/2025 Executive Council
President: Abby Bingham
Vice President: Layla Bingham
Secretary: Atlas Newsome
Elections for the SGA Executive Council are held every spring semester in April. Officers who are elected serve for one academic year. Students who are interested must meet all the guidelines and fill out an application to be approved.
For more information, contact Kayla Acosta
Room 224A, College Drive Campus
Phone: 606-326-2425
Email: kayla.acosta@kctcs.edu