Steps to Apply for Federal Financial Aid
ACTC offers a wide range of financial aid programs. You must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine what types of financial aid you qualify for. Below are some steps that will help you complete the process with ease.
Steps to Apply for Financial Aid/ Completing the FAFSA
Remember, applying for Federal Student Aid is FREE!
Applying for financial aid starts with a single application called the FAFSA. Students are automatically considered for all forms of federal financial assistance by completing the following steps:
- Apply for a Federal Student Aid (FSA) User ID online. Your FSA User ID will be used to confirm your identity when completing your FAFSA.
- Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at http://www.fafsa.gov.
- File your FAFSA as soon after October 1st as possible before the semester you want to begin classes.
- The FAFSA will ask you to provide federal school codes for the schools you want your FAFSA information sent to. ACTC's Federal School Code is: 001990.
- Once ACTC receives your FAFSA information, you will receive a FAFSA Acknowledgement email (to the email address you listed on the FAFSA) stating the information you entered has been delivered to the college. Then check your "Tasks" on your ACTC Student Self-Service page. Your Tasks List will contain the necessary items needed to complete your file.
- If your Tasks List contains any items, those must be completed and returned to the Office of Financial Aid before your financial aid can be awarded.
Please take a few moments to thoroughly review this information regarding your Financial Aid at ACTC. If you have decided not to attend ACTC, please send us a letter that includes your name, student ID#, date and signature stating that decision.
- If you drop a class before that session begins, your financial aid will be adjusted accordingly. Dropping below half-time may result in cancellation of some aid awards. It is strongly recommended that if you drop classes with the intention to add others, that you drop and add classes on the same day. If you have been awarded the Pell Grant, it cannot be increased if you add a class after the Financial Aid census date. You will be responsible for repaying any funds you are not eligible to receive as a result of a change with enrolled hours or in your financial aid data.
- Our office will be using your campus email address to communicate with you. Please frequently check your KCTCS email account for important notices. Please be advised that any paper mail communication will be sent to your address on file in our PeopleSoft processing system. Review your address information to make sure it is accurate.
Loan Processing:
If you wish to receive a student loan as part of your financial aid package please follow the following steps to accept.
- Login to Student Self-service
- Under Fin. Aid & Account Balance, click on Loan Request hyperlink
- Verify your phone number and address
- Read and Agree to the important information regarding your student loans
- Enter the amount of student loans you need for the academic year -- this amount will be split for Fall/Spring so be sure to project what you need for BOTH semesters
- Once submitted you will be taken back you your main self-service screen and the loan request form will no longer be available for viewing
If you have never borrowed a student loan at ACTC and accept a Federal Student Loan, you will also need to complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling. Both processes may be completed at StudentAid.gov. ACTC will receive notification once successfully completed. Loan funds cannot be disbursed until both have been completed.
Rights and responsibilities: The following is information that you, as an applicant for Federal Title IV Financial Aid, should read and understand.
- The Financial Aid Office reserves the right on behalf of ACTC and the criteria established by the U.S. Department of Education to review, change and cancel an award at any time because of changes in financial and/or academic status.
- Commitment of financial aid is tentative and contingent upon receipt of funds from the loan, grant, and/or scholarship program from which aid is awarded.
- You must report to the ACTC Financial Aid Office any additional financial aid resources you receive. This includes but is not limited to: non-institutional scholarships, third party payments, veteran benefits, tuition waivers, etc.
- If you are enrolled for Fall II and/or Spring II only your awards maybe adjusted to reflect your reduced enrollment period.
- You must reapply each year for financial aid to determine your eligibility for financial assistance.
- All required documents must be received before the last day of the term for which you are enrolled before you can receive any federal funds.
- If you receive more funds than you are eligible, you may have to repay or cancel certain funds.
- You should come to school prepared to pay initial expenses such as housing, books, food, parking, etc.
How to Access Student-Self Service
- Go to at https://students.kctcs.edu
- Select LOGIN HERE under the KCTCS logo in the upper left corner
- Enter your User ID and Password
- Your User ID is the same as your KCTCS e-mail username (example: jsmith0004) and your KCTCS e-mail password
- Click on Financial Aid and then the appropriate award year.
Consumer Information
As calculated by the ACTC Financial Aid Office, your financial aid package may consist of Federal/State Grants, Federal Student Loans, Scholarships and/or Federal Work Study. All aid was determined by the information you provided on your FAFSA. Information about the aid programs as well as academic requirements for eligibility can be found online at KCTCS Paying For College. Additional student consumer information and Students Right to Know information can be found online at the Consumer Information page.
Types of Aid
You may be awarded Grants, Scholarships, Federal Work Study or Loans. Grants and Scholarships are gift aid you do not have to pay them back. Federal Work Study and Federal Direct Loans are self-help aid. In FWS program, you have a job and earn your award. With loans, you must accept and agree to pay them back according to federal guidelines. If you are receiving any funds such as third party payment, waiver or external scholarship please let us know.
Book Charges
Please be prepared to pay for books and supplies using resources other than financial aid. However, because aid disbursement cannot occur until approximately 3 - 4 weeks into the semester, the ACTC Bookstore will allow students to purchase books and supplies on credit, if you have enough anticipated aid for the semester. This is for a limited time.
- You must have more anticipated aid than the cost of tuition and fees for the term.
- You must sign a Bookstore Release authorizing ACTC to release the amount of anticipated aid to the ACTC Bookstore. This can be done online in your student self-service, under the “Financial Aid” section. [One time only- can be rescinded] If you already have a release on file, you do not have to complete another one. By charging books you agree to the following: I hereby authorize Ashland Community and Technical College to deduct any and all indebtedness that I may have at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore from any type of financial assistance I might receive. In order to process the deductions, I consent to the release to the Bookstore of necessary information from my student financial assistance records.
- The amount you charge at the bookstore is placed on your student account as a bookstore charge.
When charging books from the ACTC Bookstore, the following is a general agreement between student and KCTCS:
I (the student) understand that I am personally responsible for payment of all my bookstore charges in the event that my grant/scholarship/loan is revoked or does not cover the entire balance of my charges. I accept full responsibility for the repayment of my charges. I acknowledge that KCTCS will pursue collection of all outstanding accounts pursuant to its Business Procedures. Further, I acknowledge if my account becomes delinquent KCTCS may refer it to outside agencies for collection with the referral being subject to additional fees and costs.
I also understand that my purchases are subject to the established refund policies and guidelines of the bookstore. Further, I acknowledge and hereby grant the college the right to apply any financial aid I may receive toward the payment of this note, including but not limited to PELL, SEOG, external or institutional scholarships, and/or student loans.
Confirming Attendance and Multiple Start Dates
Financial Aid programs cannot be paid until the student's attendance in class has been verified by the instructor. Students whose enrollment changes as a new term/semester begins will have their financial aid adjusted to reflect any changes made. Financial Aid may be reduced and/or canceled if the student fails to take all of the classes for which they enroll. Students who have multiple start dates within a semester cannot receive financial aid under most programs until the class(es) have started. Financial Aid can only pay for classes in your current program. Awards may be reduced for classes not applicable to your program.
Aid Disbursement
The Financial Aid Office disburses aid generally once a week usually over the weekend to your student account. The disbursement process will typically start 4 weeks after the first day of classes each semester semester. The disbursement date represents the earliest date funds can be applied to your account in Student Billing. The Financial Aid Office cannot guarantee the arrival date or disbursement date of funds.
- Please check your student account in PeopleSoft to see if your financial aid has posted.
- Disbursed financial aid that is more than your tuition/fee charges and any allowable bookstore charges is considered excess funds. Excess funds are refunded through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Information on BankMobile Disbursements can be found online or by contacting Student Billing at 855-246-2282. The refund process is coordinated through Student Billing and refunds are generally sent weekly.
In order to continue eligibility for Federal and State aid, you are expected to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward graduation. Federal and State Financial Aid funds will not be disbursed until you have successfully been evaluated for SAP. Failure to meet SAP will result in your aid being canceled for the current academic year. Additional information regarding SAP is available at the Financial Aid Office or can be found online on the SAP section of the KCTCS website.
A student who totally withdraws, ceases to attend classes or receives all failing grades (E, F, W, or I) will be subject to the Return to Title IV policy. Federal Aid will be returned based on last date of attendance. A student whose attendance is documented by the instructor past the 60% mark of the semester will not be subject to the Return to Title IV Policy. Additional information regarding R2T4 is available at the Financial Aid Office or can be found online at the KCTCS website.
Please contact the ACTC Financial Aid Office at (855) 246-2282 if you have any questions about your awards or the aid process.