Internship Information | ACTC

Internship Information

Students at ACTC who completed internships in their programs. Each student is wearing gear for their program including: Welding helmets,  lineman climbing equipment and hardhat, a chef smock and hat, etc.

Internship Opportunities for Second Year Students

An internship course is an exceptional way  to gain hands on experience in your field of study, develop work contacts and have the potential to lead to employment. 

For more information on internships, please contact: 

Career Services Department


Commonly Asked Questions

I got the internship! Now what?

Follow the internship reporting guidelines found here

I have more questions. Can I schedule an Appointment?



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Micro-Internship Information

Ashland Community and Technical College is excited to announce a new opportunity for our students to take part in virtual short-term, professional, paid work experiences through Parker Dewey Micro-Internships.

Through these short-term, paid, project-centered experiences, you can demonstrate your skills, explore career paths, and expand your professional network. Unlike a traditional internship, these paid opportunities typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work and are deadline-driven as opposed to set during specific hours - perfect for students with erratic or hectic schedules!

To learn more and start applying, visit ACTC’s Micro-Internship page and create a profile