Associate Degree Nursing Program Information
I. Introduction
Welcome and congratulations on being accepted into the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program at Ashland Community and Technical College! We are happy you have chosen our program and we are excited to teach and guide you on your journey to becoming an excellent nurse.
The first class of nursing students enrolled at ACTC in the fall of 1975. Since then, we have graduated thousands of nurses who have provided, and continue to provide, quality patient care to clients in our community, state, and throughout the nation. Graduates from our program can continue their education by obtaining a bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree in nursing. Graduates from ACTC who successfully pass the national licensing exam to become registered nurses function as staff nurses, charge nurses, unit managers, and clinical coordinators in a variety of healthcare settings including hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, offices, home health agencies, and mental health facilities. Some graduates have continued their education and are now nurse practitioners or nurse anesthetists. After completion of this program, the possibilities and opportunities for our graduates are endless, and we are excited to see where your nursing career will lead you.
The ADN program at ACTC is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). ACTC is part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) which provides our program with a current, comprehensive, state-approved nursing curriculum. Nursing faculty at ACTC provide quality, evidenced-based nursing education delivered in state-of-the art classrooms, skills and simulation labs, and at the bedside in clinical facilities that meet specific standards set by program faculty. We value a team approach, with the goal of the team being your success and quality, patient-centered care.
This handbook is designed to guide you throughout your tenure in the nursing program. Managing large groups of students and the coordination and implementation of a nursing curriculum are complex tasks requiring specific policies and procedures students and faculty must follow. In addition to compliance with the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct, students must comply with policies and procedures included in this handbook. Doing so ensures our program meets regulatory and accreditation standards while promoting the safety of students, faculty, and clients we serve. Adhering to program policies and procedures will contribute to individual student and group success. We encourage you to read the handbook thoroughly, keep it close to reference when needed, and ask questions about any policy or procedure you may not completely understand.
Thank you for choosing ACTC for your nursing education and good luck to you on your journey to becoming a nurse!
II. Communication/Directory
Administrators, staff, and nursing faculty at ACTC believe effective, professional communication is key to student and program success. Students are encouraged to communicate with nursing faculty any time they have questions or concerns. Students are asked to communicate first with their nursing instructor, and then the nursing faculty course leader. If further assistance is needed, students should contact the Nursing Program Administrator, and then the appropriate college dean if necessary. Students must have an active campus email account and ensure that the account is “cleaned out” often so that messages may be received. Communication outside of the classroom, lab or clinical setting should take place using college email. Emails will be answered during working hours. If your email is not answered within 48 hours, please email again or call to ensure your questions and concerns are addressed.
Faculty and students should use professional verbal and written communication skills in the classroom, lab, clinical setting, and in any meeting related to the program. Offensive language or communication deemed disrespectful or unethical will not be tolerated. Social media pages may be set up by class members using the college or program name with permission from the college marketing department. Social media posts should display only professional, educational, positive, and encouraging information as these posts represent the faculty, students, program, and college via this outlet.
Nursing Faculty
Terri Ratliff MSN, RN
Professor/Nursing Program Administrator
(606) 326-2465 Office #460
Deena Howerton MSN, RNC
Associate Professor/Nursing Student Retention Specialist
(606) 326-2012 Office #420F
Melissa Green MSN, BS, RN-BC
Assistant Professor/Assistant Nursing Program Administrator
Simulation Coordinator
(606)326-2087 Office #419
Kathy Blair MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
(606) 326-2018 Office #467D
Carol Bowen, MSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326-2039 Office #465C
Sarah Duzan BSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326-2056 Office #465D
Lindsay Fry ADN, RN
Nursing Lab Instructor
(606) 326-2150 Office #463C
Lisa Griffith MSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326-2070 Office #467D
Dianne Potter MSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326-2462 Office #465B
Lori Raybourn ADN, RN
Nursing Lab Instructor
(606) 326-2150 Office #463A
Emily Willis, BSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326-2213 Office #465A
Sarah Wilson, BSN, RN
Nursing Instructor
(606) 326- 2016 Office #467B
Dr. Samuel Todd Brand
Chief Academic Officer/Academic Dean
(606)326-2162 Office G102C
Steven Woodburn
Chief Student Affairs Officer
(606)326-2077 Office #213C
Dr. Sara Brown
Professor/Interim Associate Dean of Health Sciences
Jessica Slone
Health Science Division Assistant
(606) 326-2086 Office #440A
The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program at Ashland Community and Technical College
(ACTC) is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.
Kentucky Board of Nursing
312 Whittington Parkway #300
Louisville, KY 40222
The program is accredited (with conditions) by the Accreditation Commission for Education
in Nursing (ACEN).
3390 Peachtree Rd. NE Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone 404-975-5000
ACTC is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission
on Colleges (SACSCOC)
1866 Southern Ln
Decatur, GA 30033
III. General KCTCS/ACTC/ADN Program Information
ACTC Associate Degree Nursing Program Mission, Vision, and Values Statement
The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Ashland Community and Technical College (ACTC) prepares entry level nurses to become integral members of the healthcare team. By integrating the program philosophy and organizational framework throughout all aspects of nursing education, a foundation for success in the workforce and lifelong learning is established.
The Associate Degree Nursing Program at ACTC strives for excellence in preparing nurses who will serve clients entrusted to their care in the workforce in a safe, competent, caring, and compassionate manner throughout their professional careers. A pathway to advanced nursing education is provided and encouraged.
In addition to the values of Ashland Community and Technical College which include teaching and learning excellence, access and support, and community and workforce partnerships, the Associate Degree Nursing Program will emphasize the following core values:
- Caring
- Ethics
- Excellence
- Holism
- Integrity
- Patient-Centeredness
Program Philosophy
KCTCS Associate Degree Nursing Philosophy
The philosophy of the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program is congruent with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) mission statement and is supported by the works of the National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Competencies and Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN).
The nursing faculty believe nursing is holistically evolving, blended with science, and the art of caring. Nursing demonstrates the provision of patient-centered care based on quality standards and evidence-based practice through the inclusion of theoretical concepts.
Learning in an educational setting is enhanced by a teacher-student relationship and clearly defined student learning outcomes. The nurse educator’s responsibility is to structure and facilitate optimal conditions for critical thinking from simple to complex. The student brings to this relationship the willingness to learn and is accountable for his/her education.
The ADN graduate, having achieved the graduate outcomes, is prepared to practice in a variety of settings with the parameters of individual knowledge and experience according to the standards of practice.
National League for Nursing. (2010). Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocations, Diploma, Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, Master’s, Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing. New York, NY: National League for Nursing.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Institute. (2018). QSEN Competencies. Retrieved from: http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/
Operational Definitions
KCTCS Associate Degree Nursing Operational Definitions
Core competencies in nursing education are those elements of Associate Degree Nursing that are essential to entry level registered nursing practice and are inherent of nursing practice. The National League for Nursing (NLN) Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Associate Degree Programs in Nursing which serve as goals of nursing education for entry into nursing practice are defined as:
- Human Flourishing: “…an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within the context of a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue his or her own such efforts. ...Human flourishing encompasses the uniqueness, dignity, diversity, freedom, happiness, and holistic well-being of the individual within the larger family, community, and population.” (NLN, 2010, p.33)
- Nursing Judgement: encompassing “…critical thinking, clinical judgment, and integration of best evidence into practice. Nurses must employ these processes as they make decisions about clinical care, the development and application of research and the broader dissemination of insights and research findings to the community, and management and resource allocation.” (NLN, 2010, p.34) This process is driven by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to assist in the prioritization of patient-centered care.
- Professional Identity: “… the internalization of core values and perspectives recognized
as integral to the art and science of nursing. The nurse embraces these fundamental
values in every aspect of practice while working to improve patient outcomes and promote
the ideal of the nursing profession.” (NLN, 2010, p.35)
- Holistically Evolving: encompasses all mind-body-spirit interactions along the continuum of the human experience while providing care in a dynamic and progressive health care environment
- Spirit of Inquiry: “…a persistent sense of curiosity that informs both learning and practice. A nurse infused by a spirit of inquiry will raise questions, challenge traditional and existing practices, and seek creative approaches to problems.” (NLN, 2010, p.36)
Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies which were developed to prepare future nurses to have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare are defined as:
- Patient-Centered Care: “Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs” (QSEN, 2018).
- Safety: “Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance” (QSEN, 2018).
- Informatics: “Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making” (QSEN, 2018).
- Teamwork and Collaboration: “Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care” (QSEN, 2018).
- Evidence-Based Practice: “Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care” (QSEN, 2018).
- Quality Improvement: “Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems” (QSEN, 2018).
National League for Nursing. (2010). Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocations, Diploma, Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, Master’s, Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing. New York, NY: National League for Nursing.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Institute. (2018). QSEN Competencies. Retrieved from: http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/
KCTCS Associate Degree Nursing Conceptual Framework
The conceptual model is a visual representation of the relationships among the core competencies essential to entry-level registered nursing practice. This model serves as a guide for curriculum development and instruction, which promotes the attainment of end of program student learning outcomes.
National League for Nursing. (2010). Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocations, Diploma, Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, Master’s, Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing. New York, NY: National League for Nursing.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Institute. (2018). QSEN Competencies. Retrieved from: http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes
KCTCS Associate Degree Nursing End of Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, the graduate can:
- Advocate for patients and families in ways that promote their self-determination,
integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings (human flourishing).
- Incorporate culturally competent, individualized plans of care focusing on services and activities that promote independence, maintain or restore health, or support a peaceful death and advocate for access and quality of care for patients.
- Formulate teaching/learning processes to facilitate patients’ informed decision-making to support and achieve positive outcomes that demonstrates respect for diverse patients.
- Formulate judgments in practice, substantiated with evidence, that integrate nursing
science in the provision of safe, quality-care and promote the health of patients
within a family and community context (nursing judgment).
- Utilize the nursing process as a basis for clinical judgment to optimize outcomes of care for the patient, family, and community.
- Establish and maintain effective/therapeutic communication in collaboration with patients, families, significant others, and members of the health care team.
- Manage the direct provision of nursing care through effective organizational skills, appropriate delegation, and supervision within the scope of practice.
- Develop one’s role as a nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical
practice, and an evolving identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice,
caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care for diverse patients within a family and
community context (professional identity).
- Employ principles of advocacy, quality and safety, healthcare policy, and cost effectiveness to improve healthcare outcomes.
- Exhibit professional behaviors/practice as defined by the ethical, legal, and regulatory frameworks of nursing.
- Incorporate the ability to ethically and responsibly integrate technology to skillfully locate, evaluate, use, create and communicate information to improve the quality and safety of patient care and the life and employability of graduates.
- Consider the evidence that underlies clinical nursing practice to challenge the status
quo, question underlying assumptions, and offer new insights to improve the quality
of care for patients, families, and communities (spirit of inquiry).
- Interpret evidence-based literature/research for use in nursing practice.
- Exhibit continuous learning within the nursing profession.
General Education Competencies
Students should prepare for twenty-first century challenges by gaining:
- Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds through study in the Sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the Arts.
- Intellectual and practical skills, including
- inquiry and analysis
- critical and creative thinking
- written and oral communication
- quantitative literacy
- information literacy
- teamwork and problem solving
- Personal and social responsibility, including
- civic knowledge and engagement (local and global)
- intercultural knowledge and competence
- ethical reasoning and action
- foundations and skills for lifelong learning
- Integrative and applied learning, including synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized skills.
Technical Standards
Nursing at the technical level involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of nursing functions. All students should possess sufficient:
- Visual acuity, such as is needed in preparation and administration of medications, and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care;
- Auditory perception to receive verbal communication from clients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, IV infusion pumps, Doppler, fire alarms, etc.;
- Gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment required in meeting health care needs;
- Communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the individual’s interest;
- Intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals;
- Electronic record skills to review the clients’ information while in the healthcare setting (at the discretion of the healthcare facility). Students may also be permitted to use electronic charting if granted permission by the institution and the clinical instructor.
Students who need special accommodation to meet these standards should contact the Nursing Program Coordinator.
Nursing – Associate Degree
- AAS Nursing
- Modular 62-66
The Associate Degree Nursing program prepares graduates to use their skill and knowledge to fulfill the role of the nurse and is supported by the works of the National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Competencies and Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN). The NLN Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Associate Degree Programs in Nursing which serve as goals of nursing education for entry into nursing practice are: human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry. QSEN competencies which were developed to prepare future nurses to have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare are: patient centered care, safety, informatics, teamwork and collaboration, evidenced based practice, and quality improvement. These core components are introduced, developed and built upon through the curriculum. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum is organized around a clearly defined conceptual framework and combines general education and nursing courses. The nursing courses correlate classroom and clinical instruction in a variety of community agencies.
Acceptance into the Associate Degree Nursing program is based on a selective admissions process. In order to be considered for admission, applicants must comply with college and program admission requirements.
Progression in the Associate Degree Nursing program is contingent upon achievement of a grade of “C” or better in each biological science, nursing and mathematics course and maintenance of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or better (on a 4.0 scale). Completion of the nursing program will meet the KCTCS graduate requirement of digital literacy.
Note: The Kentucky Board of Nursing may deny a nursing graduate admission to the NCLEX-RN Exam if an individual has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony which involves acts that bear directly on the qualifications of the graduate to practice nursing.
Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
General Education: | |||
BIO | 137 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO | 139 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
BIO | 225 | Medical Microbiology | 4 |
PSY | 110 | General Psychology | 3 |
ENG | 101 | Writing I | 3 |
Quantitative Reasoning Course at AA/AS Level | 3 | ||
Heritage/Humanities Course | 3 | ||
Subtotal | 24 | ||
Technical Courses: |
NAA | 100 | Nursing Assistant Skills I | 0-3 |
CPR | 100 | CPR for Healthcare Professionals | 0-1 |
NSG | 101 | ***Nursing Practice I OR | 9 |
NSG | 109 | *Transition: Medic to ADN I OR | (6) |
NSG | 209 | *Transition Medic to ADN II OR | (5) |
NSG | 219 | ***Medical/Surgical Nursing I OR | 7 |
NSG | 195 | **Transition to ADN OR | (4) |
NSG | 199 | **Accelerated Transition: PN-ADN Bridge OR | (2) |
NSG | 217 | **Military LPN to RN OR | (4) |
NSG | 194 | ****Paramedic Transition to Nursing Practice | (4) |
NSG | 211 | Maternal Newborn Nursing | 3 |
NSG | 212 | Behavioral Health Nursing | 3 |
NSG | 213 | Pediatric Nursing | 3 |
NSG | 229 | Medical/Surgical Nursing II | 7 |
NSG | 239 | Medical/Surgical Nursing III | 6 |
Subtotal | 38-42 | ||
*Taken by Level 10 Medics who meet specific program requirements.
**Taken by Licensed Practical Nurses who meet specific program requirements.
***Credit may be awarded to Licensed Practical Nurses who meet specific program requirements.
****Taken by Paramedics who meet specific program requirements.
Completion of the nursing program will meet the KCTCS graduate requirement of digital
Please visit the nursing program website using the link below to view the most current semester plan showing the sequence in which the general education and nursing courses listed above must be completed.
Course Descriptions
NSG 101 Nursing Practice I
Focuses on nursing practice within the context of the contemporary health care delivery system by introducing the nursing process and basic nursing concepts as a framework for organizing care delivery. Emphasizes foundational knowledge of nursing practice, skills acquisition, and the basic care of diverse patient populations. Introduces the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
Components: Lecture: 5 credit hours (75 contact hours). Laboratory: 4 credit hours (180 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program. BIO 137 and Quantitative Reasoning Course at AA/AS level with a grade of “C” or better, PSY 110, 75-hour nursing assistant course or its equivalent, and current SRNA.
Pre- or Co-requisite: BIO 139 with a grade of “C” or better
Implementation: Fall 2019
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Examine assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient that promotes independence, maintenance and restoration of health or supports a peaceful death; (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Perform identified foundational nursing skills according to evidenced based critical criteria documented in the Essential Skills; (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Identify and apply at a beginning level, the nursing process to nursing judgment and the holistic management of care for one patient experiencing alterations in health; (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Utilize basic communication techniques with patients and members of the health care team; (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Recognize caring behaviors in self and others; (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate a beginning knowledge of professional behaviors as identified by the standards of nursing practice; (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Identify and respond to situations that require basic knowledge of teaching and learning strategies; (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Recognize and report situations that require collaboration with the patient and other members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Demonstrate digital literacy with ethical and responsible knowledge, behavior, and
skills (including communication) required for nurses to collect, store, retrieve,
and process information. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
* This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 109 Medic to ADN I
Builds upon the basic nursing skills and concepts learned as a military medic. Assists the medic in making the beginning transition to the RN role. Introduces four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
Upon successful completion of all components of the course the student will be admitted to NSG 209 and will have earned four (4) credit hours of advanced standing for a total of nine (9) credits.
Components: Lecture: 5 credit hours (75 contact hours). Laboratory: 1 credit hours (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program. BIO 137 and Quantitative Reasoning Course at AA/AS level with a grade of “C” or better, PSY 110, documentation of completing level 10 medic
Pre- or Co-requisite: BIO 139 with a grade of “C” or better
Implementation: Fall 2021
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Examine assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient that promotes independence, maintenance and restoration of health or supports a peaceful death; (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Perform identified foundational nursing skills according to evidenced based critical criteria documented in the Essential Skills; (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Identify and apply at a beginning level, the nursing process to nursing judgment and the holistic management of care for one patient experiencing alterations in health; (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Utilize basic communication techniques with patients and members of the health care team; (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Recognize caring behaviors in self and others; (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate a beginning knowledge of professional behaviors as identified by the standards of nursing practice; (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Identify and respond to situations that require basic knowledge of teaching and learning strategies; (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Recognize and report situations that require collaboration with the patient and other members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Demonstrate digital literacy with ethical and responsible knowledge, behavior, and skills (including communication) required for nurses to collect, store, retrieve, and process information. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
- Exhibit behaviors that indicate transition from the military medic level 10 role to
the registered nurse role.
* This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 195 Transition to ADN
Builds upon the basic nursing skills and concepts learned in the LVN/LPN experience. Assists the Practical Nurse to make the beginning transition to the RN role. Strengthens the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Emphasizes the concepts of nutrition, metabolism, endocrine, elimination, and integumentary. Upon successful completion of all components of the course, the student will be admitted to NSG 229 and will have earned by advanced standing, 16 credit hours in nursing.
Components: Lecture: 3.5 credit hours (52.5 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 0.5 credit hours (22.5 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Admission to the Associate Degree nursing Program and BIO 137, BIO 139, and Quantitative Reasoning Course at AA/AS Level with a grade of “C” or better, PSY 110, and ENG 101
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 212 with a grade of “C” or better.
Implementation: Fall 2019
Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Interpret assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient experiencing actual or potential alterations in nutrition, metabolism, elimination, and integumentary. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Provide safe nursing care while maintaining previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for a minimum of two patients. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Translate caring behaviors into nursing practice. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the delivery of patient care. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Implement understanding of the teaching-learning processes. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Demonstrate teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Apply information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the delivery
of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 209 Medic to ADN II
Builds upon the level 10 military medic experiences in application of core components of nursing. Focuses on the continued development of critical thinking, emphasizing the concepts of nutrition, metabolism, endocrine, elimination, and integumentary systems. Strengthens the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgement, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry, and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Upon successful completion of all components of the course the student will be admitted to NSG 229 and will have earned two (2) credit hours of advanced standing for a total of seven (7) credits.
Components: Lecture: 4 credit hours (60 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 1 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 101 and BIO 139 with a grade of “C” or better
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 212 with a grade of “C” or better and ENG 101
Implementation: Spring 2022
Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Interpret assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient experiencing actual or potential alterations in nutrition, metabolism, elimination, and integumentary. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Provide safe nursing care while maintaining previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for a minimum of two patients. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Translate caring behaviors into nursing practice. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the delivery of patient care. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Implement understanding of the teaching-learning processes. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Demonstrate teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Apply information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the delivery of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
- Incorporate prior learning as a military medic into the care of patients with actual
or potential alterations in nutrition, metabolism, elimination, and integumentary
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to adult patients experiencing actual or potential alterations in health. Strengthens the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Emphasizes the concepts of nutrition, metabolism, endocrine, elimination, and integumentary.
Components: Lecture: 4 credit hours (60 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 3 credits (135 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 101 and BIO 139 with a grade of “C” or better
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 212 with a grade of “C” or better and ENG 101
Implementation: Fall 2019
Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Interpret assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient experiencing actual or potential alterations in nutrition, metabolism, elimination, and integumentary. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Provide safe nursing care while maintaining previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for a minimum of two patients. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Communicate effectively with patients, families, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Translate caring behaviors into nursing practice. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the delivery of patient care. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Implement understanding of the teaching-learning processes. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Demonstrate teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Apply information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the delivery
of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to adult patients
experiencing actual or the potential for alterations in health. Illustrates the four
competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional
identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
Emphasizes the concepts of oxygenation, circulation, perfusion, and activity/exercise.
Components: Lecture: 4 credit hours (60 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 3 credit hours
(135 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 219 and NSG 212 with a grade of “C” or higher and ENG 101
Pre – or Co-requisite: NSG 211 and BIO 225 with a grade of “C” or higher
Implementation: Fall 2019
Course Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Prioritize assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient experiencing actual or potential alterations in oxygenation, circulation, perfusion, and activity/exercise. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Illustrate safe nursing care while maintaining previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for a minimum of three patients. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Demonstrate effective communication with patients, families, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Integrate caring behaviors into nursing practice. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Employ professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the delivery of patient care. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Model understanding of the teaching-learning processes. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Participate in a teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Analyze information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the
delivery of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 239 Medical Surgical Nursing III
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to adult patients experiencing actual or the potential for alterations in health. Validates the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Emphasizes the concepts of neurological system disorders, eyes/ears problems, immune system dysfunction and cancer, multiple systems organ failure, and disaster planning. Role transition is addressed and emphasizes leadership, management of care, skill development and professionalism. NSG 239 is the capstone course and must be successfully completed in the final semester of the associate degree nursing program enrollment. (201 KAR 20: 320).
Components: Lecture: 3 credit hours (45 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 3 credit hours (135 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 229 and NSG 211 and BIO 225 with a grade of “C” or better
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 213 with grade of “C” or better and Heritage/Humanities
Implementation: Fall 2019
Course Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Integrate assessment data in the development and implementation of patient centered plans of care for multiple adult and gerontologic patients experiencing actual or potential alterations (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Demonstrate competency in all essential skills and adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Construct a plan utilizing the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for a group of patients. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Employ therapeutic communication techniques with a group of patients, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Synthesize caring behaviors into the management of care for a group of patients. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Incorporate professional behaviors into nursing practice when making decisions and taking actions that are consistent with the standards of nursing practice, self-development and a commitment to professional nursing. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Evaluate teaching-learning processes to assure achievement of positive patient outcomes. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Facilitate a teamwork/collaborative team approach in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Integrate digital literacy with ethical and responsible behaviors to create and evaluate
information to improve the quality and safety of patient care and the life and employability
of graduates. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Nursing
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to the care of childbearing families. Illustrates the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
Components: Lecture: 2 credit hours (30 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 1 credit hour (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 219 and NSG 212 with a grade of “C” or higher, and ENG 101
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 229 and BIO 225 with a grade of “C” or higher.
Implementation: Fall 2019
Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Prioritize assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the childbearing family. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Illustrate safe nursing care while demonstrating competency with previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that are unique to childbearing families and that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care for childbearing families. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication techniques to the care of childbearing families. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Integrate caring behaviors in the care of childbearing families. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Employ professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the care of childbearing families. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Model the teaching- learning process in the care of childbearing families. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Participate in a teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Analyze information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the
delivery of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 212 Behavioral Health Nursing
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to adult patients experiencing actual or potential alterations in mental health. Strengthens the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
Components: Lecture: 2 credit hours (30 contact hours). Laboratory: 1 credit hour (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 101 and BIO 139 with a grade of “C” or higher
Pre- or Co-requisite: NSG 219 with a grade of “C” or higher, and ENG 101
Implementation: Fall 2019
Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Interpret assessment data to develop and implement a patient centered plan of care for the adult and gerontologic patient experiencing actual or potential alterations in mental health. (1A, 3B, 4A)*
- Provide safe nursing care while demonstrating competency with previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Apply the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgment and the management of care of patients with actual or potential alterations in mental health. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)*
- Utilize therapeutic communication techniques with patients, families, significant others and members of the health care team. (1A, 2B, 3C)*
- Translate caring by exhibiting spontaneous caring behaviors in nursing practice. (1A, 2B, 3B)*
- Demonstrate professional behaviors according to the standards of nursing practice in the delivery of patient care and self-improvement. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)*
- Implement teaching-learning processes in the management of patient care. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)*
- Demonstrate teamwork/collaboration with the patient, family, significant others and members of the health care team in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)*
- Apply information technology in an ethical and responsible manner to enhance the delivery
of safe and quality patient care. (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)*
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
NSG 213 Pediatric Nursing
Focuses on the application of the core components of nursing practice to the care of the child and family. Validates the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). (Unsuccessful completion of NSG 213 will require mandatory withdrawal from NSG 239; 201 KAR 20:320)
Components: Lecture: 2 credit hours (30 contact hours). Lab/Clinical: 1 credit hour (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NSG 229 and NSG 211 and BIO 225 with a grade of “C” or better
Co-requisite: NSG 239 or Consent of Instructor.
Pre- or Co-requisite: Heritage/Humanities.
Implementation: Fall 2019
Course Competencies/Student Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:
- Integrate assessment data in the development and implementation of patient centered plans of care for the child and family. (1A, 3B, 4A)
- Demonstrate safe and competent nursing care using previously learned skills and acquiring additional essential skills that are unique to the child and family and that adhere to evidence based critical criteria. (2B, 2C, 3B, 4A)
- Construct a plan utilizing the nursing process as a basis for nursing judgement, and the management of care for the child and family. (1A, 2A, 2C, 3B, 4A)
- Employ therapeutic communication techniques to the care of the child and family. 1A, 2B, 3C)
- Synthesize caring behaviors into the care of the child and family. (1A, 2B, 3B)
- Incorporate professional behaviors, according to the standards of nursing practice, into the care of the child and family. (2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B)
- Evaluate the teaching- learning process in the care of the child and family. (1B, 2A, 4A, 4B)
- Facilitate a teamwork/collaborative team approach in the delivery of safe, quality, cost effective health care. (1A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A)
- Integrate digital literacy with ethical and responsible behaviors to create and evaluate
information to improve the quality and safety in the care of the child and family.
(1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A)
*This indicates which end of program student competency that the course competency reflects.
IV. General Program Policies and Procedures
Students enrolled in the nursing program at ACTC are expected to follow the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct. Provided below is a link to the current code of conduct for review and reference as needed. Due to the specific nature of programs of nursing, students enrolled must follow additional policies and procedures to ensure program efficiency, to provide effective learning environments in a variety of settings, and to promote the safety of students, faculty, and patients. Following are specific program policies and procedures students must adhere to in addition to the KCTCS Code of Conduct.
1. Academic Advising
The Program Coordinator serves as the advisor for students enrolled in the Nursing Program. Students are strongly encouraged to make appointments to discuss academic matters and concerns as they arise. Students should not drop/add courses without the coordinator’s approval.
2. Attendance/Tardy/Extended Absence
This policy was established to help the student establish work habits necessary for a successful career in the nursing profession and to promote academic success. Punctuality and attendance are required for all classes, labs, clinical, and simulation experiences. The faculty recognizes that there may be unavoidable and emergency situations that may result in the student being absent or late. The following will apply when a student must be absent or tardy.
Absence- failure to attend any scheduled class, lab, simulation, clinical, or other required event planned for educational purposes in the nursing program.
Tardy- failure to arrive at the designated start time for any scheduled class, lab, simulation, clinical, or other required event planned for educational purposes in the nursing program.
- Faculty will take attendance for each scheduled course event and document students who are absent or tardy.
- Students should contact the course instructor and the health science administrative assistant when they anticipate being late or absent for a scheduled class, lab, clinical or other required educational event. Messages left on faculty voice mail or via email will be acceptable. Notification at least one hour prior to the beginning of the class, lab, clinical or event is required except in emergency situations. Failure to make proper notification of absence or tardiness will result in implementation of the Progressive Discipline Policy.
- All time missed from scheduled classes, labs, clinical, simulations or other required events, whether deemed to be excused or unexcused will be documented. All required open lab hours must be documented for each nursing course in their entirety prior to the “last day to log lab hours” according to the semester calendar.
- Students must provide supportive documentation related to sny absence or tardy occurrence.
- Work and employment-related activities are not considered an excused absence.
- The following will be considered an excused absence:
- Illness: If an absence is caused by illness, a healthcare provider’s excuse is to be presented to the instructor or program coordinator upon return. Routine medical and dental exams and visits are not considered excused absences. Students are asked to schedule routine or follow-up office visits on their “off day” or before or after class, lab, simulation or clinical. Absences due to ill children require an excuse from the child’s provider. Missed time due to illness without a health provider excuse is considered unexcused.
- Emergency: If a student should be absent due to an emergency or death of a family member or significant other, the absence may be considered excused. The student is asked to provide supporting documentation if available.
- Religious Holidays: An excused absence may be granted for students to observe specific recognized religious holidays.
- Professional Leave: An excused absence may be granted for preapproved professional development.
- After the third occurrence of being tardy or returning late from a scheduled break during one semester of nursing courses, the Progressive Discipline Policy will be implemented by the instructor.
- When a student has 3 absence occurrences during one semester of nursing courses, the student will be referred to the program coordinator for an attendance conference. The coordinator and the student will discuss the attendance issue, review any submitted supporting documentation, and establish an Attendance Improvement Plan.
- One clinical experience per semester may be made up on the designated clinical make-up day if appropriate documentation of an excused absence is provided to the program coordinator. Examples of appropriate documentation includes a medical excuse, court appearance, documented family emergency, or serious illness/death in the immediate family.
- A second missed clinical experience may result in an unsatisfactory grade for the clinical day. Exceptions to missed clinicals may be granted based on the extended absence policy. The faculty will review documentation for the second missed clinical to determine if the clinical may be made up or if the student will receive an unsatisfactory “U” for the day. All clinical hours must be completed prior to issuing final grades in nursing courses.
- Additional absence(s) after an Attendance Improvement Plan has been established will
be evaluated by the program faculty and the program coordinator. Whether absences
are excused or unexcused, the student’s current academic standing in each course will
be considered. The faculty and program coordinator, and as necessary, other college
administrative staff, may recommend one of the following: revision of the Attendance
Improvement Plan, withdraw from the program, implementation of the Progressive Discipline
Policy, or dismissal from the program.
Extended Absence Policy
To be successful in any nursing program, excellent attendance and student engagement in learning activities is critical. Multiple absences, episodes of tardiness, and extended absences often lead to the student being unsuccessful. The ability to make up work for extended absences, while keeping up with current course work can become very difficult to manage for students and faculty alike. For this reason, additional policies are required to ensure students and faculty are provided with a plan to follow when absences, tardiness, or extended absences may occur. The purpose of this policy is to provide faculty and students guidance when students are faced with situations requiring excused extended absence. Included in this policy are guidelines for how missed work and hours due to an excused extended absence can be made up.
Extended absence- any personal situation requiring the student to be absent for a period of 3 days to up to two weeks.
Excused extended absence- Examples of an excused extended absence would include (but are not limited to) the death of an immediate family member (spouse or significant other), surgery, serious illness requiring hospitalization, communicable diseases (such as Covid or Influenza) requiring medical attention and/or quarantine, providing care for an immediate family member, spouse, or significant other with a serious health issue, etc.
- Students who must be absent for more than two weeks due to an extended illness must withdraw from nursing program courses. The student would then follow the policy regarding program readmission. Special consideration for an extended absence lasting longer than two weeks must be reviewed and approved by the program coordinator, all program faculty, and the appropriate college dean.
- A student may have only one extended absence per semester. Additional situations requiring the student to have more than once extended absence per semester, must be reviewed, and approved by the program coordinator and all program faculty.
- Students must provide documentation for the extended absence to the program coordinator, and a medical release should be submitted before returning to school if applicable.
- The student will be required to make up all missed lab and clinical hours. The student should contact the lab and clinical instructor for the course to develop a schedule of when those missed hours and assignments will be made up upon the student’s return. Any skills evaluations missed must be made up before the course final skills evaluation date.
- For missed lectures, the student must meet with the classroom instructor or course leader, to establish how missed lecture content will be obtained. The faculty will use their own discretion as to how missed information, handouts, slides, etc. will be provided to the student. The student should refer to the “class schedule” document, the semester calendar, and the course Blackboard shell for reading assignments, homework assignments, quizzes, etc. The instructor or course leader will prepare a schedule and due dates as to when assignments, quizzes, and exams are to be made up. ALL assignments, quizzes, and exams must be made up prior to sitting for the course final. If equipment is available and the student is able, faculty may allow students on excused extended absence to join class lectures using Blackboard Collaborate or the Teams app. This option will only be available to students with an excused extended absence. This option will not apply for general absences and tardiness.
- Students absent for short periods of time (less than three) should follow the general attendance policy.
3. Progressive Discipline
The progressive discipline policy's goal is to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all students and to promote an environment conducive to learning. The profession of nursing demands professionalism, teamwork and collaboration, and ethical and legal nursing practice. Following rules, regulations, and policies and understanding consequences can result when those are not followed, will contribute to student success in this program and as a licensed professional nurse. This policy will serve as a means of communication between faculty and students and will provide appropriate documentation of incidents.
- Each student will be given either an electronic copy or a hard copy of the ACTC Nursing Student Handbook and will be given the opportunity to review and ask any questions related to its contents. Once all questions have been answered to the student’s satisfaction, an acknowledgement form will be signed indicating the student understands the rules and guidelines contained within.
- The students will have access to the KCTCS Code of Conduct online via the ACTC website. https://policies.kctcs.edu/code-of-conduct/
- Students are expected to follow all rules, guidelines and policies contained in these documents while on campus and while participating in learning activities and events held off-campus.
- This policy will be implemented while the student is enrolled in the program. Any documentation related to this policy will remain in the student’s record permanently and will be carried forward should the student require readmission to the program.
- Any documentation related to this policy contained in the student’s file will be reviewed by the ACTC Nursing Selection Committee when considering a student for readmission to the program.
- When a student violates a rule or policy (depending on the severity of the violation**)
progressive discipline will be implemented as follows:
- 1st Offense
- The student will receive an email from the instructor witnessing, or receiving report of, the offense. Acknowledgement of receiving this email (via an email reply) will be required. The Chief Student Affairs Officer will be notified.
- 2nd Offense
- The student will meet with the instructor regarding the offense. Documentation of the meeting, including instructor observation and student response, will be signed by both parties, and made part of the student’s file. The Chief Student Affairs Officer will be notified. Additional sanctions related to violations of the “student code of conduct” may occur.
- 3rd Offense
- The student will meet with a panel of instructors (no less than three), including
the program coordinator, and provide documentation of reasons the student behavior
may have been justified. Faculty will decide if this constitutes reasonable defense
of the student behavior.
- If faculty vote that it does not, student will be removed from the nursing program immediately.
- If faculty vote that the excuse justifies the behavior, student will remain in the program with the stipulation that additional offenses may constitute removal from the program.
- The Chief Student Affairs officer will be notified. Additional sanctions related to violations of the “student code of conduct” may occur.
- The student will meet with a panel of instructors (no less than three), including
the program coordinator, and provide documentation of reasons the student behavior
may have been justified. Faculty will decide if this constitutes reasonable defense
of the student behavior.
- **Serious violations or violations of certain rules or polices, can result in immediate dismissal from the program. Examples include causing physical or emotional harm to a client, fellow student, or faculty member, academic dishonesty, etc.
- 1st Offense
4. Grievances
KCTCS, ACTC, and faculty in the nursing program strive to provide a safe, fair environment in which students can learn and are assessed fairly. If after attempting to remedy issues that may arise while in the nursing program, a student continues to feel they have been treated or evaluated unfairly, they are encouraged to file a formal grievance so that a formal resolution can be achieved.
Grievance- A formal complaint filed by a student after attempts for resolution of an issue have been unsuccessful and the student continues to believe their academic rights according to the KCTCS Student Rights policy have been violated or they have been treated or evaluated unfairly based on the KCTCS Student Rights policy.
- Students who have issues or concerns regarding nursing program policies and procedures, or feel that their student rights have been violated, should contact the nursing program administrator. Students who have questions related to the KCTCS Code of Conduct should contact the Chief Student Affairs Officer first. When a student believes they have been treated or evaluated unfairly they should do the following:
- Schedule a meeting with the appropriate instructor to discuss the issue or concern.
- If the meeting does not result in satisfactory resolution of the issue, schedule a meeting with the program coordinator.
- If the student then feels resolution efforts are not satisfactory, schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean of Health Sciences.
- The Chief Academic Officer or the Chief Student Affairs Officer, if the issue remains unresolved, will then give the student instructions on filing a formal grievance.
5. Emergency Response Plan
Emergency on Campus
If a student or nursing department employee has an emergency while on campus, the following should be implemented:
- Call 911 if appropriate (AED, first aid kits, and Stop the Bleed kits are available at the security desk on the 2nd floor of the main building at the College Drive Campus).
- Contact ACTC security.
- Obtain student or employee file to obtain emergency contact information and attempt to contact the person(s) listed. This information may be found in PeopleSoft or a hard copy file in the Nursing Department Records Room (#463D).
- Notify the nursing program coordinator of the incident.
- Complete and submit a KCTCS incident report.
- Follow-up with student or employee and obtain medical release to return to school or work.
Emergency off-campus (at clinical site):
If a student or nursing department employee has an emergency while off campus, the following should be implemented:
- Call 911 if appropriate. If the incident occurs in the clinical setting, activate the emergency response system per facility protocol.
- Call 606-326-2000, ask to be connected to the Health Science Division Department Assistant or nursing program coordinator’s office. Request the student or employee’s emergency contact information and attempt to contact the person(s) listed. This information may be found in PeopleSoft or a hard copy file in the Nursing Department Records Room (#463D).
- Notify appropriate program coordinator of incident.
- Complete and submit a KCTCS incident report.
- Follow-up with student or employee and obtain medical release to return to school or work.
- Students and nursing department employees should update their emergency contact information
on file at ACTC annually and whenever their contact information should change. Students
and nursing department employees are encouraged to provide their immediate family
members or other members of their support system with the following numbers, in the
event the student or nursing department employee needs to be reached in an emergency.
- ACTC main operator: 606-326-2000
- Health Science Administrative Assistant- Jessica Slone 606-326-2086
- Nursing Program Administrator- Terri Ratliff 606-326-2465
- Assistant Nursing Program Administrator – Melissa Green 606-326-2087
Students are encouraged to have personal healthcare insurance, as they are responsible for their own expenses incurred because of illness or injury sustained during educational activities.
6. Confidentiality of Patient Information
Maintaining confidentiality of patient information acquired from being in the clinical area is required. Divulging such information could result in legal charges of slander or libel, in addition to being a break in the ethical nature of nursing practice. Documented occurrences of failure to maintain confidentiality could result in unsatisfactory evaluation and dismissal from the nursing program. Students must maintain confidentiality of client information according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This includes all written, verbal, or any form of information contained on any type of electronic device. Cameras and recording devices are not permissible in the patient care areas.
7. Transportation
Students are responsible for their own transportation to classes and off-campus class or clinical experiences. Placement in specific clinical settings or lab groups cannot be guaranteed. Students may request a trade of lab or clinical group by having both parties submit a written request to the instructor. Again, accommodation of such request cannot be guaranteed.
8. Chemical Impairment
When a nursing student reports for learning experiences (class, lab, simulation, or clinical) and is determined by the instructor to be unsafe to perform required responsibilities in those areas, the following protocol should be followed:
At the Time of the Occurrence
- The faculty member will make a written notation of the behavior and the
- physical appearance, such as-flushed face, red or bleary eyes, unsteady gait, slurred speech, diaphoresis, tremors and excessive restlessness;
- behavior changes such as- extreme and rapid mood swings, increased irritability with peers and others, loud, inappropriate talk, laughter or gestures, and dramatic change in personal grooming; and
- performance changes such as- sleeping, the inability to focus on the topic at hand, etc.
- The faculty member should report the incident to the Nursing Coordinator.
- If it is determined that the student is unsafe, the faculty member should:
- Terminate the student's classroom, lab, simulation, or clinical assignment Immediately.
- Inform the student that their inability to practice/learn safely requires that they be dismissed from the classroom, lab or clinical site immediately.
- Make arrangements for the student to be taken home by family or friends; note name of person designated to drive student home.
- Notify facility or campus security and appropriate administrative staff of the incident and complete any required incident reports.
On return to campus the faculty member involved will:
- Complete an anecdotal record of the incident in detail. Discuss with the Nursing Coordinator. All parties must maintain strict confidentiality.
- Schedule a conference including the student, instructor, and the nursing coordinator.
- Confront the student with the factual account of the incident. Share inference that the question of substance abuse is suspected.
- Allow student to express his/her account of the incident on a written anecdotal record form.
- Inform the student of faculty's desire to assist with the suspected substance abuse problem and provide the student with phone numbers and names for local help sources.
- Inform the student that KCTCS and the community college identify on-campus alcohol and drug use as punishable offenses, and that further instance of unsafe behaviors will be documented and may result in the student being unsuccessful in the enrolled course. Review the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct with the student.
9. Dress Code
Students should consider that appropriate, professional dress is considered for employment in healthcare settings. The student should desire to always present themselves appropriately and professionally in the classroom, lab, simulation, and clinical setting. Dress or appearance that interferes with the learning environment will not be permitted. Students are encouraged to practice good personal hygiene as well, as this is required when providing care for clients in the healthcare setting and will also promote wellness and aid in preventing some forms of illness and disease. All students must follow the following dress code:
- A selected program uniform is to be purchased through the college bookstore. The ACTC Nursing program patch must be securely attached to lab coats and scrub tops on the upper left sleeve. These can also be purchased in the college bookstore.
- An ACTC student nurse ID badge, a stethoscope, and a pen light will be required for use in the skills lab and clinical setting.
- Uniforms must be clean and wrinkle-free. Uniforms should fit properly for functionality and professionalism.
- Shoes must be mostly white nursing shoes (may be athletic type) and must be kept clean. Open-toed, open-heeled or shoes with holes or mesh will not be permitted.
- Students’ hair must be kept clean and secured to prevent it falling forward during patient care. Head covers or headbands must be solid white or solid royal blue. Beards and/or moustaches must be neatly trimmed.
- Nails must be kept clean, and the length even with tips of the fingers. All types of nail polish and artificial nails are prohibited.
- Jewelry is limited to a flat surfaced wedding band, watch, and a single pair of small posts may be worn by those with pierced ears in the ear lobe. No other visible body jewelry (including tongue jewelry and other piercings) is permitted. Tattoos or body art will be required to be covered during the clinical experience. Coverings for tattoos and body art must be skin color, nude, or white.
- Only natural hair colors (black, brown, blonde, natural red, natural gray) will be permitted in the clinical setting. The student must meet the dress code requirements of clinical facilities.
- Perfumes/aftershaves must not be used during clinical experiences, as they are harmful for clients who have allergies and other respiratory problems.
- Chewing gum is not allowed on the clinical units.
- Identification badges are required at the clinical agency to which the student is assigned for clinical experience. The badge must be worn in the lapel area with the picture always showing when you are in the assigned institution. This is the law in Kentucky. Badges must be returned to the clinical instructor at the end of each semester if applicable or at the end of the program.
- If the student is permitted to wear “business casual” dress to a clinical experience or when representing the ACTC Nursing Program, the student must wear the designated program lab coat. Business casual dress includes slacks, dress pants or skirts of appropriate length. Jeans or shorts are not permitted. T-shirts or halter tops are not permitted. Students must always wear their ACTC Nursing ID as well as agency badge (if the agency requires a specific badge to that facility).
- A lab coat and/or scrubs of any color and style are to be worn when logged in for skills lab. Halter tops are not permitted in the lab. Shorts, if worn, should be at the mid-thigh or longer.
- The full program uniform and following the dress code for clinical experiences is required for simulation and final skills evaluations.
10. Tobacco Use
Tobacco use of any kind is not permitted on ACTC campuses or at affiliated healthcare agencies. Students are not allowed any type of tobacco use during the clinical experience due to sensitivity of respiratory clients to the odor that lingers on hair and clothing. Students are prohibited from using other smoking devices (vape) and other tobacco containing materials (smokeless tobacco). Students who choose not to comply with the tobacco use policy will be dismissed from clinical and evaluated accordingly and the Progressive Discipline Policy will be followed.
11. Program Progression
To enter a nursing course, a student must complete all prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better and meet all program admission requirements. Courses that are required to be taken concurrently with a nursing course must be successfully completed in the semester or biterm in which they are required for the student to remain in the program. A grade of “C” or higher is required to pass all nursing courses. Students receiving a grade below “C” in these courses will not be permitted to continue in the nursing program.
If a student receives a grade of D or lower in the course, the student is considered unsuccessful. If the student is unsuccessful in the clinical, lab, or simulation component of a nursing course, the student will be considered unsuccessful and issued a grade of “D.” If a student withdraws from a nursing course, they must withdraw from all concurrent nursing courses in that semester. Students wishing to re-enter a nursing program must meet all admission requirements and follow the readmission policy.
12. Program Completion
Students must successfully complete all general education and technical courses in the appropriate sequence listed in the approved nursing curriculum for successful completion of the nursing program and must meet all graduation requirements listed in the ACTC graduation packet. Students must complete a graduation application packet in the last semester of the nursing program. This packet must be obtained from the Admissions/Registrar’s office or website. The packet must be completed in its entirety for the student to receive the appropriate credential from the college. Students must successfully complete the integrated 120-hour practicum, which is required by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, and they must purchase and complete an NCLEX preparation course in the last semester of the program. Once the student has met these completion requirements, their name will be submitted to the state board of nursing’s certified list so that they may apply and test for a nursing license. Students are encouraged to participate in the college graduation ceremony and the program pinning ceremony upon completion of the program. If students choose to participate in these celebratory events, they are expected to comply with guidelines and rules for each.
13. Pinning Ceremony Information and Guidelines
The pinning ceremony for graduates of an ACTC nursing program is a celebration of student accomplishment and a traditional initiation into the profession of nursing. The ceremony for graduates is hosted by nursing faculty and members of administration at ACTC. The Pinning Ceremony is modeled from the ceremony in the 1860’s when Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, was awarded the Red Cross of St. George in recognition for her service during the Crimean War. During the pinning ceremony faculty officially ‘pin’ students by placing a school pin on their lapel and offer words of congratulations for achieving the extraordinary accomplishment of completing the nursing program at ACTC. The pinning ceremony includes faculty and graduates reciting the Nightingale Pledge which serves as a means for the graduate and faculty to commit to providing care with compassion, high standards, and respect for the patient and the profession. A candle lighting takes place to commemorate Florence Nightingale, “the lady with the lamp,” and her commitment to the profession and the soldiers she served during the Crimean War. The candle lighting also symbolizes graduates carrying what they have learned from faculty during their time in the program into their own practice as future nurses.
Guidelines for ACTC’s Nursing Pinning Ceremony
- The graduates must wear an all-white uniform and white shoes for the ceremony. Wearing a nursing cap is optional and will be provided for those who wish to wear one. Graduates who arrive out of the required uniform will not be permitted to participate.
- Graduates must purchase an ACTC program of nursing pin for the ceremony. The pin must be purchased through the school bookstore. Other pins purchased by the student will not be used during the pinning ceremony.
- Nursing faculty from ACTC will plan, organize, and set up the pinning ceremony and provide a ceremony program for guests and graduates.
- A member of the ACTC nursing faculty, voted by the graduating cohort, will pin all graduates during the ceremony.
- Students will attend a short pinning practice before the ceremony.
- A guest speaker for the ceremony will be voted for
- by graduates. The guest speaker selected will be approved by the college administration.
- The class valedictorian will be invited to speak and lead the class in the Nightingale Pledge.
- The class chaplain will be invited to offer a benediction.
- A student representative speaker, selected by the class of graduates, will speak on behalf of the graduating class.
- An entrance and exit song will be selected by the class of graduates and approved by the college administration.
- Graduates are encouraged to bring a photo or personal item(s) to be placed on a memory table dedicated to family members or friends of graduates who have passed on, so that in this way they may be a part of this special ceremony.
- Guests will not be permitted on stage during the ceremony but are welcome to move forward to photograph graduates as they are pinned.
14. Readmission to Program
To be considered for readmission to the nursing program:
- The student must submit a letter to the program coordinator that expresses the desire to be readmitted.
- The student must meet current admission requirements.
- The student must have support letters from two previous nursing instructors; one must be clinical, and one must be didactic.
- The student must demonstrate competency in the course immediately preceding the course in which the student was unsuccessful. This will be evidenced by the student achieving an acceptable set score on a standardized examination assessing knowledge of content from the preceding course. Students may take the standardized exam one time. If the student does not demonstrate competency by obtaining the acceptable set score, they can reapply to the nursing program during the next application cycle. Fees for testing will be at the student’s expense. Once posted to the student’s account, fees are non-refundable.
- The student must draw two nursing skills and perform them with 100% accuracy from a pool of skills learned up to the point where the student was unsuccessful. If the student is successful on the standardized exam and the skills evaluation, the student will be admitted into the semester in which he/she was unsuccessful. If the student is unsuccessful in any portion of the readmission process; he/she will be given the option to reapply to the first semester courses during the next application cycle.
- Students unsuccessful in first semester courses should resubmit an application as a new student during the next application cycle.
15. Recommendation for Employment
Students should expect to spend at least two hours of study per week for each hour spent in the classroom. Additionally, preparation is required for simulation and clinical learning experiences. A certain number of hours spent in the skills lab is required for most nursing courses, as well. A weekly schedule, which maps out class, lab, practice, and study time, can assist students in managing their time effectively. Incorporating outside work hours into such a time-intensive educational experience is not always easy. Students are encouraged to consider these factors when making employment decisions while enrolled in the nursing program.
The college is not responsible for students working in a health care agency unless the student’s activities are part of a scheduled nursing course clinical experience.
Employment responsibilities are not considered acceptable excuses for a student’s inability to meet any curricular requirements and is not considered an excused absence.
16. Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
The student is expected to adhere to the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct concerning academic honesty. Confirmed cheating and plagiarism will result in failure of a nursing course and thereby dismissal from the nursing program. Instructors trust that all students will be honest when writing examinations and/or other assignments. This includes, but is not limited to, wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information or material by a student with the intent of aiding another student with any academic work which is considered in the determination of the student’s grade. Anyone found violating this policy will automatically receive a grade of “E” for the course. PLAGIARISM (reproducing someone’s work, whether it be a published article, chapter of a book, a paper from a friend or some file) and CHEATING (wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information or material) will not be tolerated. Refer to the KCTCS CODE of STUDENT CONDUCT for a complete description of offenses and sanctions for academic offenses.
17. Letters of Recommendation
Students desiring letters of recommendation from faculty must make their requests in writing. If a recommendation or reference is needed for employment, no information can be given to prospective employers over the phone. Please direct prospective employers to send the appropriate forms directly to faculty so your signed release can be seen prior to release of any information.
V. Student Records/Clinical Requirements
Upon being selected for the nursing program, students will be required to attend a mandatory new student orientation. During this orientation, students will be provided with a list of required documents. Students may be required to purchase (out of pocket fees) recordkeeping compliance programs (for example, My Clinical Exchange and/or CastleBranch). Compliance must be maintained during each semester of the nursing program. In compliance with contractual agreements between the nursing program and healthcare facilities providing sites for clinical experiences, students must maintain current records. These requirements and records include, but are not limited to, a current CPR certification, testing for tuberculosis, proof of purchase of liability insurance, background checks and drug screens, various vaccination records, titers, and other such forms. Student records will be kept confidential and kept on site for no longer than five years. Students failing to remain compliant with requirements related to student records throughout the program will not be permitted to attend clinical. The absence will be considered unexcused, and the student will receive a grade of unsatisfactory for the clinical experience.
VI. Classroom/Lecture
Each nursing course consists of a lecture component, which takes place in the classroom setting or online. The faculty plan a variety of learning activities for each class to accommodate various learning styles. The student is expected to actively participate in classroom activities during each scheduled class. The student will be provided with a course syllabus, course schedule, and calendar during the first day of class for each course explaining how the student will be evaluated, expectations for the course, supplies required for the course, etc. Students will sign an acknowledgement form indicating that they have been given the syllabus and an opportunity to ask questions and that they understand the policies and guidelines included. To create a sense of consistency throughout the program, the following classroom guidelines have been established.
To pass a nursing course in the associate degree nursing program, the student must achieve EACH of the following:
- Obtain 80% of the points possible, AND
- Achieve an average of 80% on all course exams (this includes unit exams, pharmacology exams, and the course comprehensive final exam), AND
- Successfully complete the skills, clinical and simulation component of the course.
Proctored examinations will be given and include multiple choice questions and other test item formats to assess student learning. The instructor will determine the number of exams to be given throughout the course.
Grading Scale
The grading scale for the program is as follows:
- 92 - 100 A
- 84 - 91 B
- 80 - 83 C
- 70 - 79 D
- 0 – 69 E
Grades in the course will not be rounded up, including the overall final course grade. For example, this means a 77.99 is not considered passing and grade of 83.99 is considered a C, etc.
Students scoring less than 80% on any exam should make an appointment with the course instructor and the nursing student retention specialist. Any student who has a cumulative course grade of less than 80% should make an appointment with the program coordinator to discuss concerns and plans for improvements. Students will periodically receive notification from Starfish about academic progress in each course.
Exam Preparation Activities (EPAs) and other assignments will be given throughout the course and may include group work, presentations, discussion boards, written work, case studies, drawings, etc. The course instructor will determine the number of points, if any, these learning activities will be worth. These activities will be designed to help the student learn or review content from each unit and to help them achieve success on unit and final exams.
Late Assignments
Nursing faculty create course assignments to enhance student learning. Assignments may or may not be allotted points in the course. Some assignments are considered “course requirements” and some are graded as pass/fail. Assignments must be completed by the designated due date and time. Assignments with points allotted that are submitted late will result in a grade of ZERO but may still be required to be submitted prior to the last day of course work for the semester. Work uploaded to Blackboard or emailed to an instructor that includes written work or attached documents or links that are not viewable by the instructor will not be accepted and will result in a grade of ZERO. Students are encouraged to submit work prior to the given deadline to allow time for the student to ensure documents, links and written work submitted are viewable. Please use the Blackboard Learn Help for Students feature as needed to learn how to submit work correctly. Faculty will consider documentation submitted by the student related to reasons for missed assignments in emergency or unusual situations. Faculty will determine if the late work will be accepted and how the work may be graded. Students approved for an extended absence should refer to the extended absence policy regarding assignments due dates and times.
Test Review
Immediately following computerized unit exams/quizzes, students are given time to review missed items.
- Students will be provided with a test review form to complete after they finish their exam.
- Prior to exiting the testing area, the student must show the exam proctor the test review form, in addition to any other scrap paper utilized during the exam.
- Faculty will complete a detailed item analysis following each exam and adjust test items as deemed necessary based on the item analysis. Students will be made aware of which items were adjusted and the rationale for the adjustment.
- The student will have 48 hours after completion of the exam to submit a written request for a test item review. The request should include the rationale for the request and text pages related to the specific test item in question.
- The faculty will review the request, discuss, and decide if the item requires adjustment. The student will be notified of the determination.
- Exam grades will be returned to the student no later than one week after exam completion (except in institutional closings or faculty emergency). Students will have access to their exam scores once posted in Blackboard and may contact the instructor with questions concerning exam grades.
- Once exam grades are posted in Blackboard, the grades are considered final. Faculty will not make further adjustments to exams or exam scores once the exam grade is posted in Blackboard.
Exam Remediation Policy
Remediation definition – The process by which a student improves or corrects a knowledge deficit.
The remediation process is designed to promote success of students achieving learning outcomes.
Following each exam, students will be provided an opportunity for remediation.
- Immediately following an exam, students who miss one or more items will briefly summarize the item missed on the approved test review form provided by the exam proctor.
- Students will then research items missed using the appropriate textbook(s)/resources for the course.
- To complete the remediation process, students will upload a picture of their test review form(s) in the appropriate section of the course shell in Blackboard. Then, students will submit their research on each missed item. Work might include writing a short paragraph, drawing a picture, or making a table, etc. to show understanding of the missed item.
- Each item missed must be referenced with a page number from a program textbook/resource identifying where the information was found. Internet references will not be accepted.
- Students will upload remediation assignments to the appropriate Blackboard course shell by the due date and time provided by the course instructor to receive points for the remediation assignment.
- Students who misplace their test review form(s) will be given an alternate remediation assignment. The alternate remediation assignment is due by the date provided by the instructor.
- Students neglecting to upload all remediation assignments prior to the final exam by the given due date and time will not be permitted to sit for the final exam.
- A student who does not complete remediation prior to the final exam will be given the opportunity to upload remediation later. The student will then be permitted to take an alternate format make-up final exam.
- A student who does not submit remediation assignments by the due date prior to the alternate format makeup final exam will not be permitted to sit for that exam and will receive a grade of zero for the course final.
Standardized Exams
Some courses in the nursing program use standardized exams to assess student learning and to provide opportunities for remediation. Standardized exams are not written by nursing faculty at ACTC and are used for practice and remediation purposes only. A student’s score on standardized exams is not included in the points distribution for the course and will not determine if the student passes or fails a course or progresses in the program or to graduation. Students will be required to take standardized exams and complete the remediation assignment following the exam by the given due date and time to receive points. This assignment, like other remediation assignments, must be submitted prior to sitting for the final exam for the course.
Late or Missed Exams/Quizzes
If a student must be absent on the day of a proctored exam or quiz, the student must notify the instructor AND the program coordinator (see contact information) at least 24 hours prior (except in emergency situations). Students are not permitted to enter the testing area once an in-person exam/quiz has started. If a student is late or absent for an exam/quiz, the student must submit a request to the course instructor to sit for the make-up exam/quiz. Students who are late or absent must submit documentation of an acceptable excuse (See Attendance/Tardy Policy) with their request to take the make-up exam/quiz. Students who are late or absent and do NOT have acceptable excuse documentation must explain their tardiness or absence with their request to take the make-up. Nursing faculty will vote to determine if the student should be permitted to take the make-up exam/quiz. If the nursing faculty vote that the student is not permitted to sit for the make-up, the student will receive a grade of zero. There are two (2) scheduled exam make-up days per semester. All missed exams and quizzes must be made up on the scheduled make-up days. All missed exams must be made up before the final exam date for the course. The student will not sit for the course final exam until all unit exams are completed. Make-up exams and quizzes will be written and administered using an alternate assessment format and varied points distribution.
Rules for the Classroom
Students are expected to abide by the following rules in the classroom/online setting. Violating the KCTCS Code of Conduct or any of the following rules can result in disciplinary action (See Progressive Discipline Policy).
- Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct as established by KCTCS and ACTC.
- Classroom attendance is required. It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance roster each day and each time the roster is circulated in the classroom by the instructor.
- Students are expected to actively participate in classroom learning activities and are encouraged to ask questions and/or make comments to enhance learning.
- Students are permitted to have cell phones in the classroom, but they must be silenced and used only for educational activities. In an emergency, the student is asked to step out of the classroom to take urgent calls or text messages. Casual use of the cell phone for texting, social media, etc. will not be permitted. If a student’s cell phone is heard during an exam/quiz, the student will be asked to leave the testing area and will meet with the program coordinator to discuss the incident and how, or if, the exam will be made-up. Cameras and recording devices are not to be used in the classroom without the instructor's permission.
- The student must arrive to class and exams on time. Once the instructor begins the class or the exam, the door will be locked, and late students will not be permitted to enter. If the student is going to be late, he/she must notify the instructor AND the program coordinator. The student can enter the classroom after the next break. Students who are late for exams will not be permitted to enter the testing area (see the Late or Missed Exams/Quizzes Policy). Students are expected to arrive to class prepared. This includes having completed any pre-class assignments and having all needed materials for the day (i.e., textbooks, note-taking items, etc.).
- During exams, all personal items are placed in a designated classroom area.
- Any form of academic dishonesty (cheating and/or plagiarism) will not be tolerated. (See KCTCS Code of Conduct).
- Students are expected to return from breaks on time. The classroom door will be locked once class resumes, and the student will not be permitted to enter the classroom until after the next break.
- Behaviors that are considered disruptive to the learning environment will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to personal discussions with other students during lecture, dominating class time with multiple comments or questions, using cell phones for non-educational purposes, sleeping during class, exhibiting disrespectful or harassing behaviors towards other students or the instructor, refusing to participate in classroom learning activities, misuse of classroom materials and/or equipment, being under the influence, etc. If these or other disruptive behaviors are noted, the student will be asked to leave the classroom and will receive the appropriate disciplinary action. (See Progressive Discipline Policy).
- Students are expected to return materials and equipment belonging to the nursing department
at the end of class and dispose of any trash in the appropriate containers provided.
VII. Clinical
Clinical experiences will be offered to the student under the supervision of a clinical instructor so that the student may learn to care for clients of various ages with a variety of health needs, in a variety of care settings. Students will utilize the human caring phenomena, the nursing process and safety in caring for clients while applying the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and skills lab. Students must prove competency in performing skills for each course before performing those skills in the clinical setting with the instructor. Clinical objectives are created for each clinical experience to help the student meet course objectives.
Evaluation of clinical performance will be based on the student’s ability to meet the clinical objectives, demonstrate professionalism, and plan and provide safe, competent, patient-centered care.
- The student will receive feedback weekly from their clinical instructor and a summative clinical evaluation at the course's completion.
- The student must score 80% or higher on established criteria for their clinical performance each week to be considered satisfactory in the first year of the nursing program. A score of 83% or higher is required in the second year of the program for successful completion of clinical and practicum.
- If the student scores below the required score, their performance will be considered unsatisfactory (U).
- If the student receives unsatisfactory (U) twice during clinical for a course, they will fail the clinical component of the course and thus, the course.
- Students should review their instructor feedback weekly and make improvements throughout accordingly. The student is encouraged to meet with the clinical/and or course instructor if they are having difficulty in clinical or if they have unsatisfactory clinical performance.
- Violation of clinical rules (see below) can result in an automatic “U” for a clinical performance.
- Students will receive a score of zero for any clinical assignments/work submitted after the given due date and time.
- A final clinical evaluation will be provided for the last week of clinical in the course summarizing the student’s overall performance. A grade of 80% or higher on the summative clinical evaluation is required for passing clinical in the first year of the program and 83% is required in the second year. Failure to obtain the required score on the final clinical evaluation will result in the student failing the course. The course instructor, with input from the clinical instructor, will make the final determination of the student passing or failing the course's clinical component.
Rules for Clinical
Because of the nature of providing care to clients in the clinical setting, students are expected to adhere to a variety of policies, procedures, rules, and guidelines set forth by the nursing program, KCTCS, the KY Board of Nursing and the facilities in which clinical experiences take place.
Violating the KCTCS Code of Conduct, regulations set forth by the KY Board of Nursing and the Nurse Practice Act, clinical site facility policy, or any of the following rules can result in disciplinary action (See Progressive Discipline Policy), as well as the student receiving a “U” for that clinical experience. If the violation is severe, the student will be dismissed from the program.
- Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct as established by KCTCS and ACTC.
- In compliance with contractual agreements with healthcare facilities providing sites for clinical experiences, students must consent to a criminal background check and drug screen. The fees for both are the student's responsibility, and students will be informed during new student orientation of the manner in the background check and drug screens should be obtained. Results will be made available to the program coordinator and the clinical coordinator and will remain confidential. If findings on the background check or a positive drug screen are discovered, the findings (without including the student’s name) will be reviewed by the nursing faculty, ACTC administration, a representative of the healthcare facility where the student is to attend clinical, and/or the legal department at ACTC, so that approval may be given before the student is permitted to attend clinical. If the student is denied the opportunity to attend clinical based on their background check or drug screen results, the program of nursing is not required to create an alternative clinical experience. If the student cannot complete the clinical component of the course due to the inability to be placed at a clinical site because of the results of the background check or drug screen, the student will be permitted to withdraw from the course.
- Clinical assignments are created by the program coordinator, clinical coordinator, and the course instructor. Consideration of students’ personal schedules and needs cannot be considered when making clinical group and rotation assignments as it is impossible to make those accommodations for all students. Students may be offered the opportunity to trade assignments with other students IF approved by the clinical coordinator, course instructor, or program coordinator.
- Attendance in clinical is required by all students (See Attendance/Tardy policy). The student is responsible for signing the attendance roster each day.
- CELL PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN PATIENT CARE AREAS. If the student brings a cell phone to clinical, it must be silenced and kept in the break or conference room area. Students are not to have their cell phones on their person in patient care areas. If used for emergency or educational purposes in the break or conference room area, the student must ask permission of the clinical instructor.
- The student is required to always adhere to the program and/or facility dress code (See Dress Code). ACTC Nursing ID and agency ID badges, if provided, must be worn at all times while in the clinical facility.
- Students are not permitted to smoke, vape, or use other tobacco products during the clinical experience due to the sensitivity of respiratory clients. Smoking during clinical can be considered putting the client in physical jeopardy.
- All required immunization records, TB skin testing or CXR results, a current healthcare provider CPR card, active liability insurance and a current background check and drug screen must be maintained on file before the student will permitted to attend clinical. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO ENSURE THESE RECORDS ARE CURRENT AND ON FILE.
- Some facilities may require a fee for the clinical experience. Failure to pay the fee by the due date, and failure to submit records by the due date will prohibit the student from attending the clinical experience. The student will receive a “U” for the clinical day.
- The student must arrive to the clinical site on time. If the student is to be tardy, the student must notify the clinical instructor AND the program coordinator at least one hour prior to the start of the clinical experience (except in the case of an emergency). Students who are late for clinical may be asked to leave the clinical site and will be required to make up any lost clinical time.
- The nursing program reserves the right to dismiss a student whose clinical performance for any nursing course is deemed unsafe as characterized by dangerous, inappropriate, irresponsible, or unethical behavior that actually or potentially places the student, a fellow student, faculty member, client, client’s family members or health team members in jeopardy.
- In addition to complying with program guidelines, the student must practice within the parameters of the KY Nurse Practice Act and comply with the policies and procedures of the health care agencies.
- Students must arrive prepared for the clinical day. Students must bring required materials which may include forms, textbooks, note pads, pen, equipment for assessments, etc. and must have completed all pre-clinical assignments. The instructor will advise the student of which assignments must be completed and what equipment and/or materials he/she should bring to the clinical setting.
- Failure to accept a clinical assignment or refusal to care for an assigned client based on client characteristics such as race, culture, religious beliefs, or diagnosis will not be tolerated.
- Acts of omission or commission in the care of clients such physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse, medication errors or placing the client in a hazardous position, condition, or circumstance can result in dismissal from the program.
- Disruption of client care or unit functioning related to poor interpersonal relationships with the agency health team members, peers or faculty will not be tolerated.
- Any behavior that violates professional qualities such as a violation of client confidentiality or solicitation of client services leading to personal gain will not be tolerated.
- Students must comply with the chemical impairment policy.
- Students must comply with privacy and confidentiality policies and laws including the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This includes never copying client records or writing the clients name on any clinical paperwork, discussing client related issues in public areas, or disclosing client information via social media outlets. It is recommended that students do NOT discuss issues related to clinical experiences on social media, even if the client or healthcare team member’s name is not included.
- Students who are unable to complete a nursing skill safely and successfully in the clinical setting under the supervision of the clinical instructor will be given a campus lab referral and will be required to complete remediation and must perform a successful skills evaluation prior to performing that skill again in the clinical setting. The skills lab instructor will be notified of the referral and will contact the clinical instructor when the student has demonstrated competence related to the skill.
- The student may only perform certain nursing skills in the presence of a clinical instructor or with another licensed nurse when delegated by the clinical instructor. However, the student is liable and responsible for their own practice and performance of skills in the clinical setting. The student is responsible for informing their clinical instructor of which skills they have successfully passed in skills lab before performing the skill in clinical.
- Students violating any of the above rules related to clinical, or those who violate
the student Code of Conduct or agency policies/ procedures, or laws will be receive
disciplinary action (See Progressive Discipline Policy) and/or asked to leave the
clinical setting and depending on the severity of the violation, dismissed from the
program. If facility staff dismisses a student from attending clinical due to inappropriate
behavior or violation of a facility rule or policy, that student will not be permitted
to complete the clinical component of the course, and therefore fail the course.
VIII. Skills Laboratory
To offer our students flexibility and to encourage effective time management skills,
responsibility, and accountability, the ACTC nursing department offers an open lab/self-scheduling
concept. Most nursing courses in the curriculum include a laboratory component. The
skills lab provides instruction and resources which help the student master various
nursing skills related to the course and the course objectives. The skills lab component
of the course provides instructional videos and reading material for each skill, a
resource library, medical supplies, and equipment, as well as practice mannequins.
Instructor-guided practice is provided. Following instruction and practice, students
are then evaluated on their ability to perform each skill independently and safely.
Once the student passes a skills evaluation, they may then perform the skill in the
clinical setting with their clinical instructor. To protect clients from harm and
in accordance with appropriate nursing delegation, the student may NOT perform skills
in the clinical setting until they have learned the skill and proven competency in
their ability to perform the skill safely in the skills lab. The student may only
perform certain skills in the presence of a clinical instructor or with another licensed
nurse when delegated by the clinical instructor. However, the student is liable and
responsible for their own practice and performance of skills in the clinical setting.
The student is responsible for informing their clinical instructor of which skills
they have successfully passed in skills lab before performing the skill in clinical.
Depending on the type of skill the student is learning, instruction and evaluation
may be completed using alternative methods. The course and/or lab instructor will
inform students how skill instruction and evaluation will be completed in the course.
At the end of the course, after the student has successfully performed each skill,
the student will participate in a final skills evaluation. This evaluation will consist
of an in-person skills check-off of a randomly selected skill (or skills) from the
list of skills taught in the course. The student is expected to correctly perform
skills learned previously in the program during final skills evaluations. Participating
in final skills evaluation is a program requirement and the student must pass the
evaluation to be considered successful in the course.
- Students will be advised of the number of skills lab hours they must log for each course and a calendar will be provided online, as well as posted in the skills lab, informing students of when skills labs will be open or closed. This calendar is subject to change but will only be modified in emergency situations, and students will be notified as soon as possible. In the event of institutional closing, online/virtual option for logging lab time may be offered based on the length of time the college may be closed. If the student does not log the number of required skills lab hours by the designated date at the end of the course, the student will be considered unsuccessful in the lab component of the course, and thus the course.
- Upon arriving at the skills lab, the student must clock in and sign in. TIME SPENT IN THE SKILLS LAB WILL ONLY BE COUNTED IF THE STUDENT LOGS IN BEFORE WORKING IN THE LAB AND LOGS OUT WHEN LEAVING. If the student forgets to log in or out, that time will NOT be counted in their total logged lab hours for the course.
- After logging in, the student must check in with the lab instructor on duty to report which skill(s) they will be working on and receive assignments given by the instructor.
- Students must wear their ACTC nursing ID badge when in the skills lab. If the student does not have their ID, they will not be permitted to work in the lab. Students must be signed in to work in the lab for one specific course at a time. If students wish to log time for more than one course, they must log out of one course and log into another course. The student must log out of the skills lab if they wish to take a lunch break. Only restroom breaks are permitted without logging out of the lab.
- The following may be counted in students’ logged lab time:
- Video videos, reading lab assignments, or practicing med math at designated spaces in the skills lab only. Doing this work outside of the skills lab will NOT count as logged lab hours.
- Practicing skills in the skills labs. Practice outside of the skills lab will NOT count as logged lab hours.
- Faculty will designate a certain number of lab hours for final skills evaluations.
- Two hours will be deducted from the students’ required lab time for shooting each skills video. Therefore, recording skills videos during lab time is NOT counted in the students logged lab time.
- The faculty member serving as the course leader and the lab coordinator will plan and oversee instruction and evaluation of skills for the course. The course leader and the lab coordinator will ensure reading assignments, demonstration videos, skills sheets containing critical criteria for each skill, and the evaluation tool help guide the student to successfully meet the course objectives. These will be available to the student in the classroom or uploaded to the Blackboard course shell.
- The student is responsible for reading and viewing all instructional materials provided prior to practicing the skill and as often as needed. The student is responsible for practicing each skill until they feel they have mastered the skill. The student should consult with the course leader, clinical coordinator and/or lab instructors when they feel they need clarification or assistance. Once the student feels they have mastered the skill, they should then attempt to record their performance video or prepare for evaluation.
- Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct as established by KCTCS and ACTC.
- Only nursing students, faculty and staff are allowed in the skills labs.
- Students must purchase a lab kit and other required lab resources from the campus bookstore. The student should bring instructional materials and items for the skill they are practicing from their kit to the skills lab and scheduled skills evaluations.
- Falsifying, or attempting to falsify, skills lab hours is considered academic dishonesty and may result in dismissal from the nursing program.
- Students are permitted to have cell phones in the skills lab, but they must be silenced and used ONLY for educational activities. In an emergency, the student is asked to step out of the lab to take any urgent calls or text messages. Casual use of the cell phone for texting, social media, etc. will not be permitted.
- Behaviors that are considered disruptive to the learning environment will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, loafing, or socializing in the skills lab, creating excessive noise in the lab, using cellphones for non-educational purposes, sleeping, exhibiting disrespectful or harassing behaviors towards other students or skills lab instructors and staff, refusing to participate in skills lab activities, misuse of lab materials and/or equipment, being under the influence, eating in the skills lab, etc. If these behaviors are noted, the student will be asked to leave the lab and will receive appropriate disciplinary action (See Progressive Discipline Policy).
- Students are expected to actively participate in skills lab learning activities and use lab time to learn and practice skills. Students are expected to exhibit professional collaboration and teamwork with fellow students and skills lab instructors and staff when working in the skills lab.
- Students are expected to return materials and equipment belonging to the nursing department and dispose of any trash in the appropriate containers provided. Sharps and any hazardous materials must be properly handled and disposed of.
- Eating and/or drinking, except for a water bottle with a lid, is prohibited in the skills lab.
- Hair style, jewelry and clothing must not interfere with the safe and sanitary performance of nursing skills. A professional nursing appearance is expected in the skills lab (see Dress Code Policy).
- Open-toed, open-heeled or shoes with holes will not be worn in the skills lab.
- A lab coat or scrubs (scrub pants and a t-shirt are permitted) and the ACTC nursing student ID are required when attending skills lab.
- Students will be assigned skills to perform in recorded videos for evaluation of competency. Students will be informed of the skills they must perform in a video and the designated due date and time. Instructions will be provided regarding how and where a link to their video performance and documentation should be submitted.
The following guidelines are to be followed by the student when filming skills performance videos:
- The student will select a quiet area to film skills videos. Time spent recording videos should NOT be logged as two hours has already been accounted for with each skills video to be submitted.
- No audiovisual prompts such as books, papers, posters, etc. are permitted in the filming area and no one is permitted to prompt or speak to the student while the skills performance is recorded.
- The student must record their skill from beginning to end without stopping or restarting the camera. If this is noted or suspected the student will be referred and asked to perform the skill in person and may receive progressive discipline if deemed necessary by faculty. (See Progressive Discipline Policy).
- The student may record multiple times until they are satisfied with their performance/video. If the student makes mistakes while shooting the skills video, the student should start the recording over.
- ONLY ONE video of the skill will be accepted for evaluation. STUDENTS SHOULD VIEW THEIR OWN VIDEO WHILE FOLLOWING THE SKILL CHECK SHEET WITH CRITICAL CRITERIA HIGHLIGHTED TO ENSURE THEY PERFORMED THE SKILL CORRECTLY AND THAT THE VIDEO IS VIEWABLE. Unviewable videos or errors in performance cannot be corrected once the video is submitted for evaluation.
- The student must submit appropriate nursing documentation with each skill. Videos submitted without documentation will result in the student being referred for the skill even if the skill was performed correctly.
- While performing the skill, practice mannequins (or other equipment) and/or volunteers are considered the patient, and all procedures should be performed as if they are being performed on a live patient. Therapeutic communication should be observed.
- The student and other video participants MUST exhibit professional behavior throughout the video. If this rule is not followed the video will not be accepted for evaluation and the student will be referred. Examples of unprofessional behavior may include laughing or making inappropriate comments during a video, being dressed inappropriately, etc. Only people involved in the skill being performed should be seen in the video. Pets should not be used or viewed in submitted skills videos.
- When recording videos for evaluation, students MUST wear a set of neat, clean, and wrinkle-free healthcare scrubs OR their school nursing uniform. Videos in which the student is wearing street clothes or is inappropriately dressed will not be accepted and the student will be referred. Hair must be off the collar, and the student’s attire should not interfere with the safe and sanitary performance of the skill.
- Volunteers participating in skills videos must be appropriately clothed and demonstrate appropriate behavior throughout the video.
- Students should only use needles, IV catheters, tubes, liquids, and other supplies on mannequins or simulated equipment provided. These supplies are packaged for educational purposes only and are not safe to use on humans or animals.
Skills Evaluation
During a skills evaluation, the student must perform the skill correctly, safely, within an appropriate time frame, and demonstrate all critical criteria for the skill listed on the skills sheet provided. Students will be provided with a copy of a skills sheet listing critical criteria for the skill, as well as evaluation forms faculty will use to determine if the student passed or failed a skill. Most skills will be evaluated by the instructor viewing a video the student has recorded of themselves performing the skill. Other evaluation methods may also be used depending on the skill. At the end of the course, once the student has passed each skills evaluation required, the student will participate in a final skills evaluation. The student will perform a randomly selected skill or skills from the course(s) during an in-person evaluation. The student will receive feedback about the skill performance to enhance their learning experience. Participation in final skills evaluation is a course requirement.
- Students must perform each skill in the order listed on their semester calendar. Late submissions of video skills will not be accepted. A late video will be considered an unsuccessful attempt to pass the skill and the student will be referred for remediation and reevaluation. Students may submit videos BEFORE the designated due dates but must successfully pass skills in the order designated on the semester calendar when providing early video submissions.
- Students may be assigned a skills video or an in-person skill evaluation. The student will be scheduled for a skills evaluation by the lab instructor and will be expected to safely perform the skill according to the criteria listed on the skills sheet. Due dates will be posted on the semester calendar.
- During an in-person skills evaluation the student must perform the skill correctly, safely, and within an appropriate time frame and perform all critical criteria for the skill. The student be permitted to start over ONE TIME during any in-person skills assessment.
- If the student cannot demonstrate competency of a skill during the first skills evaluation, whether in a recorded video or in person, they must remediate, then schedule and complete an in-person skills evaluation.
- Students who do not perform a skills evaluation successfully must log AN ADDITIONAL two hours of lab time which should be spent remediating over the referred skill. The student should notify the lab instructor on duty when logging remediation hours and request assistance from the lab instructor on duty while completing remediation work.
- A course instructor and one other nursing instructor will view the student’s second in-person attempt and determine if the student performed the skill successfully.
- If the student cannot demonstrate competency in performing the skill on the second
attempt in-person, they will be considered unsuccessful in the lab component of the
course and unsuccessful in the course.
IX. Simulation
Simulation experiences are designed to give students exposure and practice in a variety of scenarios across the lifespan which may be encountered in healthcare facilities. Low to high fidelity simulation experiences provided in the nursing department for nursing students at ACTC may be used as a learning tool to meet course and program outcomes, for evaluation of student knowledge and skill, and to take the place of live clinical experiences in healthcare facilities for various courses when those experiences (after all efforts to obtain have been exhausted) are unavailable.
- Faculty and students will be provided with the most current simulation policy and procedures for the nursing program.
- At least one nursing faculty member, with appropriate training in simulation, will serve as the coordinator of simulation experiences. All faculty members who use simulation experiences in courses they teach will participate in simulation training. Evidence of simulation training will be documented and placed in the faculty file located in the program coordinator’s office.
- The National League for Nursing (NLN) Simulation Template will be used to develop simulation experiences for designated courses. Simulations will be developed with consideration of the program mission, vision, and philosophy, and support achievement of the course and end of program student learning outcomes.
- Simulation experiences may take place in the classroom, online, in the laboratory setting, or in the designated simulation lab.
- Students will participate in orientation to the simulation program, the simulation lab, and technology and equipment used. Safety protocols such as sharps safety, medication safety, MSDS information, physiological safety, and equipment safety are included in simulation orientation.
- The simulation coordinator and course lead shall meet prior to the beginning of each course to determine the need for and nature of simulation experiences for the course and work together to design new or revise previously developed simulations to be used to ensure the experience relates to course content and supports student achievement of course and program outcomes.
- Students will be notified of the date, time, purpose, and nature of the simulation experience.
- Students will sign a confidentiality statement regarding the content of each simulation experience and the performance of other students during simulations in which team nursing is simulated.
- Students are required to complete all assignments related to the simulation experience including pre-simulation readings, viewing of videos, etc. by the designated due date and time.
- Students will be provided with pre-briefing of the simulation, which will include explanation of their role and responsibilities, necessary information/report on the simulated client and situation, and the objectives of the simulation experience.
- Adequate, effective, and safe nursing/medical simulation equipment and supplies will be purchased and maintained for simulation experiences. The simulation coordinator will be responsible for requesting supplies and maintenance of simulation equipment and materials.
- If the simulation experience is used for evaluation of students’ skill and/or knowledge, a simulation evaluation tool will be used. The tool may be modified to meet the evaluation needs of each simulation experience.
- Students and faculty are to behave and communicate professionally during simulation experiences as they would in a live clinical experience.
- Appropriate attire for the simulation will be announced prior to the experience.
- Immediately after the simulation, a debriefing session, using The Diamond Debriefing Model, will be held. Students, facilitated by faculty, will discuss objectives, outcomes, have questions answered, and reflect on their performance and feelings related to the simulation experience.
- Students will complete documentation requirements as assigned for the simulation.
- Students will be provided with the appropriate feedback of their performance following the simulation using a standard rubric. Faculty may require a post-simulation meeting with individual students to discuss that student’s performance as necessary.
- Students will complete an evaluation of each simulation experience. Responses will be reviewed and used for quality improvement. Items regarding the simulation program will be included in the student’s evaluation of the course.
- If a simulation experience requires outside participation from actors, volunteers, other college students, etc., those participants will be asked to sign a confidentiality statement.
- Students are expected to follow the lab/clinical guidelines in the student handbook
during all simulation experiences.
• When simulation experiences are used to replace live, in-person clinical hours for a course, time will be counted as follows: one hour of work in simulated experiences will be equal to up to, and no more than, 2 hours of in-person clinical. - Students must pass EACH simulation scenario to be considered successful in the course. Students who are graded as unsuccessful for a simulation scenario will be required to remediate with the simulation instructor and schedule an additional simulation lab experience. The student must be evaluated as successful on the second simulation experience to be considered successful in the course.
NLN Template (revised 2019) https://www.studocu.com/en-us/document/florida-national-university/nursing/simulation-design-template-2019/12021330
INASCL Standards of Best Practice https://www.inacsl.org/healthcare-simulation-standards
Pre-briefing Checklist http://www.nln.org/sirc/sirc-resources/sirc-tools-and-tips#simtemplate.
Debriefing Theory Model Debriefing with Good Judgment: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19088574/
Simulation Effectiveness Evaluation Tool https://www.inacsl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=108:repository-of-instruments&catid=20:site-content&Itemid=149
X. ACTC Student Policies and Procedures
For financial aid or transfer purposes, a student is considered a freshman with less than 29 credits; a sophomore with 30 to 59 credits, and junior with 60 to 89 credits.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a United States federal law that governs access of American citizens’ educational and informational records. The U.S. federal law gives students 18 years of age or older, or students of any age if enrolled in any post-secondary educational institution, the right of privacy regarding grades, enrollment, and even billing information, unless the school has specific permission from the student to share that specific type of information.
Maintaining Records: Students must notify the registrar when there are changes in name, address, email, or telephone number. All communications will be mailed to the address or email address on file. In addition, graduates who move or change their name are encouraged to notify the registrar and alumni office.
The registrar maintains transcripts, the complete record of academic achievement. All records are maintained in a secure and confidential manner. In order to safeguard privacy, requests for transcripts must be made in writing or electronically to the registrar or admission office.
All students are encouraged to complete a program of study at KCTCS and to consider transferring to a bachelor’s degree program to further their academic and career goals. The AA and AS degrees include a substantial amount of general education courses and are designed to accommodate transfer. KCTCS has developed several transfer agreements to help students completing AA, AS, and AAS programs transfer to bachelor’s degree programs. Information about transferring can be found at https://ashland.kctcs.edu/transfer/
To withdraw from a class or completely withdraw from the college, the student follows the appropriate steps delineated on the KCTCS website:
- Complete the Withdraw/Drop Request in Student Self-Service. Instructions for requesting a drop or withdraw can be found here.
- After mid-term, the student must have instructor permission to withdraw from a class. Instructors will be notified of the request once they submit the online form.
- If students receive financial aid (grants, scholarships, or loans) and withdraw from all courses, this can result in repayment of financial aid received. If the student has questions about how this may affect financial aid; the student should consult the Financial aid office before submitting a request.
The student will be responsible for all financial delinquencies which result from failure to complete the withdrawal process by the dates established in the Academic calendar. If the student is enrolled in an online class through a KCTCS college other than ACTC, that college's academic calendar may be different. Students must check the course syllabus or contact the instructor to confirm those dates. If a student stops attending and does not officially withdraw from a class, the student will receive a failing grade.
Academic Probation: A student earning a cumulative grade point average below a 2.0 at the end of a term shall be placed on academic probation. A student shall be removed from academic probation by earning at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
Academic Suspension (Dismissal): If a student is placed on academic probation for two consecutive terms (which is noted on the transcript as subject to dismissal the second time) and does not earn either a cumulative GPA or a term GPA of at least a 2.0 in the third term, the student shall be academically suspended. Non-enrollment has no effect on probation status. The president (or designee) may grant an exception based upon an individual’s case. A student on academic suspension may not enroll in courses which count toward a KCTCS degree.
Reinstatement: A student who has been academically suspended may be reinstated by the president (or designee) after remaining out of the college for at least one 16-week semester and providing evidence of ability to perform at the level required. A student who has been academically suspended shall, upon reinstatement, be placed on academic probation and be subject to academic suspension if the student has failed to earn a current term GPA of 2.0 during the first term of reinstatement. Upon a second suspension, a student may be reinstated by the president (or designee) after remaining out of the college for at least two 16-week semesters and providing evidence of ability to perform at the level required.
The student is expected to adhere to the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct concerning academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism may result in failure of a nursing course and thereby dismissal from the nursing program. Instructors trust that all students will be honest when writing examinations and/or other assignments. This honesty policy includes, but is not limited to, wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information or material by a student with the intent of aiding himself/herself or another on any academic work which is considered in the determination of the student’s grade. Anyone found violating this trust will automatically receive a grade of “E” for the course. PLAGIARISM (reproducing someone’s work, whether it be a published article, chapter of a book, a paper from a friend or some file) and CHEATING (wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information or material) will not be tolerated.
KCTCS Academic Offenses:
Plagiarism is the act of presenting ideas, words, or organization of a source, published or not, as if they were one’s own. All quoted material must be in quotation marks, and all paraphrases, quotations, significant ideas, and organization must be acknowledged by some form of documentation acceptable to the instructor for the course. Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise the work that a student submits as the student’s own. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with an instructor or tutor, but when the actual material is completed, it must be done by the student and the student alone. The use of the term “material” refers to work in any form including written, oral, and electronic. All academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by a student to an instructor or other academic supervisor, and is expected to be the result of the student’s own thought, research, or self-expression. In any case in which a student feels unsure about a question of plagiarism involving the student’s work, the student must consult the instructor before submitting the work.
Cheating includes buying, stealing, or otherwise obtaining unauthorized copies of examinations or assignments to improve one’s academic standing. During examinations or in-class work, cheating includes having unauthorized information, and/or referring to unauthorized notes or other written or electronic information. In addition, copying from others, either during examinations or in the preparation of homework assignments, is a form of cheating.
Anyone who knowingly assists in any form of academic dishonesty shall be considered as guilty as the student who accepts such assistance. Students should not allow their work to be copied or otherwise used by fellow students, nor should they sell or give unauthorized copies of examinations to other students.
The misuse or actual or attempted falsification, theft, misrepresentation, or other alteration of any official academic record of the college is a serious academic offense. As used in this context, “academic record” includes all paper and electronic versions of the partial or complete academic record.
Students enrolled in a nursing program at ACTC should be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Information regarding rights and responsibilities for students at ACTC can be found here.
When a student believes they have a valid grievance related to academic rights, he/she should refer to the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct online at: Student code of conduct for sections related to “academic rights”, “Discipline for academic honesty violations”, and steps related to “behavioral/non-academic issues”, among others. For questions related to the code of conduct contact the Chief Student Affairs Officer.
Ashland Community & Technical College recognizes its leadership role in promoting and maintaining a tobacco-free environment. A majority of faculty, staff, and students do not smoke or use tobacco products; tobacco use is objectionable to many non-tobacco users. A recent report issued by the United States Surgeon General concluded that there is no acceptable level of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke. Therefore, in conjunction with its efforts to educate students, faculty, staff and the community about the importance of health and safety, Ashland Community & Technical College is a tobacco-free institution. Enforcing a tobacco-free policy is possible because the College places value on individual responsibility and leadership. As such, every member of the Ashland Community & Technical College community shares equally in the responsibility for adhering to and respectfully enforcing the tobacco-free policy
The Program Coordinator serves as the advisor for students enrolled in the Nursing Program. Students must view or attend a pre-admission advising conference before being enrolled in nursing courses. Students are encouraged to make appointments to discuss academic matters and concerns as needed. Students should not drop/add courses without the coordinator’s approval. Students should be aware of the course pre-requisites, general education courses and nursing courses required to complete the AAS credential. Students should ensure these courses are taken in the appropriate sequence.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any student with a documented disability or any student who becomes pregnant while in the nursing program which may require special accommodations should self-identify to the instructor as early as possible to receive effective and timely accommodation. Please see the ACTC Disabilities Coordinator located at the College Drive Campus or obtain contact information from the program coordinator or a course instructor.
The Ashland Community & Technical College Security Department / Office of Boyd County Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to ACTC is located in Room 210 on the College Drive Campus (Main Building).
ACTC Office of Security is to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone on all our campuses. Please use the contact information to report any suspicious activity. In case of an emergency, call 911 immediately, then contact the ACTC Office of Security when it is safe to do so.
Contact Security by Mail: Ashland Community & Technical College, Security Department, 1400 College Drive, Ashland, KY 41101
Contact Security by Email: as_security@kctcs.edu or by cell phone or text message: 606-922-4470
The Ashland Community & Technical College Security Department provides assistance to all students, faculty, staff and visitors in cases such as vehicle trouble, reporting criminal activity or accidents and giving directions. If you have any other problems, other than these listed, please call 606-326-2000 and ask for security at your specific campus. This department can only provide these services to persons while they are on Ashland Community & Technical College campus.
This department is for security monitoring, reporting and assisting students, faculty, staff and visitors. Our security department is responsible for issuing parking tickets for individuals who do not have valid parking permits, park in fire lanes, block entrances or exits or parked in any other unauthorized areas on Ashland Community & Technical College's property.
This department does not conduct criminal investigations; only provides security service for Ashland Community & Technical College. All criminal investigations and collision reports are handled by the Boyd County Sheriff’s Deputy on duty unless he is unable to respond to the incident, in which case the appropriate law enforcement department would be notified to respond to the call.
The security department works closely with local fire departments, Ashland Police Department, Boyd County Sheriff's Department and the Kentucky State Police. This department will ask for or provide additional assistance to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The security department also maintains a close working relationship with our maintenance department and other key personnel of the college to help maintain a safe and secure campus.
Student Government Association (SGA) The SGA provides a representative body that voices the needs, opinions and wishes of the student body. In addition, SGA supports a well-balanced program of activities for the student body and provides opportunities for leadership development.
For information on student organizations and activities, contact the Chief Student Affairs Officer.
Ashland Community and Technical College is dedicated to providing students with a high quality, affordable education. We offer a variety of student financial aid programs including federal and state grants, work-study employment, loans, and scholarships. Students can find the most up to date and recent information about each of these programs by visiting the financial aid webpage at https://ashland.kctcs.edu/affording-college/
Starfish is used as an early intervention system for students who get into academic difficulty during a semester. If a student is not succeeding in a class, the instructor will raise a flag on the student, which is followed up on by the Academic Advising Center. The Academic Advising Center will contact the student to discuss the problem and find ways to address it. Intervention strategies include referrals to Student Support Services including tutoring, individual counseling sessions concerning organizational skills and time management, or referrals to the Computer Access Center for computer-assisted instruction in basic skills or study skills, and other appropriate referrals. For questions/information, call the Academic Advising Center.
Ashland Community and Technical College participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. Loans made through this program are referred to as Direct Loans, because eligible students and parents borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education. ACTC abides by the Code of Conduct for Education Loans.
Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) to be eligible to borrow
a student loan. The maximum amount of loans you can borrow is determined by 1) how
many credit hours you have completed, 2) whether you are a dependent or independent
student, as determined by the FAFSA, and 3) your Cost of Attendance at ACTC.
ACTC offers the following types of Direct Loans. Depending on your financial need,
you may be eligible to receive a combination of the following loans. However, the
borrower must not exceed the annual loan limits set forth by the U.S. Department of
All loans borrowed will be submitted to the National student loans (NSLDS). Students can access their loan information, as well as, keep track of how much they have borrowed on the website. The information on this website will also be accessible by loan guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.
Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan
Subsidized loans are available to students who demonstrate financial need. The U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on a subsidized loan while the borrower is enrolled at least half-time and during the loan grace period. The amount of subsidized loan you borrow cannot exceed your financial need. Repayment begins 6 months after 1) you drop below half-time, 2) leave school, or 3) graduate, whichever happens earlier.
Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan
The borrower is responsible for paying the interest that accrues on an unsubsidized loan from the time the loan is disbursed, and until the loan is paid in full. The borrower can pay the interest while in school or can allow the interest to accrue and have the interest added to the principal amount of the loan. If the borrower chooses not to pay the interest while in school, this will increase the total amount of loan that the borrower will have to repay because it will be charged interest on a higher principal amount. Repayment begins 6 months after 1) you drop below half-time, 2) leave school, or 3) graduate, whichever happens earlier.
Direct PLUS Loan
Parents of dependent students can borrow from the PLUS loan program. Loan funds are borrowed from the U.S. Department of Education. The dependent student must complete a current FAFSA in order to determine eligibility. A PLUS loan applicant must not have an adverse credit history, as a credit check will be conducted. A PLUS loan is borrowed in the parent's name (unlike Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans) and repayment begins 60 days after the final disbursement of the loan has been made.
Information regarding loans, grants and general financial aid information can be found at https://ashland.kctcs.edu/affording-college/paying-for-college/loans/
According to federal financial aid regulations, the Office of Financial Aid is required to recalculate a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid funds when the student receives all failing grades or withdraws (grades of E, F, and/or W) during the semester. This may happen when a student unofficially or officially withdraws or is unsuccessful in all his/her classes. A portion of the total amount of federal aid disbursed to the student must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. If you are unsuccessful in your course(s) or withdraw, the Financial Aid Office will calculate the percentage of aid that must be returned. The college will notify you of the earned and unearned aid. The unearned aid will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education by the college. You will need to repay the college for the returned aid. Unpaid accounts will be referred to the Kentucky Department of Revenue for collection which will have added fees. Please contact the ACTC Cashier’s Office for payment options.
Barnes and Noble Bookstores have entered into a long-term agreement with the Kentucky Community & Technical College System. For hours and book information, contact the bookstore at: (606) 326-2014, or (606) 326-2214.
The Center in the Goodpaster Building at the College Drive Campus has an open student computer lab and incorporates the former Math Lab and Writing/Reading Center. Students may come on their own or on an instructor’s recommendation for individual computer assistance in any subject area.
Joseph and Sylvia Mansbach Library on the second floor of the Learning Resource Center at the College Drive Campus, is a research library and computer information center that supports student courses and research. The library has over 40,000 volumes, 1,000 videotapes, and 380 periodical subscriptions. On-line resources include Voyager—a KCTCS library database and catalog, periodical indexes and general information resources. A computer study area has computers for student use. Librarians are available to assist students with research and computer searching. The library is the U.S. Government Documents Depository Library for the Fourth Congressional District. Special collections include the Ashworth Collection for Learning Disabilities, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center resources for teachers, Ashland Area Labor-Management Council Training Resource Collection, Jesse Stuart and Jean Thomas materials. For on-line resources and additional information, see the web site at: http://www.ashland.kctcs.edu/library/ or call 326-2169. The college also maintains a Technical Library at the Technology Drive Campus.
This federally funded program is designed to support and assist students who are facing academic and personal challenges. Tutorial services are available as well as academic, career, transfer and supportive counseling. Students in this program also can take advantage of informative workshops and activities. All services are free to those students who qualify as low-income or first-generation college students or who have a physical, learning or emotional disability. For more information, visit the Student Support Services office at our College Drive Campus.