Streaming Video | ACTC

Streaming Video

BBC Literary Adaptations in Video

A treasure trove of BBC productions of famous literary works, many that were buried in the BBC archive for the past few decades. From Dickens to Shakespeare, from Chekhov to Arthur Miller, from Jane Austen to Mary Shelley, a great breadth of works is included. In addition to actual performances, the collection includes titles like Face to Face where actors and directors discuss their craft.

Film Platform Collection

An innovative collaboration between leading filmmakers and film distributors from around the world bringing the finest documentary films to an academic audience. This global selection of films includes many Oscar nominated documentaries and film festival winners.

Art and Architecture in Video

Art and Architecture in Video offers documentaries and interviews illustrating the theory and practice of a variety of art forms and providing the context necessary for critical analysis. The collection spans period and region, including coverage of the Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Modern, and Contemporary art. In addition to art history and theory, the collection addresses applied topics such as architectural and graphic design.

Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection

Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection, Volumes I and II present the most important dramatic masterpieces and contemporary plays from the archive of the nation’s premiere radio theatre company. The plays, which include some of the most significant dramatic literature of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, showcase leading actors from around the world recorded with state-of-art sound technology.