The TLC For Students Has Launched | ACTC

The TLC For Students Has Launched

The Training and Learning Center (TLC) for students went live today, as well as from MyPath. Using a familiar tile-based interface, similar to MyPath, you can navigate to the technology solutions that you use the most and get training and learning resources for those systems.

The TLC is your one-stop shop to find information and assistance for all the systems and solutions you use every day. From Blackboard eLearning tips and training, to best practices, to help with other systems such as Microsoft Office 365 tools, you can get help fast. You’ll be able to: 

  • Find and understand best practices using our most common technology systems, including:
    • Blackboard eLearning
    • in PeopleSoft
    • Microsoft Office 365, including downloading and installing the software
  • Log in easily, even through MyPath

Who couldn’t use a little more TLC, huh?  Now you’ve got it!