Add Drop an Online Class
Adding a Class
To add an online class, if you have been granted self-enroll permission by your advisor please go to your Student Self-Service, otherwise you will need to contact an advisor.
Dropping a Class
During the Fall and Spring semesters students who have been granted self-enroll permission can drop an online class before the semester begins and during the first three days of classes by using their Student Self-Service. For other terms or sessions, consult the academic calendar for that term or session.
For ACTC (Ashland) students:
Students can withdraw from an online class before midterm by sending an email, including your Name, student ID #, and course information, to us at AS_Admissions@kctcs.edu
To withdraw from an online class after midterm, students must receive permission from their instructor. Students must forward that permission along with their name, student ID #, and course information to us at AS_Admissions@kctcs.edu. Email must be received before the close of business on the Last Day of Classes. To find out the last day of classes, consult the academic calendar for your term or session.
For non-Ashland students from another KCTCS Home Campus:
Students can withdraw from an online class before midterm by sending an email with their name, student ID #, and course information to their Home Campus Registrar's Office.
To withdraw from an online class after midterm, students must receive permission from their instructor. Students must forward that permission to their Home Campus Registrar's Office along with their name, student ID #, and course information.
Registrar's name and phone number Admissions and Records/ Registrar