High School Dual Credit Student | ACTC

High School Dual Credit Student


Want to earn college credit while you’re still in high school? Options are available at local high schools, online, and on ACTC’s campuses.

The first step in considering your dual credit options is talking to your guidance counselor at your high school.  Homeschool students should contact AS_DUALCREDIT@kctcs.edu.

About Dual Credit

The dual-credit program gives you both high school and college credit for general education classes taken while you’re still a junior or senior in high school. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to take career and technical courses.  

Examples of general education courses include English, history, math, and science courses.  Examples of career and technical courses include welding, electrical, business, and certified nurse aide courses.

Information on dual credit costs, eligibility, scholarships, and much more

Steps to becoming an ACTC Dual Credit Student

  1. Get your guidance counselor’s approval for ACTC dual credit courses.
  2. Apply to be an ACTC student (see specific instructions below).
  3. Sign up for the Dual Credit Remind account for notifications which require action on your part. Details for Remind are provided by guidance counselors.
  4. Your guidance counselor will have a site (like a Google site), social media, or email to communicate the latest updates on your dual credit courses and actions you need to take.  It is your responsibility as a college student to check this regularly, however your counselor chooses to communicate with dual credit students at your high school.  Homeschool students refer to information provided by Vicki McGinnis at time of course registration.

How to Apply

Below you will find detailed directions for applying to ACTC

  • Please take your time and do not rush. It’s easy for your curser to slip on a drop-down menu and end up selecting the wrong college or semester.  This causes delays for you in enrollment.
  • Check each screen for errors before you go on to the next one.
  • Save each screen if you have the option.  

You will need the following before you start the application:

  • Your high school email address. Do not use a personal email address.
  • You will need to retrieve and enter the verification code that will be sent to this email address prior to starting the application.
  • Your Social Security number - do not guess! Make sure you are certain of the number you type in the application.
  • You should receive 2 numbers at the end-- an ID and a reference number. Take a photo and make note of the ID number --you will need it for the next step and in the future.  

Troubleshooting: What to do if you only receive a reference number at the end of application

  • If you only receive a reference number at the end, write it down.
  • Use your high school email to send this reference number, your name, and high school in an email to AS_DUALCREDIT@kctcs.edu and copy your guidance counselor. You must use your high school email address.  ACTC cannot send FERPA protected information to personal email addresses.
  • Someone at ACTC will help you retrieve your KCTCS ID number for your course registration.  You need a KCTCS ID number to request your courses.  

Start your application

  • Use this link to begin your application—please follow the helpful tips below to avoid common application errors. Start Application Here
  • Enter your high school email address and click “Send Verification Code.”
  • A verification code will be sent to the email address entered.
  • You will need to enter the verification code to start the application or retrieve a saved application. You may request a code to be sent at any time.
  • If you already have a verification code you do not need to request a new one - the code is valid for 24 hours. Save this code in case you need to return to the application.
  • Next, retrieve and enter the verification code.
  • Click the green “Start Application” button to begin.
  • Select Ashland Community and Technical College as your home college and campus.
  • Enter your personal data in the Applicant Information section (if you take a while trying to find your SSN or other information, you may be kicked out of the application and required to start again)
  • Create Account (This account is only used for access to the application).
  • The email address you used for the verification code should automatically populate.
  • Select a hint question from the pull-down menu and type your answer.
  • Click Create Account
  • Confirm your Personal Information and click Next.
  • Enter Additional Information, Citizenship, and Ethnicity.
  • When do you plan to start taking classes? Fall 2022
  • Are you currently enrolled in high school or home school?
  • If so, when will you graduate from high school? May 20__ (The year you graduate)
  • High School State: KY (click on the full state name when it loads.)
  • High School Name: Begin typing your high school's name, wait for the full high school's name to load and click on it; then, click: Add This School
  • Complete Residency Determination.
  • Confirm your information is correct and SUBMIT.
  • The last page displays your KCTCS ID Number. Be sure to keep this information; print the page or take a picture.
  • You must have a valid KCTCS student ID number to enroll in classes.  See above information if you only get a reference number.