Pre-registration and assessment is required in order to enroll in either of the classes by calling 606-326-2457.
College and Career Ready Class
The Boyd County Adult Education Skills U Program is offering a free College and Career Readiness class. Adult Education students who join this class will explore career interests, create a resume, do job searches and complete practice applications, gain job interview skills, and learn how to be a good employee and team member. They will prepare for the National Career Readiness Certificate and the Kentucky Career Readiness Certificate and take the assessments to earn them. Additionally, they will leave the class at the end of the six weeks with a portfolio of helpful resources. For more information, call 606-326-2457.
Critical Thinking Class
The process of critical thinking involves acquiring information and evaluating it to reach a well-justified conclusion or answer...thinking for yourself means evaluating what you read. Skilled readers do more than locate main ideas and details or understand the organization and hidden meaning of a story. Good readers also question what they read. They know that just because something is in print doesn't necessarily make it true. This class will help you to improve your critical thinking skills.
Grammar and Writing Classes
These two classes are for those who would like to feel more confident in their writing ability and grammar skills. The content of the classes assist in the personal satisfaction of learning to organize and write in an organized concise manner...sentence structure, paragraph and essay construction. Skills taught include those necessary for passing the GED test, becoming better prepared for the workplace, preparing for passing the GED test, becoming better prepared for the workplace, preparing for college writing classes and learning the overall writing process. Grammar class instruction entails the correct usage of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.
Math Class
Adults who would like to improve their basic math skills for college preparation or attain a GED, for employment reasons, to assist their children with homework, or just personally want to improve their math skills can take a six-week math class at ACTC's Adult Education Center. The curriculum content will be comprehensive covering a variety of math areas: fractions, decimals, percentages, proportions, probability, geometry, pre-algebra, algebra, slope, graphing, etc. In addition to the math class a math lab is available.
Reading Skills/Comprehension Class
Reading/reading comprehension classes are also offered in an ongoing basis by appointment. Contact the Learning Center for more details at 606-326-2437.