Box Office and Theatre Policies
Ticket Sales
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the production. Reserved seats will not be sold.
J. B. Sowards Theatre Policies
Performances begin promptly at the advertised times. Late arrivals will be held in
the lobby and seated at the discretion of the house manager. Those needing to leave
their seat during the performance will be re-seated at the discretion of the house
Copyright laws governing live stage productions prohibit broadcasting, videotaping or audio taping theatre performances. For the safety of the performers, photographic pictures are also prohibited. Violators of these policies will be asked to leave the theatre.
Cell Phones
Cell phone usage, including texting, is strictly prohibited during all performances. Audiences are to silence all cell phones during performances. Cell phones are wireless communication devices that can interrupt the wireless sound equipment used by the theatre. If you may receive important calls during a performance, please put your phone on vibrate and leave the theatre before returning the call. Violators of these policies will be asked to leave the theatre.
Live theatre productions are very sensitive to the responses of the audience. Any inappropriate sound from the audience can destroy the atmosphere of a play. We ask that parents consider carefully the nature of the play they wish to attend and whether their child can sit quietly through the entire production. Young people are encouraged to attend and your consideration in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the audience and performers.
Strollers cannot be brought into the theatre due to safety concerns.
For questions about the Theater, contact Steve Flouhouse, Interim Chief Academic Officer, at Steve.Flouhouse@kctcs.edu.