Parking Violations
Parking violations are as follows:
State and City Violations
- Handicap space without permit - $50.00 payable to the City of Ashland
- Parking in fire lane - $25.00 payable to the City of Ashland
Ashland Community & Technical College Violations
- Parking in no parking area/space
- Parking within yellow lines
- Parking in designated or assigned spaces
- Blocking driveway or access
- Blocking other vehicles
- Parking in two spaces
All ACTC fines are $10.00 and towing will be in effect.
Please Note: Parking along the access road to the Goodpastor building on the College Drive campus is prohibited, with the exception of deliveries and emergency vehicles. Violators are subject to towing at the owner's expense.
Penalties for Non-payment
Students who do not pay fines will have their records tagged and will be towed when on any of Ashland Community & Technical College parking lots. Faculty and staff will lose their privilege of parking in the served parking area. Community members will lose their access privilege to the Kinder College designated drop off area.