Dual Credit Course Drop/Add Dates
Drop/Add Dates for Spring 2021 ACTC Dual Credit Courses
SOC 101, PSY 110, ART 100, MUS 100, COM 181, ENG 102, POL 101
Rose Hill BIO 120/121, Rose Hill ENG 102
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Friday, November 13
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Wednesday, January 13th
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday January 22nd
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by ACTC faculty AFTER Jan 22 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition costs.
Elliott MAT 150
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Sunday, January 3
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Friday, Jan 8th
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday, January 15
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by high school faculty AFTER Jan 15 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition costs.
Russell ATC courses
Carter Career Center courses
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Friday, Jan 8th
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Friday, January 15th
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday, January 22nd
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by high school faculty AFTER Jan 22 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition costs.
Blazer BAS 120
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Sunday, January 17th
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Friday, January 22
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday, January 29
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by high school faculty AFTER Jan 29 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition costs.
Boyd HIS 109
Greenup HIS 109
Fairview MAT 150, MAT 155
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Sunday, January 24
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Friday, January 29
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday, February 5
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by high school faculty AFTER Feb 5 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition costs.
Boyd Career Center courses
Greenup ATC courses
Last day to apply and request courses (complete parent form)
Friday, January 29
A request does not enroll you in the course. It does provide a parent signature and essential student documentation.
Last day to add student to course
Friday, February 5
(this could be a student, for example, who applied on time but was missing information in their application)
Last day to drop a course and it not appear on transcript
Friday, February 12
If a student drops dual credit courses taught by high school faculty AFTER Feb 12 it will appear as a W on their college transcript. Student may be responsible for tuition.