Board of Directors Meeting
Technology Drive Campus-Rocky Adkins Pavilion
August 24, 2022
Rick Clark, Ben Collier, Amanda Collins, Millie DeBoard, Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Kathryn Lamp, Vicki McGinnis, Ramona Salyer, Jason Salyers
Taylor Alexander, Kellie Allen, Karen Blevins, Todd Brand, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Rick Clark, called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. A quorum was present.
Members reviewed the minutes of the April 27, 2022, meeting (copy attached). Ben Collier made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Brooke Elswick-Robinson seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Dr. Larry Ferguson began by introducing, Millie DeBoard, the new student representative to the Board of Directors.
He used a PowerPoint presentation to update members (copy attached). Regarding Institutional Leadership/Management Dr. Ferguson mentioned recent activities involving students and employees such as Open House, All-College Meeting, Comedy Night, and Party on the Lawn. He also discussed the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, PROGRESS, focusing on People, Process, Partners. He explained the performance measures for each category, all pertaining to the college mission and how we fulfill that mission. He discussed fall enrollment sharing that ACTC is currently showing the highest growth in overall headcount among KCTCS colleges! In addition, he talked about the budget relating to student credit hour production.
President Ferguson also shared an update on Workforce Development, including increases in both business & industry partners and Workforce assessments.
He announced that 259 scholarships were awarded for fall/spring in the amount of $322,416.80 which was a 29% increase in dollars awarded and a 26% increase in number of scholarships awarded.
Dr. Ferguson took time to discuss the Marathon Kevin McClain Scholarship with members.
Additionally, he announced the ninth annual golf scramble, Friday, September 30 and a first ever community Fall Festive scheduled for September 22.
In closing, Dr. Ferguson discussed the Pathfinder campaign and ACTC’s continuing improvement both internally and externally.
Taylor Alexander, Director of Marketing & Public Relations, shared the following with BOD members:
- Statwax Digital Advertising July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
- 2,423 credit hours enrolled - began as a lead from Statwax
- Investment Gain: $403,006.51
- ROI: 1,312.28%
- Annualized ROI: 1,312.28%
- Investment Length: 1.00 years
- 2,423 credit hours enrolled - began as a lead from Statwax
- Media Hits FY22 up 44% from FY21
- New “From the Den” Podcast featuring ACTC staff, faculty & students as well as alumni and community members. Listen on Spotify, apple podcasts & amazon music.
- Fall Festival September 22 6:30 p.m. - Carnival Games, Face Painting, Food and more. 8 p.m. Hocus Pocus Outdoor Movie showing
Kellie Allen, Director of Human Resources, reported that HR has been very busy with new hires. Regarding Healthy-at-Work, Kellie stated that COVID cases are increasing.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, reported the following present and future M&O projects: replacement of boilers in Goodpaster building, renovation of CDC classroom for Radiography program, replacement of roofs on Goodpaster building & Phase I building on TDC, upgrading CDC main building classroom. She gave costs, duration of time for each project and the purpose of each.
In addition, Dean Blevins reported that ACTC is on track to make our Fall 2022 revenue and that Paul Seasor, Director of Maintenance & Operations, resigned in July and we were in the process of filling that position.
Dr. Todd Brand, Dean of Academic Affairs, gave the following report:
- ACTC has been a part of an initiative called the Kentucky Graduate Profile Academy. This is a CPE initiative that seeks to focus on all graduates in the commonwealth getting 10 essential skills. This is a direct response to the research and topic of the degrading of the degree that is in the news. CPE is asking us to see if we are teaching what they call the 10 essential skills throughout our curriculum. This is a three-year project, and in year one we took a snapshot to see if we are doing this already. Year two is about formulating a plan and training faculty and staff for implementation. That is this year. Year three will be about implementing the plan. CPE will be on our campus later this month to talk about ACTC’s plan, so we are looking for a productive meeting with them.
- ACTC is launching two new healthcare programs for the spring of 2023. The first is radiography, and the second is medical assisting. So far, the SACS paperwork has been prepared, and KCTCS has given permission for the college to offer both programs.
- Additionally, ACTC will begin offering the EMT certificate on our Roberts Drive Campus. This will complement our other short term health care training programs we already have in nurse aid, phlebotomy, and EKG.
- We have several new hires in the academic area this year:
- Mike Bond - electrical coordinator
- Matthew Freeman - F/T Temp. Electrical
- Dr. Viktor Chupryna - math and physics
- Kellie Cyrus - medical assisting
- Sarah Duzan - Nursing
- Mikaela Neal - Nursing
- Lindsay Fry - Nursing Lab
- Lydia Osborne - Nursing
- Sarah Rice - short term nursing
- Billy Hall - HVAC coordinator
- Shayne Holsinger - APT
- Debra Pancake - Admin Asst.
- Jessica Slone - Admin Asst.
- Chris Slone - Business coordinator
- Cynthia Cox - F/T Temp. Cosmetology
- Career Services update - the group is using a new software platform called Handshake to connect students with employers. ACTC has been a leader in the system in this effort.
- The college will continue its three-year program review process this fall and next spring. Programs to be reviewed this fall include Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Surgical Technology, and Welding Technology.
- The theater continues to undergo upgrades, and we are currently waiting for our audio upgrade to occur.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness & Grants, gave this report: ACTC will submit two reports to SACSCOC in 2023. One report is the Interim Fifth Year Report. All SACSCOC colleges must submit a report on selected standards five years after reaffirmation. Two, the college will submit an Interim Off-campus Instructional Site report due six weeks before the scheduled visit. This can occur anywhere between September to November. This report is because ACTC added 12 off-campus sites where we offer 50% or more of a program. SACSCOC established that any college that adds more than five sites after reaffirmation would be required to submit a report and host a visit. We do not know which sites will be visited at this time and may not know this information until March or April of 2023. We know it is coming and what is expected from the report, but we do not know the sites that will be reported on and visited.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success & Enrollment Services, informed the Board that Millie works in his area and with Marketing & Public Relations. He provided handouts (copy attached) and discussed enrollment with members.
Faculty & Staff reports were presented via handouts.
Due to conflicts with Dr. Ferguson’s calendar, the previously accepted meeting dates for February and April 2023 were changed to Wednesday, February 15, 2023, and Thursday, April 27, 2023.
In closing remarks, Chair Rick Clark complimented ACTC’s employee retention, Pathfinder marketing of alumni and the large number of social media hits. He encouraged all BOD members to support the upcoming Golf Scramble.
Kathryn Lamp asked about plans for a joint retreat with the Community & Technical College Foundation of Ashland, for brainstorming in hopes of working together to meet some of the needs of the college. Dr. Ferguson told members a joint retreat is being discussed.
Ben Collier reported that their Local #248 has hired an ACTC student and he is an all-star employee!
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m. by Chair Rick Clark.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder