Board of Directors Meeting
Via Microsoft Teams
November 04, 2020
Rick Clark, Ben Collier, Amanda Collins, Kathryn Davis Lamp, Bob Maher, Vicki McGinnis, Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Ramona Salyer, Jason Salyers
Taylor Alexander, Kellie Allen, Karen Blevins, Todd Brand, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Paul Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Rick Clark, called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m.
Members reviewed the minutes of the September 02, 2020 meeting. Kathryn Davis Lamp made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Amanda Collins seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Board Secretary Ramona Salyer presented a slate of 2021 Board officers: Rick Clark, Chair, Kathryn Davis Lamp, Vice-Chair, and Ramona Salyer, Secretary. Chair Clark asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were none. Bob Maher made a motion to approve the slate as stated. Ben Collier seconded the motion. All approved.
Paul Seasor, Director of Maintenance & Operations, presented the proposed ACTC Six-Year Capital Plan-Strategic Needs Analysis, Biennial Periods 2020-2022, 2022-2024, 2024-2026 (copy attached). He talked through each line item by description, rational, status, etc. Ramona Salyer made a motion to endorse the plan as written. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Davis Lamp. By vote, the motion was unanimously approved.
Dr. Larry Ferguson used a PowerPoint presentation to update members (copy attached). He gave updates regarding COVID-19 and federal CARES funding, strategic plans, enrollment, budget, loan default rate, 4DX, program review, KY Chamber Restart Kentucky, fundraising. Looking forward to the Spring 2021 semester he reported that ACTS’s focus will be on enrollment, experiential learning and transfer.
Taylor Alexander, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, reported:
- Continuing Pandemic Campaign efforts across various platforms
- In process of posting PR Specialist position
- Focusing marketing efforts on highlighting current students and alumni as a means to showcase student, program and college success to prospective students as well as improve retention among current students
- Working with KCTCS on system-wide initiatives including Work Ready KY, Ready to Work,
Media Prefs survey, Director of Marketing activity tracking
Karen Blevins, Deans of Business Affairs, gave the following update on physical plant projects:
- The HVAC project for the Goodpaster Building which included upgrades and cleaning has been completed on time and on budget.
- We have built a new patio beside the College Drive Campus main building, replacing a walkway to the Goodpaster Building; the walkway is now ADA compliant.
- New LED lighting has been added behind the College Drive Campus main building; this lighting will increase safety in the area.
- At Roberts Drive Campus, we replaced an aging large air compressor in the Auto Technology lab.
- At Technology Drive Campus, there is a Solar Flower project underway, which should be completed in the near future. The Solar Flower project is a charging station which the electrical classes will use for training.
- The welding lab ventilation system upgrade is now out on bid; we have a projected start date of March 2021 for this project.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Resource Development, reported that Resource Development is working on friend raising and supporting other local charities and organizations. There is a meeting scheduled next week with the Wine, Women, Jewels and More group to discuss moving forward in some capacity with this event.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success & Enrollment Services, announced:
- The Alphabet Challenge, an enrollment contest for students to boost spring enrollment
- He will serve as a team leader on the ACTC ALIGN Student Success strand. ALIGN is system-wide competency based education initiative.
- ACTC’s mental health counselor is now on campus two day a week
- CARES money has provided-$7500 to the Pathfinder Pantry-to be used for 75-100 student Thanksgiving baskets.
- A new Student Ambassador program
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research & Development, reported regarding the Title III grant, now in its final year, year five. Through the grant ACTC has redesigned courses and classrooms. A total of 12 spaces have new things and the quality of classes have improved due to improvements made through the grant.
He also announced that IPRE will be involved in the new review process, both one year and three year.
Dr. Todd Brand, Dean of Academic Affairs & CAO, reported:
- Program Update
- New credentials (To be ratified at December BOR Meeting)
- APT - 2 new certificates
- Chemical Refinery/Worker
- Power Plant Operator
- Business Administration - 2 Diplomas
- Organizational Leadership
- Small Business Management
- CADD - Architectural Designer Certificate
- APT - 2 new certificates
- Lineman certificate
- Ratified at last BOR meeting
- ECG certificate
- Still waiting on confirmation from SACS
- When SACS approves we can offer credit
- Surgical Technology moving to AS status
- All paperwork has been accepted by KCTCS
- Presenting to BOR in December
- New credentials (To be ratified at December BOR Meeting)
- ALIGN update - first meeting held this week
- Richard Merritt - representative of college level Gen Ed on strand
- Shannon Hankins - representative of college level Tech Ed on strand
- Dr. Brand - liaison of statewide level Gen Ed
- Pam Klinepeter - representative of college level Information Technology strand
- Steve Flouhouse - representative of college level Business Processes strand
- Load/Overload Policy - 2nd reading at next College Council meeting, and voted on
- Schedule Summit
- Focus groups held for all CTE students - Sara Brown, Pam Klinepeter, Jennifer Allen
- Report is being compiled
- Winter Term being finalized. There will be on campus classes in welding and technical math as was the case last year.
- Solar Sunflower that we have purchased with the grant our electrical technology department received from AEP is being installed today at TDC. We will have a type of unveiling perhaps as early as next Friday.
- Faculty awards for last year were given last Friday at our Professional Dev. Day.
These will all have their pictures placed in the lobbies in both our CDC and TDC
- BPST - First Among Peers, Mourine Smith, Cosmetology Coord.
- Health Sciences - Heather Cantrell, Surgical Technology Coord.
- MTIT - Woody Fosson, APT Coord. retired
- Humanities - Coy Hall
- Math and Science - Francie Martin
- Adjunct - Pam Klinepeter, Director of Library Services
- Online - Kathy Edwards, AA Coordinator
- Pandemic Most Creative - Melissa Green, LPN faculty
Kellie Allen, Director of Human Resources, updated BOD members regarding Human Resources and Healthy-at-Work:
HR Report
On Friday October 30 we held a day of celebration for employees. Due to restrictions this meeting had to take place virtually. During this time, we celebrated our 4DX teams, presented service certificate to 24 employees with the most senior employee having been here for 45 years, recognized educational milestones of 5 employees, honored 10 employees nominated for staff awards and 37 employees nominated for faculty awards and celebrated many exciting things that are happening at our college.
COVID Report
Similar to the trend in our area, the college has experienced an increase in COVID positive cases as well as an increase in quarantines. Since the beginning of the semester we have had 6 employees and 11 students test positive. We have had an additional 8 employees and approximately 45 students quarantined. When possible, employees may work remotely or they may access up to 80 hours of the Family First Corona Virus Response Act Sick Time to continue pay. Since the majority of our classes are hybrid, instructors are able to work with the majority of students remotely as long as the student is physically able to do so.
Additionally, there are increased reporting guidelines. In an effort to encourage community communication and transparency, the Governor in conjunction with the Kentucky Department for Health created reporting guidelines for colleges. These guidelines require a public reporting of the number of on-campus students that test positive for COVID-19. KCTCS has created an electronic process and since September 9th ACTC’s statistics are on our local website as well as the KCTCS website. These are updated every Tuesday and Friday.
This week we were notified that the Council on Postsecondary Education has requested that KCTCS submit a report each Monday regarding campuses that are in the red zone as of the previous Thursday. This report will include any changes to existing plans or additional measures that are being taken due to the increase in cases.
Vicki McGinnis, Faculty Rep to Board, presented the following report:
As we head into the final stretch of our Fall 2020 semester, I am pleased to report our faculty continue to innovate and make great strides in navigating this challenging semester, both instructionally and professionally. Here are some highlights faculty wished to share:
Professional News and Accolades
- Coy Hall, Associate Professor of History, just signed a contract for three fiction novels, due for release in September 2021, February 2022, and January 2023.
- Associate Professors Deena Howerton (LPN faculty) and Professor Mark Riggs (physics, math, and astronomy faculty) graduated from the KCTCS Lead Academy.
- While adapting to all the instructional changes during Spring 2020 and Fall 2020, LPN faculty Terri Ratliff and Brigitte Carroll completed a very intensive graduate program, earning their MSN in Nursing Education degrees.
- Dr. Mary Cat Flath and Professor Warren Howard were awarded the Gussler Award for Science and Humanities, respectively. This is the first year an award in Humanities was given; ACTC is the only KCTCS college to have such an endowed award for faculty.
- Melissa Green, one of our new LPN faculty members, recently won the Kentucky League for Nursing Jo Ann Maurer Wever Award for Excellence in Nursing Education. She received this award for creating virtual simulations which replaced student clinical hours when instruction pivoted to remote learning—this was essential in the LPN students being able to complete their program. She graciously shared her innovative videos with other KCTCS LPN programs, as well as some out of state universities.
- Professor Hossein Mohebbian continues to grow professionally through Quality Matters training (exemplary online instruction) and earned two more training certificates since the last board meeting. He serves as an important peer resource for online instruction with our faculty.
- Dan Bailey, faculty advisor, shared this announcement from Blake A. Ellis, Ph.D., Vice President of Student Engagement, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society: "As many of you know, Dan Bailey recently announced his retirement as Regional Coordinator for the Kentucky Region after five years of service. We thank Dan for his leadership of the region and dedication to student success. The Kentucky Region was a Five Star Region in Phi Theta Kappa International in 2019. Prior to his service as Regional Coordinator for the Kentucky Region, Dan served two three-year terms as Advisor Representative to the Phi Theta Kappa International Board of Directors. He has served as a Chapter Advisor for the Alpha Omega Gamma Chapter at ACTC since the chapter was chartered in 1994.”
- Bev Sharp, our Criminal Justice Program Coordinator, brings her extensive experience in federal corrections and a passion for helping in community minded reform efforts regarding mass incarceration and recidivism to our CRJ program. She was recently invited to be a sitting member of the West Virginia University School of Law Access to Justice Commission (Subcommittee on Reentry Issues). In November she will be a guest speaker at the Beyond Bars Summit with Piper Kerman (author of Orange is the New Black). The summit focuses on the effects of mass incarceration. Bev works with the local federal prison to bring their inmate panel to campus to speak to ACTC students and our Young Men Lead conference. These men share their personal stories and answer questions. When these inmates do their presentation, the effect they have on students is palpable and powerful. Bev also actively works with the FIVCO Reentry Council to promote expungement workshops, assisting community members in clearing records and moving forward with school or employment opportunities.
Community, Curriculum, and Student Connections and Successes
- Michael Tackett, AIT Program Coordinator, reports representatives from The Tri-State Building Trades Association, which includes all the major construction craft unions in the Tri-State area plus Enerfab, one of the area’s largest industrial contractors, had a signing event with ACTC. All parties signed a MOA in support of the AIT program and publicly committed to consider and potentially interview AIT students for placement within the union and all the benefits afforded by that opportunity. WSAZ and WOWK news media were present as well to video/share the event.
- Sara Brown (Technology and Title III Coordinator) reports the Title III grant received funding for the 5th and final year of the grant. This grant focused on the redesign of online instruction in targeted general education and technical courses, with goals of improving instructional delivery and student success rates. Sara shared, “We had our highest success rates for redesign classes in the spring (2020) semester. Faculty worked hard to make courses hybrid to accommodate for in person needs, and the flexibility of that scheduling has been noted by students.”
- ACTC Library launched a “Spooky Story Time” for Halloween weekend, coordinated by Pam Klinepeter, ACTC’s Director of Library Services, and Coy Hall, Associate Professor of History. This is one of many ways the library has adapted to more students working and learning remotely since March 2020. Under Pam’s leadership the library has increased their Facebook and other social media outreach to let students and faculty know about the wide array of services our library can provide to enhance learning and personal enjoyment of literature and media.
- Dr. Lisa Henderson reports her business students continue to earn badges in Microsoft Word and Excel—15 to date this semester, with more expected by December. The students use the badges to provide verifiable proof of their skills on their resumes or LinkedIn profiles.
- Eva Smith, our SRNA instructor, reports her adaptions to online instruction in her hands-on program. She has created sets of videos in preparation for a shift to online so students can complete their certifications. She shared,” My goal is to train them to be a strong SRNA so they can go straight to work and feel good about themselves because they know their hands-on skills. Nothing is more rewarding as to see students accomplishing this. To make something better and rewarding for their lives. I love my job!” This program is a part of our Workforce Solutions and provides students with a certification they can immediately use for employment.
- Seth Morrison, our new HVAC Program Coordinator, has been working diligently this past year with Sara Brown, our Technology Coordinator, to redesign and realign our HVAC curriculum and recruit students. Seth reports the following exciting news: “Kody Hutchinson just accepted a position with InterCool, an Ammonia/Co2 company based out of Columbus, OH. This job involves highly skilled and highly trained professionals, and this company is willing to invest a lot of time and money into Kody. It’s also a great opportunity for me to develop my curriculum and redesign to meet the needs of companies like InterCool. Mr. Kinney, InterCool’s industrial service manager, has agreed to help me develop specific competencies that companies like this look for. Hopefully it’s the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Also, I am developing a program with GHAC Inc, by which my students are going to be permitted to refurbish units on GHAC’s facilities, working to gain real-world experience with diverse equipment. This exposure to diversity will be much more than what the college could afford to provide our students. GHAC Inc. will see hundreds of different types of units come through the facility and allowing my students to work with these units is invaluable experience.”
- Dale Queen shared the following: “I had a couple of students come up to me after class yesterday in the Basic Public Speaking course. This is one of the most feared courses in college. They said that they have enjoyed this course and they were terrified at the beginning. They said that they were wanting to drop out of school, because they didn't want to take the course. After a few weeks and they delivered their first speech, they gained confidence. They appreciated the way I operate class with a relaxed atmosphere. They both mentioned that if it wasn't for this atmosphere they were wanting to drop out of school. They both have an "A" in the class and they never dreamed that would have been possible. This is what we as teachers are supposed to do. Teach the students but make it fun and interesting while they learn.” Dale previously worked as an adjunct instructor for us since 2002, and he started in Fall 2020 as our full-time communications instructor. He has done an excellent job adapting his in-person course within COVID safety protocols and consistently has high student satisfaction ratings.
- Director of our Career Services Molly Webb, with her outstanding staff partners Sarah Gauze and Luanne Findley, provides the following update: Resume/Interview Workshops completed in seven programs this semester (APT, HVAC, Surgical Technology, Lineman Program, Welding, AIT, Electrical Technology; Mock Interview sessions in two programs (MIT, APT); Work Ready Certifications (38 students completed); Student Resumes (75 students); and Job Searches (35 students completed). In addition, seven APT (Applied Process Technology) students and one CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) student are completing internships during this fall semester. Career Services is working to place additional students in internship opportunities for spring semester.
- From Noel Davis, one of our dual credit and adjunct biology instructors: “We are taking some labs outside when possible, and we are submitting more work online. I have incorporated Covid-19 in many discussions relating to viruses, disease, immunity, cellular biology, genetics, etc., as I'm sure every biology teacher has. Though it has been a challenge, and students are having to adjust to masks, social distancing, and increased technology use, I think they are still doing well. I am impressed with their ability to adapt! I am so very exhausted, but I am encouraged by their feedback and their academic success.”
- As Dual Credit Coordinator, Vicki McGinnis continues to work with local high schools to recruit students into targeted CTE courses which do not have natural feeder programs at the local area technology centers, such as our HVAC program. ACTC is also switching from articulation agreements to dual credit this coming spring semester with the area technology centers in courses such as welding, electrical, and certified nurse assistant. The goal is to create stronger pathways that lead to completion at ACTC.
Jason Salyers, Staff Rep to the Board, reported to the Board:
- Staff Executive Council
- Operation Pen Pal - We have partnered with Morning Point Senior Living Residence. Staff will be sending introductory notes to residents this month, inviting residents to write us back. In December, we hope to send them some care packages.
- Lunch and Learn series - Webinars hosted by staff members on fun topics, such as gardening and crafting.
- Revised and updated old SEC guidelines.
- Other Staff Happenings:
- Teams Tuesday Webinars - Topics such as graduation applications, the food pantry, the payment plan, disability services and the student emergency fund.
- Library -- Spooky Story Time
- Title III - Test Taking Strategies and Microsoft Outlook webinars
- Diversity Committee - Hispanic Heritage Month webinars
- The Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - Virtual 5k to raise money for scholarships.
- Milestones
- Roxanne Neal - Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership from Western Kentucky University
Board Chair, Rick Clark, thanked all for the updates. He announced the next meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2021. He asked everyone to stay healthy and happy and wished all a Merry Christmas. He asked if there were any other comments from anyone, there were none.
In closing, Chair Clark asked if there were any other comments, none were given. He adjourned the meeting at 9:47 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder