Board of Directors Meeting
Technology Drive Campus -Rocky Adkins Pavillion September 02, 2020 - Minutes
Rick Clark, Amanda Collins, Kathryn Davis Lamp, Ramona Salyer, Jason Salyers
Ben Collier, Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Bob Maher, Vicki McGinnis
Kellie Allen, Karen Blevins, Todd Brand, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Allison Goble, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Rick Clark, called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.
Members reviewed the minutes of the April 30, 2020 meeting. Ramona Salyer made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Kathryn Davis Lamp seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Rick Clark, Chair, announced that Ramona Salyer will lead the nominating committee and present a slate of Board officers at the November meeting for vote.
Dr. Larry Ferguson, President & CEO, introduced Jason Salyers who will serve as the Staff Representative to the Board. Jason said he looks forward to serving. In addition, Dr. Ferguson announced that Vicki McGinnis has been elected to serve out the remaining term of Dr. Alan Alley as Faculty Representative. Vicki had a previously scheduled appointment and was not in attendance. The new Student Government Association President has not been elected at this time. He/She will serve as the Student Representative once elected. Chair Rick Clark welcomed the new members.
Dr. Larry Ferguson used a PowerPoint presentation to update members (copy attached). A summary of his comments are:
- CARES Act Funding
- Student Emergency Funds: $948,563
- Institutional Funding: $948,562
- 2020 Strategic Plan Update
- 2 metrics needing focus
- Experiential Learning
- ’18-‘19: 62.5%; 21-22: 73.2%
- ’17-’18: 48.8%
- ’18-‘19: 62.5%; 21-22: 73.2%
- Associate Degree Transfer
- ’18-‘19: 27.8%; 20-21: 38.8%
- ’17-’18: 32.2%
- ’18-‘19: 27.8%; 20-21: 38.8%
- Experiential Learning
- 2 metrics needing focus
- 4 Disciplines of Execution
- Operating System for getting things done
- Focus on a wildly important goal: graduation and transfer
- 29 teams all working toward these WIGs
- Enrollment
- As of 8/28, we are down 12.5%
- <18: -13.3%; 18-24: -8.9%; 25+: -17.5%
- Moving Target: Snapshot is not until November 1
- Budget. As of 8/31/2020:
- We have generated 89.35% of our fall budget projection.
- We have produced a total of 21,054 “gross” credit hours in all forms – credential seeking, non-credential, visiting, and dual credit.
- FY20 workforce revenue is at $261,314 and is not included in gross SCH production.
- The budget is a moving target as we still have bi-term and winter session SCHs, and workforce revenue yet to be realized.
- Loan Default Rate
- Our current default rate for FY2018 is 19.14%.
- This rate is expected to close around 18.56%.
- FY2018 is trending down by 1.9% from this time last year.
- Nationally, Community Colleges are around 15.9%, which is our goal.
- CARES Act Funding
- Academic Affairs
- New Associate Dean Position as part of a reorganization
- Cosmetology changes (Addition of nail tech for summer ’21)
- Possible LPN expansion (Night program)
- Purchase of cameras for classrooms
- ECG lab/classes
- Surgical Technology program is moving to degree status
- Lineman program will get approval from BOR
- Electricity – Solar grant
- New hires
- John Willis – APT coordinator/faculty
- Jeff Walters – APT faculty
- Katharine Bartram – ADN faculty
- Dale Queen – Communication faculty
- Rebekah Michael – Business Coordinator/faculty
- New Comprehensive Program Review Process
- Taylor Alexander
- Liaisons
- Al Baker
- Adam Chapman
- Farnoosh Rafiee
- Paul Seasor
- Legislative and Economic Development
- Participated on a special workgroup providing input on consideration of changes to the Performance-Based-Funding Model
- Working with the Kentucky Chamber on the Restart Kentucky and the Future of Work initiatives
- Working with the Ashland Alliance (ref. Danieli announcement)
- Fundraising
- FY19: $107,810.50
- FY20: $13,541.79
- FY19: $453,476.45
- FY20: $1,084,895.25
- 139% increase
- Gene Haas Foundation, $10,000, for Machine Technology student scholarships
- Ashland Lodge BPOE #35, $2,016.30 for COVID-19 supplies
- KDMC, $90,000 for Nursing Faculty
- AEP, SmartFlower Solar Project, $75,000
- Toyota, YWL, $7,000
Allison Goble, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, reported:
- 223 Media Hits for Q2-2020, an increase from Q1-2020 and we are on track for Q3-2020.
- The ACTC 2019-2020 Annual Report video has been completed and Dr. Ferguson emailed that to each of you. Hope you were able to watch it and see all of our accomplishments from the past academic year.
- Young Women LEAD 2020 will be a free virtual event this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. It will take place on September 24 and 25. If you know any junior girls in our KY/WV/OH service area, encourage them to reach out to their guidance counselors for more information. This is a free event
Karen Blevins, Deans of Business Affairs, announced the following:
Fall SCH budget – 22,630; we are under budget approximately 10%. There are multiple upcoming sessions which we hope will generate interest and boost our SCH production.
We have two physical plant projects, one of which has been completed – the Goodpaster Building HVAC project which started in December 2019 at a cost of $846,000. We received some deferred maintenance matching funds from KCTCS. The VAV (Variable Air Volume) boxes were replaced throughout the building; ductwork was cleaned. All HVAC controls were replaced to meet current Commonwealth Energy Management and Control System standards. The chiller unit for the air conditioning was replaced with a new 150 ton Carrier unit. All rooms now have individual controls; this renovation will save approximately $25,000 per year on utilities and provide a much more comfortable learning environment for students as well as a comfortable workspace for employees. The chiller was original to the building; approximately 28-30 years old.
We will be starting a new project in the summer of 2021 - renovation of the ventilation system in the welding shop on Technology Drive Campus. The current ventilation system is 15 years old. Currently, we have 46 welding units in one room. The ventilation system serves the entire room. This system practically goes non-stop since we run three shifts of welding classes. Because of the age and demand on the system, we need to replace it. The new unit will be located outside the building, making it easier to service. Also, the new unit will operate as a split unit, allowing us to ventilate half the room. This will be more efficient in that we can have smaller groups of students, yet operate the system at a reduced scale, creating energy savings. Projected cost of the ventilation system will be $600,000.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Resource Development, announced that ACTC has cancelled the October Golf Scramble and may have to cancel the Women, Wine, Jewels and More event due to COVID-19 precautions.
Brooke reported that the Foundation’s annual audit went great and her department is currently working with a donor to start a new scholarship for second year nursing students.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success & Enrollment Services, discussed the fall enrollment decline, informing members of possible reasons why, including stabilization of true student body size, external effects, dual credit and COVID.
He also informed members regarding a new tool, Signal Vine, a texting app, which has proven to be effective in communicating with students.
Dean Woodburn announced a drive-thru graduation to be held on College Drive on September 12, 2020 at 10:00. Board members are invited to participate.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research & Development, reported that the Title III grant is in year four, with classroom redesign, course redesign and new equipment purchases taking place. The grant is worth 2.5 million dollars over a five year period. October 1 will begin the final year. ACTC has met all grant performance measures.
Dean Flouhouse also reported that enrollment decline has been greatest in Advanced Integrated Technology, Applied Process Technologies, Associate of Arts and Associate of Science.
Lastly he announced that ACTC has more dual credit students than last year.
Dr. Todd Brand, Dean of Academic Affairs & CAO, reported:
- Change in the air with two new Associate Deans of Academic Affairs, Dr. Shannon Hankins and Richard Merritt.
- The Associate Degree Nursing program is working through reaccreditation this year, with a site visit soon.
- Work is being done to create a Faculty Work Load Policy and Procedure.
- ACTC has new certificates available in the Criminal Justice Program.
- A workgroup will meet Friday for a Scheduling Summit, looking at class schedules across all modalities. The summit will concentrate on needed student coverage, building enrollment and increasing credentials.
Kellie Allen, Director of Human Resources, complimented the recent hard work of various new-hire search committees.
She informed members about the August, non-traditional, All College Meeting which was converted into a Welcome Back Week in order to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. The on-line sessions were well attended and well received.
As the Healthy-At-Work Coordinator at ACTC, she reported regarding the safety guidelines, practices and PPE ACTC is using. She complimented faculty and staff for their diligence in keeping all safe.
Vicki McGinnis, Faculty Rep to Board, presented the following report in her absence:
I apologize for missing the first meeting of the year- I had an appointment conflicting with the meeting I was unable to change.
I want to briefly introduce myself and then share some faculty news. I earned my BA from Centre College, Masters (Reading Specialist) from UK, Rank I from Morehead, and I’m currently working on my doctorate in educational leadership at Marshall. I formerly worked as an elementary teacher for 11 years and have worked at ACTC full time for 12 years. I started out as a reading and English instructor and now work as the QEP Coordinator and the Dual Credit Coordinator for the college. I’ve been able to use, build, and expand on my public K-12 knowledge and professional relationships in my Dual Credit Coordinator role. In addition, I represent ACTC on the United Way Board.
As you can imagine, the faculty have been busy preparing and adapting for the current “new normal” of instruction, incorporating more technology into teaching plans and having contingency plans for in person courses should we have to go completely online again like we did in spring. Our Technology Coordinator, Sara Brown, college librarians, and E-Learning Lab support team have been wonderful in assisting both faculty and students to make this transition.
Here are some highlights of faculty news from the spring and summer:
- Professor Randy Cullum, CIT Program Coordinator, passed the Amazon Web Services Architect Associate Exam and the Educator Technical Evaluation. He is now the first and only AWS Architect Associate Certified Educator in the entire KCTCS system.
- Janet Thompson and David Childress were each awarded the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program (ECP) Award—out of 25 awards given worldwide, ACTC faculty earned two of them! It goes without saying in our current situation we want our faculty to have expertise in online instruction. Having these two as peer examples and resources is a huge asset to ACTC faculty and our students. Janet is the Coordinator of our Medical Information Technologies program, and David is a Computer Information Technology Professor.
- Dr. Lisa Henderson has been working to encourage her students to earn verifiable micro-certifications in Word and Excel each semester. These badges are certified through Pearson and registered through Acclaim so students can add them to resumes and Linked In profiles when seeking future employment. In the spring she had 15 students earn Word badges and 6 also earn Excel badges. Her goal is to increase the number of students earning badges each semester.
- Cristy Thomas, a communications and theater adjunct instructor, shared she has personally sewed 750 masks (and counting) to donate to local community members since spring.
- Ronald Cade, a business adjunct instructor, earned his Ph.D. in Accounting and published his first article this summer: “The Evolution of Internal Controls Impact on Operational Efficiencies”.
- As Dual Credit Coordinator, Vicki McGinnis worked in the spring with local school districts to provide opportunities for vetted high school seniors to come on campus and take courses on the Technology Drive campus. She worked with program coordinators to target lower enrollment programs specifically. The goal is to build bridges to programs which do not have natural feeder programs in the high school technical centers, such as Computerized Manufacturing and HVAC. This fall there are four high school seniors who are coming to take HVAC courses and will earn a certificate in that program by the end of the year—this will give them a jump start on their HVAC degree when they graduate from high school.
- Dean Steven Flouhouse led the application to our accrediting body, SACSCOC, to return our local area technology centers at the high schools to dual credit. Changing from articulation agreements back to dual credit will help build clearer paths for the students to come to ACTC after graduation, completing the degree in technical trades they started as dual credit in high school.
Thank you for your support of the college.
Jason Salyers, Staff Rep to the Board, reported to the Board:
Staff Executive Council
We had our first meeting on August 7th via Microsoft Teams. Ella Smith will be leading us as Chair.
The council plans on launching a survey of staff for input in future activities. We’d like to engage in community projects involving not just council members but all staff. One idea is a pen pal project for nursing homes.
We also want to provide learning and professional development opportunities, to help maintain fellowship and comradery. Last year’s council didn’t get to hold the annual staff professional development conference due to the pandemic, but we hope to incorporate some smaller activities throughout the year via Teams meetings.
We’ll be meeting again on Sept. 16th.
Our eLearning Lab (Title III) will be hosting webinars throughout September on navigating Blackboard, sending professional emails and being a successful online student.
Megan Horne from Student Support Services is offering a 1 credit hour class on “Transfer Planning”, with virtual transfer visits to various state and regional universities.
While commencement activities were postponed, we celebrated our graduates by delivering yard signs of congratulations to their homes. Dean Woodburn and his staff are planning a Drive Thru Graduation event soon.
The 8th annual Young Women Lead conference for area high school junior girls will be held Sept. 24-25. Due to the pandemic, it will be a live virtual event. This year’s conference, will feature award-winning presenters Julie Marie Carrier, Maryam Rehman, Nivaal Rehman, and Monique Coleman.
The food pantry is opening back up and will be pre-packing bags for students to pick up. Students will request a bag from the in-take form on the website and then the pantry will arrange pick up times and locations.
The college is utilizing a new texting platform called Signal Vine to help communicate with students. Chrisha Spears oversees Admissions- and Advising-related messages and I take care of Financial Aid-related ones. Student receive targeted texts about relevant information, and can text us back with questions.
With federal government money from the CARES Act, the financial Aid office was able to award and disburse $948,000 directly to over 400 students in the form of emergency grants during the month of May. Students were able to apply for these funds if they had financial hardships or costs associated with the pandemic or the transition to online classes.
Mia Brown, ACTC’s Director of Credits Count, was named the 2020 Ambassador of Science at a gala at the Kentucky Science Center.
Board Chair, Rick Clark, thanked all for going the extra mile for ACTC and students during this time of pandemic.
He also wished Allison Goble best of luck in her future career endeavors and noted that she will be missed.
Rick reminded those in attendance that the next meeting will be held on Nov 4, 2020. Due to COVID-19 the locations is “to be determined”.
In closing, Chair Clark asked if there were any other comments, none were given. He adjourned the meeting at 9:49 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder