Board of Directors Meeting
College Drive Campus - November 06, 2019 - Minutes
Alan Alley, Rick Clark, Ben Collier, Amanda Collins, Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Tiffany Kiwabonga, Kathryn Lamp, Bob Maher, Chrisha Spears
Ramona Salyer
Todd Brand, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Allison Goble, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Rick Clark, called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. in the John & Pat Stewart Board Room on the College Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
It was noted that Judge Carpenter was not present at the opening of the meeting so Chair Clark moved forward with the agenda. Later in the meeting, it was announced that the Judge was in route to Frankfort for a funeral and therefore would not be in attendance. The swearing-in ceremony was moved to the February 2020 meeting.
Members reviewed the minutes of the September 12, 2019 meeting. Kathryn Lamp made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Ben Collier seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
John Clark welcomed Amanda Collins to the Ashland Community and Technical College Board of Directors. She gave a brief introduction and stated that she was happy to be appointed to the ACTC Board.
President Ferguson used a PowerPoint presentation to update members
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, reported that ACTC is now providing counseling services to students through Mountain Comprehensive Care at the College Drive Campus. In addition to counseling services, the BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team) remains crucial to reacting to student issues. He also discussed enrollment and a new texting system for students, Signal Vine, coming in the spring.
Todd Brand, Dean of Academic Affairs, discussed the re-vamped LPN to ADN program, utilizing night classes, on-line classes and weekend clinical classes. Nineteen students will start in the spring semester. Dr. Brand also announced the new winter session that will offer twelve classes, including the only in-person class in the System. He informed members that ACTC has a new Program Coordinator for Surgical Technology, Heather Cantrell, a former student. In addition, a retired instructor, Danny Pancake, will be returning to the Computerized Manufacturing & Machining Program. He informed those present that ACTC’s welding program will again be operating with three shifts. Dean Brand announced that the new 3D printer, cutting-edge technology, is on site with installation coming soon. Lastly, he announced that ACTC and Morehead State University recently had a very successful transfer meeting.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research & Effectiveness, Announced an upcoming needs assessment meeting to be held on November 18 for the Carl Perkins grant. Equipment and professional development will be discussed. In addition, he announced that the Title III grant is in year four with revamping of classes to continue along with re-designing of additional classrooms. Dean Flouhouse also reminded members that the Credits Count grant is in its final year, year five. He stated that two new dual credit sites, the Russell Area Technology Center and the Greenup Area Technology Center, are currently being reviewed for approval. Steve also walked those present through a handout (copy attached) discussing enrollment, credentials awarded, community/economic development participants, retention and graduation.
Tiffany Kiwabonga, Student Representative to the Board, reported regarding the Fall Festival & Movie event recently held on the College Drive Campus. She also discussed events held during Halloween/Spirit week.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Resource Development, invited members to the Donor Appreciation Breakfast to be held on December 6 on the College Drive Campus. Student scholarship recipients will speak and a donor will be honored that day. She announced the annual golf scramble was a success and proceeds will go toward student scholarships.
Alan Alley, Faculty Representative to the Board, had no report.
Chrisha Spears, Staff Representative to the Board, reported that she is currently working with about 15 GED seeking students, helping them through the process of enrolling as ACTC students in the spring semester. In addition, she is also working to assist the new wave of displaced AK Steel employees.
Allison Goble, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, reported:
- ACTC had 192 Positive Media Hits for Q3-2019
- We now have a facebook group for our culinary arts café and cosmetology salon to help promote these to the community.
- Recently filmed informational videos to help promote our GED plus program, Computers and Information Technology program, Medical Information Technology program, and Lineman program.
In closing, Chair Rick Clark asked if members were happy with the current meeting time or would prefer another time. All liked the present 8:30 meeting time. He announced that he had a conflict with the scheduled February 5 meeting day and asked members if February 12 or 19 could be considered instead of February 5. Members chose February 12 as the new date.
Amanda Collins made a motion to adjourn. Brooke Elswick-Robinson seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:46 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder