Board of Directors Meeting
Technology Drive Campus - February 20, 2019 - Minutes
Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Ramona Salyer, Chrisha Spears
Alan Alley, Rick Clark, Kathryn Davis, Kailee Ross
Karen Blevins, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Allison Goble, Mike James, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Ann Perkins, called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m. in the Rocky Adkins Pavilion on the Technology Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the November 14, 2018 meeting. Ramona Salyer made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Leigh Latherow seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
ACTC President & CEO, Larry Ferguson, announced an upcoming Community Planning Session to be held on March 20, 2019. The session will be held in the Rocky Adkins Pavillion on the Technology Drive Campus from 8:30 – 11:00. Board of Directors members, Community and Technical College Foundation of Ashland members and key community members will be invited. The purpose of the session is to revisit ACTC’s mission, vision and performance.
Dr. Ferguson requested the April Board of Directors meeting date be changed from April 17 to April 26. The change will allow time for the necessary 2019-2020 budget completion, thus eliminating the necessity of an additional meeting just to approve the new budget. In addition to budget approval, the annual evaluation of the president will be on the agenda of the April 26 meeting. When brought for discussion no members were in opposition to the change; therefore, the meeting was changed to April 26, 2019.
President Ferguson announced that he would send a summary of his goals and accomplishments to Board members prior to the April 26 meeting. At the meeting, Chair Ann Perkins will lead the evaluation of the president.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Advancement, reported to Board members that the first Wine, Women & Jewels event raised $13,315 for women’s scholarships. The event committee is discussing a name for the scholarship.
She announced the Young Men’s Conference scheduled for March 12 at the Technology Drive Campus and the 5K-5Miler (flyer attached) to be held at the Technology Drive Campus on April 6, 2019.
Brooke announced that April 1 is the deadline for 2019-2020 scholarship applications. She has been visiting area schools with ACTC recruitment to discuss the scholarships with potential students.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, shared handouts (copy attached) and discussed the draft ACTC Behavioral Intervention Team/Threat Assessment. He noted that ACTC has many things in place to prevent happenings but also noted that it is almost impossible to stop an incident if someone is set on carrying it out.
Dean Woodburn also discussed enrollment, sharing a handout (copy attached). He walked through the different categories with Board members and stated one goal is to find the “right size” of Ashland Community and Technical College’s enrollment. He discussed the importance of student retention.
Dr. Ferguson added to the discussion stating that the stabilization of enrollment would change with Economic Development in our area.
Allison Goble, Director of Marketing, announced that ACTC had 226 positive media hits for the fourth quarter of 2018, an increase of 25 compared to the fourth quarter of 2017.
Allison also informed members that a new ACTC commercial is coming soon. In addition, admissions and recruitment will soon have a new Latino view book and new dual credit brochures for potential students and parents.
She announced that the president, his leadership team and other key ACTC personnel recently participated in a spokesperson training.
As part of an advocacy campaign, Allison announced that ACTC had a current student, graduate of the college, and a business partner participate in a KCTCS photo project to thank legislators for their support and how it impacts the lives of Kentuckians.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, reported that the Marine Technology program would go before the Board of Regents for approval in July.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, informed Board members that work is ongoing to compile the 2019-2020 budget. As part of that work, enrollment projections will assist in budget projection. At this time, a flat enrollment is likely and expenditures are consistent with last years.
Chrisha Spears, Staff Representative to the Board of Directors, announced the Young Men’s Conference to be held March 12.
She also discussed GED+ which is a new KCTCS inititiave for short term certificate programs. Students can, or cannot, have their GED to enroll. They must enroll in programs in Business / IT, Transportation / Logistics, Healthcare, Manufacturing, or Construction. Funding for their tuition is from the KHEAA Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship. I will serve as their academic advisor and success coach. Students will also work with Skills U (formerly Adult Ed) on career information and job readiness skills such as the Kentucky Essential Skills Certificate.
Chair, Ann Perkins, encouraged all to the attend the March 20th Community Planning Session.
She announced that she will serve on a statewide civic engagement committee which will work to increase the amount of young adult voters. She hopes to target ACTC’s young adults and area high schoolers.
Chair Perkins, encouraged members to contact local legislatures and let them know how they feel about education in the state of Kentucky and regarding the pension crisis.
She reminded members that their power is in advocacy and to always be looking for students who need an opportunity ACTC can provide.
Dr. Ferguson announced that he soon will have completed his one-on-one meetings with all full-time employees. Totaling 158 meetings! As a result of these meetings, he has put in place a Culture Initiative for employees, using a workgroup of employees, a book reading and a PACE survey.
President Ferguson also informed Board members that he has met with many others: superintendents, Ohio University Southern and Marshall University partners, area employers and legislators.
In regards to Performance Based Funding, he reported that ACTC is waiting on its 2017-2018 scorecard, but appears to be doing well. The measurements go hand in hand with the college’s strategic goals.
He announced that the Financial Aid default rate is on track, predicting about 27% for FY 2016 and currently 18.5% for FY 2017.
Dr. Ferguson announced that work continues with Braidy Industries, the KDMC Histotechnology Program and the Marathon Marine Technology Program.
He reported that he met with area legislators on February 7 at the KTCTS Eat & Greet in Frankfort. He mentioned upcoming bills in the legislature dealing with property conveyance and tax reform. He informed members that he, Ann Perkins and a Braidy representative will be attending a legislative reception on February 28.
In closing, Dr. Ferguson stated he will be in Versailles next week for meetings with Dr. Box and other college presidents and also at the Board of Directors Training hosted by KCTCS.
Leigh Latherow made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Ramona Salyer. All approved. Board Chair, Ann Perkins, adjourned the meeting at 9:32 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder