Board of Directors Meeting
College Drive Campus - November 14, 2018 - Minutes
Rick Clark, Kathryn Davis, Brooke Elswick-Robinson, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Kailee Ross, Ramona Salyer, Chrisha Spears
Alan Alley
Karen Blevins, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Allison Goble, Nicole Griffith-Green, Mike James, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Paul Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Ann Perkins, called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. in the John & Pat Stewart Board Room on the College Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the September 19, 2018 meeting. Rick Clark made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Kathryn Davis seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
President, Larry Ferguson, explained that the analysis is a ranking of capital project needs done every other year by all KCTCS colleges. He introduced Director of Maintenance & Operations, Paul Seasor, and asked him to walk members through the analysis (copy attached). Paul discussed each need, explaining the rational, estimated costs and status of each need.
Kathryn Davis made the motion to accept the Strategic Needs Analysis as presented. Leigh Latherow seconded the motion. All approved the motion.
Dr. Ferguson informed Board members that the list has not changed over recent years due to the financial condition of the State of Kentucky and noted that maintenance of properties is a concern for the future.
Chair Perkins asked if students are used on any maintenance programs. Dr. Ferguson replied that they are to some degree. Paul Seasor stated that small jobs are offered to instructors and students from time to time.
Board member, Rick Clark, asked about the TDC-Phase III item. Dr. Ferguson explained that funding was not available at the time of Phase II construction to fund Phase III. He reported that there is some discussion of private funding for Phase III.
Dr. Ferguson began his update by discussing his one-on-one meetings with each full time ACTC employee and key community members. He stated that he hopes to find “where we are now” and “how can we move forward” through these meetings. He noted that opiate addiction has come up often in discussion with faculty members. He also has heard about concerns regarding leaner staff at ACTC. He stated that he wants every employee to feel they and their job matter to ACTC. He announced that Ashland Community & Technical College is one of the top 10 employers in our area.
He informed Board members that the college mission statement will be updated soon. He intends to include employees, board members and community members in the process.
Dr. Ferguson shared a handout (copy attached) and talked about factors that have an effect on enrollment. He announced that Fall 2018 enrollment was 99.01 % of the projected amount and ACTC is currently at 67% of its projected Spring 2019 enrollment.
President Ferguson announced a PACE survey to be held in the spring to measure the culture of ACTC.
In closing, Dr. Ferguson reminded those present that the Celebration of Philanthropy will be held Friday, November 16. He also announced the proceeds from the Rodney Clark Memorial Golf Scramble - $134,332!
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, announced that the Title III grant has completed its third year. Recently another classroom has been redesigned with grant funds. The grant works to improve online learning and has recently hired an E-Learning Support Specialist, Megan Smedley. The grant will pilot four courses in the spring 2019 semester.
In reference to enrollment, Dean Flouhouse reported that official enrollment numbers are still a few weeks out, but are crucial to Performance Based Funding.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Advancement, reported to Board members that the Annual ACTC Golf Scramble held on October 8 raised $29,000 for scholarships. She stated that she is looking for volunteers willing to help with this annual project. She announced that the Rodney Clark Memorial Golf Scramble raised over $125,000, also to benefit student scholarships.
She invited all to attend the Celebration of Philanthropy scheduled for Friday, November 16 at 8:30 a.m. in the John & Pat Stewart Board Room on the College Drive Campus.
In closing, she discussed the Online Day of Giving, Tuesday, November 27 and announced that the Ashland Alliance will assist ACTC with this effort. She informed those present that the Foundation has raised $350,000 since July 1!
Kailee Ross, SGA President had no report.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, reported that the ACTC leadership team had decreased their tuition estimates for fall and had met their tuition goal. She stated that for the spring semester ACTC is currently at 67% of their tuition goal. She informed members of the breakdown of semester percentages that feed the budget: 49% for fall, 44% for spring and 7% for summer.
Nicole Griffith-Green, Interim Dean of Academic Affairs discussed two new programs in the works at ACTC, Marine Technology and a Histotechnician Program. The Marine Technology program plans were submitted November 13, 2018 and look to be approved at the March 2019 Board of Regents meeting. The program is planned to be offered beginning in the fall 2019 semester. The Histotechnician Program is being written from the ground up and will be the first program of its kind in the state. The program is in response to and in collaboration with Kings Daughters Medical Center.
Allison Goble, Director of Marketing, discussed marketing handouts (copy attached) and announced two awards ACTC recently received: ACTC’s welding program was named Top 3 in the nation in a ranking for America’s Best College for Vocational Certificates by Washington Monthly and ACTC was ranked one of the top 10 in online learning in Kentucky by the Community for Accredited Online Schools. In addition, she informed those present that ACTC received 347 positive media hits in the fall semester with a $150,000 advertising value.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, reported that October and November are transition months from fall semester to spring semester. He and staff are evaluating and planning, noting the importance of retention. He reported that there was a seamless transition from loss of seasoned employees to new hires during the busiest time of the fall semester. He noted that his staff does face challenges due to less employees; but reported that students are being served and services are improving.
Ann Perkins stated that she certainly hopes the Governor will reappoint her as a Board member. Her current term will expire January 1, 2019. She informed those present that she will always be an advocate for ACTC. Her and her family hold a long and positive history with our college.
Kathryn Davis made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Brooke Elswick-Robinson. All approved. Board Chair, Ann Perkins, adjourned the meeting at 9:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder