Board of Directors Meeting
Technology Drive Campus - September 19, 2018 - Minutes
Alan Alley, Rick Clark, Kathryn Davis, Greg Jackson, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Kailee Ross, Ramona Salyer, Chrisha Spears
Brooke Elswick-Robinson
Karen Blevins, Larry Ferguson, Steve Flouhouse, Nicole Griffith-Green, Dennis Michaelis, Pam Miller, Brooke Seasor, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, Ann Perkins, called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. in the Rocky Adkins Pavilion on the Technology Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the April 24, 2018 and the August 2-3, 2018 meetings. Leigh Latherow made a motion to accept both sets of minutes as written. Ramona Salyer seconded the motion. All voted to approve both sets of minutes.
Interim President, Dr. Dennis Michaelis, explained the purpose of the documents and ACTC’s need for the “Proof of Receipt” forms.
Dr. Dennis Michaelis:
Dr. Michaelis, Interim President of Ashland Community and Technical College (July-September) stated that it was a pleasure to be in Ashland. He informed those present of his presidential history including internships since 2013. He complimented the college and general community. He noted the excitement in our area with Braidy Industries’ presence.
Dr. Larry Ferguson
Dr. Larry Ferguson, Incoming President, thanked Dr. Michaelis for his assistance in the transition to new leadership and stated that he is excited to be home.
He announced an Ashland Alliance Luncheon to be held on ACTC’s Technology Drive Campus on October 17 featuring Congressman Hal Rogers. In addition, he mentioned the Alliance Annual Meeting to be held next door to the Technology Drive Campus on October 25. He announced that Governor Bevin and other VIPs have been invited.
Dr. Ferguson stated that the spirit of ACTC still lives on and the economic developments currently happening in our area will benefit Ashland Community and Technical College. He complimented ACTC for the many new credentials and programs being offered. Dr. Ferguson asked Interim Dean of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Nicole Griffith-Green, to discuss ACTC’s newest offerings. Dr. Griffith-Green discussed a handout (copy attached) and informed Board members of an upcoming meeting with Kings Daughters Medical Center to discuss the possibility of a Histotechnician Program. Dr. Ferguson commented on the great work continuing at ACTC, even after twelve years of reductions in funding.
He informed Board members of the continued work through the Office of Advancement to develop a prospect list of alumni.
The Incoming President stated that he had a lot of listening and learning to do. He said his general theme would be ROI (relevance, outcomes and impact) and he thanked the Board for their vote of confidence.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, discussed a handout with information on ACTC’s mission, vision, accreditation, enrollment, retention and graduation rates (copy attached).
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, presented a handout (copy attached) and discussed enrollment numbers. He reported regarding online students, the push to encourage ACTC online students to take ACTC online courses versus courses offered by sister colleges. He noted that the home school gets the headcount for the student but the providing school gets the funding. He told those present that all the KCTCS schools are pushing their students to take their home school courses for that reason. Dean Woodburn briefly informed members of the KCTCS initiative, On-Ramp, aimed at adult students. The initiative will allow them to earn quick credentials and use them in the workplace.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, reported that the internal audit required due to Dr. Kay Adkins’ retirement is clean. She also stated that presently ACTC is .85% over budget in student credit hours than projected. She reminded those present that student credit hours drive the budget, therefore; it is essential we continue to develop true budgets and stick to them.
Brooke Seasor, Director of Advancement, reported that $233,873 have been awarded to students through scholarships this academic year. Of that amount, $139,138 were Community and Technical College Foundation of Ashland monies. In addition, the CTCFA has raised $128,466 since July 1.
She informed Board members that the annual audit of the CTCFA found no issues.
Brooke reminded those present that the annual golf scramble will be held, Monday, October 8 and is expected to raise over $27,000 for scholarships.
She announced a new lineman scholarship funded by American Electric Power.
Brooke Seasor, reporting for Allison Goble, Director of Marketing, reported:
- The 2017-2018 Annual Report Video (which played prior to meeting) is complete. Board Members should receive an email from the president's office with a link to this in the next few days.
- KCTCS and all 16 colleges recently updated their logos. ACTC is rolling out the new logo throughout this academic year.
- Young Women LEAD conference is Oct 9 and 10.
- Planning is underway for the Young Men’s Conference to be held March 12.
- Over the past five months, significant changes have been made to modernize ACTC's website design. In addition to updated content, the site design is now more visual and mobile friendly than the past.
Dr. Ferguson thanked Rick Clark and family for their contributions, over $100,000 raised for the Rodney Clark Memorial Scholarship.
Chair Ann Perkins, thanked the President’s Leadership Team for their work especially with budget issues. She noted that, as we move forward, we must be invested in our college in order to sustain it and grow.
She thanked Dr. Michaelis for keeping ACTC going the last three months. She told Dr. Ferguson it was a great thrill to have him home. She reported recently speaking of him to the Youth Leadership as an example of opportunity for our young people to come back to our area.
In closing, Chair Perkins reminded all to tell our story as we go about in the community to promote Ashland Community and Technical College, to get behind Dr. Ferguson and to band together for ACTC.
Board Chair, Ann Perkins, adjourned the meeting at 9:33 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder