Board of Directors Meeting
College Drive Campus - December 6, 2017 - Minutes
Alan Alley, Toni Armstrong, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Ramona Salyer, Chrisha Spears, John Stewart
Mikaela McDonald
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Keith Brammell, Karen Coburn, Steve Flouhouse, Nicole Griffith-Green, Jesse Hurst, Willie McCullough, John McGlone, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, John Stewart, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the John & Pat Stewart Board Room on the College Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the September 27, 2017 meeting. Ann Perkins made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Toni Armstrong seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Dean Steve Flouhouse presented a PowerPoint (attached to minutes) to Board members discussing the KCTCS initiative. Dr. Kay Adkins told members Emsi-the company that performed the study-was the gold standard. She stated that the study will be used by KCTCS in the upcoming legislative session and ACTC will also use it within the local community.
Chair John Stewart asked Ann Perkins to lead the nominating committee. She agreed, and more action will be taken at the next meeting of the Board in February. John noted that we currently have four Board member vacancies (two members up for renewal and two new member positions).
John Stewart briefed the Board members on the highlights of the October KCTCS training offered for Board members. Both he and Dr. Kay Adkins attended the training. Each Board member received a copy of the information distributed at the training (copy attached). John reminded Board members that the most important duty of members is to hire a president if there is a vacancy. The hiring will be from three candidates chosen by System personnel. In addition, the Board is responsible for approving the annual budget, reviewing the president’s yearly performance and submitting a strategic plan to the Board of Trustees. He stated the Board members do not oversee daily< running of the college nor do they hire or review employees. John announced that we would probably do a training when new members are appointed by the Governor.
Dr. Karen Coburn-Johnson gave a presentation (copy attached) to Board members. She explained the goal is to give high school students a taste of the college experience- especially those who might not be eligible for traditional academic college scholarships.
Dr. Kay Adkins announced that fall enrollment is down, but ACTC did meet revenue requirement for the semester. In regard to spring enrollment, she reported that ACTC has been very aggressive and we are currently up from our predictions. When all is done we expect to fall about 15%; however, but we have budgeted for that decrease.
President Adkins announced that the 2018-2019 budget planning is very fluid. The upcoming state legislative session, state pension crisis and performance based funding combine to make the perfect storm. She said we will weather the storm. She shared the KCTCS formal statement on the state pension crisis (copy attached).
Dr. Adkins reported that the SACSCOC site visit went very well. ACTC did a phenomenal job and leadership was very pleased with the report.
She informed Board members of an update letter from Braidy Industries (copy attached). She said the letter would be distributed to those interested.
President Adkins shared a House of Representatives Citation congratulating ACTC on our 80th anniversary.
Nicole Griffith-Green reported that ACTC has not spoken with the SACSCOC official regarding the requested changes to our QEP. As soon as there is discussion we will make the necessary changes to the plan. She noted how complimentary the visiting team was of our institution.
Keith Brammell told members that weekly Braidy meetings continue and we are in the process of getting program approval from the Board of Regents. In addition to the program we hope to also offer a certificate specific to Braidy. The company pledges to hire successful graduates and if all goes as planned we hope to offer the program beginning in the Fall 2018 semester. He said they have been great partners to work with.
John McGlone reported that ACTC will host a mass tragedy drill as a nursing final in April. It will include personnel from KDMC, Ashland Fire Department and Police Department along with area EMTs.
Karen Blevins announced that the BuildSmart building improvements should be final by mid January. The project has been completed under budget.
Steve Woodburn announced Express Enrollment is scheduled December 11-13 with extended hours, 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. In addition, ACTC will open December 28, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. for a Winter One Stop event. Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid and Cashier services will be available. The President’s Leadership Team will participate in this event. Other efforts to boost enrollment include: postcard mailings, radio, Facebook and web page ads along with billboards. Steve will update Board members at the next meeting on these events.
Willie McCullough reported that activities continue in celebration of our 80th year. We have recently spotlighted alumni and our golf tournament raised $24,500. Upcoming are a 5k and a car show. The celebration culminates with an “Alumni Through the Decades” at graduation.
She announced that we are currently having a Professional Development with a consultant. This will help us assess the strengths and weaknesses of our department.
Chair John Stewart reminded Board members to check their calendars for our spring 2018 meeting dates. He noted that it had been a difficult year but he was confident ACTC personnel had done their best for its students. He reminded those present of Willie’s retirement reception to be held December 7. John wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. No one else had any closing comments.
Board Chair, John Stewart, adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder