Board of Directors Meeting
Roberts Drive Campus - September 21, 2016 - Minutes
Nicole Griffith-Green, Keri Jones, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Ramona Salyer, Chrisha Spears, John Stewart, Jr.
Toni Armstrong, John Clark,
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Steve Flouhouse, Janie Kitchen, Willie McCullough, John McGlone, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Dr. Kay Adkins introduced Chris Boggs, Associate Professor, Computer and Information Technology. Chris gave a quick presentation regarding the implementation of ACTC’s new Mobile Technology Trailer. He invited guests to come outside, visit the trailer and try their hand at some of the latest technology gadgets.
Board Chair, John Stewart, Jr. called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m. in Room 504 on the Roberts Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the May 4, 2016 meeting. Nicole Griffith-Green made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Leigh Latherow seconded the motion. All voted to approve the minutes.
President Adkins introduced two new members to the Board of Directors: Keri Jones, SGA President, replaces Jayden Derisin who resigned due to his family relocating out-of-state and Chrisha Spears, newly elected Staff Representative to the Board of Directors.
Dr. Adkins refreshed board members regarding the KCTCS College Boards of Directors Appointment Process (see attached copy). She noted that former member Marganna Phelps’ position has yet to be appointed by the Governor. She reminded members that four current members’ terms will expire January 2017. They are: Toni Armstrong, John Clark, Ramona Salyer and John Stewart. All have agreed to serve again, if appointed, with the exception of John Clark. Their applications will be forwarded to the KCTCS System Office by December 2016. All members will continue to serve until replaced.
Dr. Adkins called attention to the ACTC Strategic Plan (copy attached), reminding board members that it was first presented at the December meeting. She noted that college employees have affirmed the plan and now is asking the Board of Directors to do likewise. A motion was made by Ann Perkins to affirm the plan, seconded by Leigh Latherow and was approved by vote.
President Adkins gave a brief review of the Kentucky Open Records and Open Meeting Acts (copy attached). Each member was given a copy and asked to sign a “proof of receipt”.
Dr. Adkins used a PowerPoint presentation to give board members an overview of KCTCS/ACTC (copy attached). She reminded members that the SACS reaccreditation process is continuing.
Janie Kitchen, Dean of Academic Affairs, reported ACTC has received a 2.5 million dollars Title III grant from the Department of Education. It will focus on distance learning, will begin October 1 and will last five years.
She also announced the ACTC theatre presentation, Steel Magnolias, can be seen September 30, October 1 & 2.
Willie McCullough, Dean of Resource Development and External Affairs, informed members that ACTC hosted a successful Board of Regents meeting last week on the Technology Drive Campus.
She reminded those in attendance that the 3rd Annual ACTC Golf Scramble (brochure attached) will be held October 10 at the Bellefonte Country Club. She announced that we are on track to raise approximately $20,000 for scholarships.
Dean McCullough announced a free Estate and Retirement Planning Seminar, hosted by the Community and Technical College Foundation of Ashland, Inc. is scheduled weekly in October and is open to the public (flyer attached).
Willie announced proceeds from the Kroger Community Rewards Program and encouraged members to participate. She provided a handout with instructions for enrollment (copy attached).
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, had nothing to report.
John McGlone, Dean of Public Services, reported that his area is looking at ACTC’s security plans, webpages, etc. to do any necessary tweaking for the SACSCOC reaccreditation.
Dean McGlone announced we are currently offering free CPR/First Aid training to ACTC employees. Classes are being taught by nursing faculty.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, announced his pride in his staff and other ACTC personnel for their hard work successfully kicking off the fall semester with BuildSmart in process and other difficult issues.
He announced text messaging coming soon to students.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, reminded the Board that 55-60% of ACTC’s revenue comes from tuition. She stated that our current revenue is about 3% greater than projected for fall.
Chair John Stewart reminded members to check the scheduled dates for upcoming meetings and thanked everyone for attending.
Board Chair, John Stewart, adjourned the meeting at 12:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder