Board of Directors Meeting
College Drive Campus - January 29, 2016 - Minutes
Toni Armstrong, Kathryn Barber, John Clark, Nicole Griffith-Green, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Kathy Riley, John Stewart, Jr.
Ramona Salyer
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Steve Flouhouse, Wendy Fosterwelsh, Janie Kitchen, John McGlone, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, John Stewart, Jr. called the meeting to order at 11:58 a.m. in the John and Pat Stewart Board Room on the College Drive Campus of Ashland Community and Technical College.
Members reviewed the minutes of the December 10, 2015 meeting. Toni Armstrong made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Leigh Latherow seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Ann Perkins made the motion to approve the following slate of board officers: John Stewart, Chair and Ramona Salyer, Secretary. Toni Armstrong seconded the motion and all approved.
Dr. Kay Adkins discussed a handout (copy attached) regarding the ACTC goals for the 2016-2022 Strategic Plan. She explained the difference in the goals adopted at the December meeting and the new goals proposed due to changes in the KCTCS goals. Toni Armstrong made the motion to accept the new goals. The motion was seconded by John Clark. All approved.
Guest Presentation
President Kay Adkins introduced Wendy Fosterwelsh, ACTC Professor of Art. Wendy gave an overview of her job and bragged on the support of the arts by ACTC. Ann Perkins stated her gratitude for the work Wendy and students have done at Safe Harbor. In addition, Kathryn Barber, SGA President and Student Representative to the Board of Directors, discussed the wonderful experience she had as an art student under Wendy. She mentioned the amazing correlation between Math and Art she experienced as a pre-engineering student.
In regard to the budget, Dr. Adkins shared some handouts (copy attached) discussing the impact of the proposed cuts to post-secondary education. She informed the Board of Directors that the proposed 4.5% cut in funding from the state will amount to $340,000 for ACTC. She stated that we can manage this cut, but more planning will be needed to face the possible 9% proposed cuts to come in fiscal years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. She mentioned performance funding and announced that it is not known how that will work at this point.
In addition, President Adkins explained the Fuel the Force campaign aimed at educating state legislators about the proposed financial cuts to higher education. She asked members to sign the letters addressed to area legislators stating our wishes and concerns. She announced a KCTCS rally to be held in Frankfort on February 18 and an ACTC day in Frankfort scheduled for March 3.
Dr. Adkins reminded members that the BuildSmart campaign will finish up by the end of June and that over $600,000 has been raised. There will be spring and summer displacement on the College Drive Campus due to construction. She announced that a non-profit will be purchasing the Roberts Drive property with proceeds going toward the BuildSmart funding.
Dr. Adkins, speaking for Willie McCullough, Dean of Resource Development and External Affairs, announced that the Hillcrest property is for sale or rent.
Workforce Solutions will host an Emerging Technology Conference expecting about 300 attendees on March 11.
On February 26 the student lounge will be named after Wendell and Mary Banks in honor of their community service and service to ACTC. Wendell served on the ACC Board of Directors for 18 years.
She noted that the strike team continues to work with AK Steel. There are currently about 30 former AK employees enrolled at ACTC and many employees are still waiting to see if they are called back to work.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, announced that bids for BuildSmart projects will open on February 4. The work is estimated to take a total of 537-575 days, resulting with energy savings. The work will consist of HVAC, electrical and mechanical upgrades.
Janie Kitchen, Dean of Academic Affairs, told board members that we have been closed one day due to bad weather this semester.
She noted the planning work currently going on with Mia Brown and others regarding the Credits Count grant.
John McGlone, Dean of Public Service, announced that the “Shooter on Campus” drill/training held December 17 on the Technology Drive Campus was well received by ACTC and the community. He thanked board member Ann Perkins for her attendance. Trainings will continue through the spring semester with a series of seminars regarding personal safety. He provided a handout to board members (copy attached) and noted the seminars are open to community members. The purpose of the seminar series is to help students and others feel safe now and into their future.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, informed members that the beginning of the spring semester has gone well. ACTC’s enrollment has matched our projection. The new cancellation process has gone smoothly.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, provided a handout (copy attached) and discussed enrollment, retention and completion, comparing different academic years and comparisons to other colleges.
Chair, John Stewart, encouraged all members to sign the letters and make phone calls supporting the Fuel the Force campaign. He thanked all for attending and adjourned the meeting at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder