Board of Directors Meeting
College Drive Campus - December 10, 2015 - Minutes
Toni Armstrong, Kathryn Barber, John Clark, Nicole Griffith-Green, Leigh Latherow,
Perkins, Ramona Salyer, John Stewart, Jr.
Kathy Riley
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Steve Flouhouse, Janie Kitchen, Willie McCullough, John
McGlone, Pam
Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, John Stewart, Jr. called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. in the conference room of the College Drive Campus.
Members reviewed the minutes of the September 29, 2015 meeting. John Clark made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Ramona Salyer seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Due to Ann Perkins late arrival John Stewart, Jr. announced that this item would be discussed at the January 2016 meeting.
Chair John Stewart gave a review of the October KCTCS BOD training. John, Ann Perkins and Nicole Griffith-Green were in attendance at the Lexington, KY training and in summary John provided handouts (copy attached) and discussed highlights of the training. He asked Board members to fill out the Board Self-Evaluation: A Practical Guide and give them to Pam Miller.
President Kay Adkins presented handouts (copy attached) with proposed changes to the ACTC mission statement and the “proposed goals” for the 2016-2022 ACTC Strategic Plan. It was noted that the “proposed” goals may be revisited if the KCTCS goals are changed. After detailed explanation of both items a combined motion to approve both was made by Toni Armstrong and seconded by John Clark. All were in favor of accepting the new mission statement and the “proposed” goals.
Dr. Adkins informed Board of Directors that ACTC fall enrollment was down 10% and while spring enrollment is a moving target she expects an approximate 7% decrease. She stated that ACTC is the only KCTCS College currently meeting its expenses and said ACTC is financially positioned well for spring. She said that as we move forward into the biennial budget we will see performance based funding but the CPE has not identified the performance goals nor how to meet them.
She provided a handout (copy attached) which briefly describes the KCTCS “Fuel the
Force” Legislative Agenda. She announced that John Stewart will chair the ACTC Business
Champions Council. A meeting will be held January 6 at 4:00 p.m. at the Roberts Drive
Campus to discuss ACTC strategies. There will be a Frankfort day, February 18, for KCTCS
to work with legislators and ACTC will also partner with Ashland Alliance on a separate
Frankfort day. President Adkins announced that the BuildSmart campaign will end in
June. We have raised over $600,000. We will use general fund money to secure the needed
matching money. Work funded by the campaign will begin in the
She informed the Board that the Roberts Drive demolition is projected to be complete
by the end of the year. We will have approximately 10 acres for sale. A sealed bid
process will be used with proceeds going to the BuildSmart campaign. The process has
been ongoing for 2½ years.
Page 2 of 2 Lastly, Dr. Adkins discussed recent assistance to AK Steel. Numerous ACTC
personnel have been involved. ACTC will be present December 15 at the Ashland Union
Hall to meet with employees and offer advice and instruction for those interested
in education at ACTC.
Dr. Adkins supplied the Board with a listing of new Governor Bevin’s Cabinet (copy attached).
Janie Kitchen, Dean of Academic Affairs, announced the hiring of Mia Brown as Director of the Credits Count grant. She will begin work December 14. Janie informed the Board that a new program, Dental Assistant, will be offered beginning fall 2016. She announced that Dr. Nicole Griffith-Green will serve as Director of the Quality Enhancement Plan for our upcoming SACSCOC reaccreditation.
John McGlone, Dean of Public Service, announced a comprehensive “Shooter on Campus” drill/training to be held December 17 on the Technology Drive Campus.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, informed Board members that new furniture has been installed in the student lounge including an electronic bar. She announced painting of the third floor hallways will take place during the upcoming institutional closing.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, announced a SACSCOC onsite visit October 24-26, 2017 and other dates relevant to the accreditation process.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, informed the Board that the annual counselor’s update meeting was held this morning. His area’s main focus continues to be student registration. He announced a Town Center Mall event on December 11, 3:00-9:00. ACTC will have 24 tables manned throughout the mall with lots of different ACTC information available.
Willie McCullough, Dean of Resource Development and External Affairs, announced the
annual Golf
Scramble raised $21,000 for scholarships. The October Young Women Lead Conference
was attended by 550 area high school junior and senior girls. The FIRST Lego League
was a two day completion involving 350 grade school students comprising 25 teams.
The third annual Science Fair will be held February 5. She also informed the Board of
two new scholarships for fall: one for culinary arts and one YWL scholarship. She
noted that 172 scholarships were presented for fall 2015. In BuildSmart news she stated
that $613,000 has been raised.
Kathryn Barber, SGA President and Student Representative, informed the Board of the recent Finals Destress Zone which offered coloring books, legos and AARF animals for students to play with. She reported that students loved it! She told members that SGA held a special election and two new officers were chosen: Dallas Brumfield, Secretary and Kayla Potter, Treasurer. The SGA sponsored “It’s On Us” party, held November 19 had over 100 in attendance with lots of food and fun.
Chair, John Stewart, thanked all for attending and adjourned the meeting at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder