Board of Directors Meeting
Roberts Drive Campus - September 29, 2015 - Minutes
Prior to the Board of Directors meeting the annual Board Retreat was held. Two items were discussed: the booklet, Facing Change in the Community College: Leadership Issues & Challenges, and Kentucky Wired.
Toni Armstrong, Kathryn Barber, John Clark, Nicole Griffith-Green, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Kathy Riley, Ramona Salyer, John Stewart, Jr.
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Janie Kitchen, Willie McCullough, John McGlone, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, John Stewart, Jr. called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room on the Roberts Drive Campus.
Members reviewed the minutes of the May 7, 2015 meeting. Chair Stewart made the motion to accept the minutes as written. John Clark seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Board members were asked to review the proposed 2015-2016 meeting dates. John Stewart, Jr. made the motion to accept the tentative dates and Toni Armstrong seconded the motion. The tentative dates were approved by all. A copy of the dates is attached to the minutes.
Dr. Kay Adkins briefly explained a new process put in place by KCTCS to annually evaluate KCTCS college presidents. She noted that the new process will be more standardized. A narrative will be sent to Board members before the actual evaluation. A copy of the new evaluation form was distributed to each member and a copy is attached to the minutes.
President Adkins reminded Board of Directors members about the upcoming workshop to be held for all KCTCS colleges’ Board members on October 23 in Lexington. Dr. Adkins provided the “draft” agenda to each member. She informed members that Dr. Jay Box, KCTCS President, will be presenting an overview of Board responsibilities.
Dr. Adkins presented a PowerPoint explaining the KCTCS Advocacy Campaign. A copy is attached to the minutes. She noted that the campaign builds around the upcoming legislative session. KCTCS will focus on funding in the session and hopes each of the 16 colleges in the system will bring three business leaders to the session.
President Adkins informed Board members about the Regional Innovation Roundtable Sessions sponsored by the Gates Foundation. The hope of the roundtable meetings is to align agencies to identify regional needs. Many agencies are presently going through strategic planning. She presented a PowerPoint presentation with more details. A copy is attached to the minutes.
Janie Kitchen, Dean of Academic Affairs, discussed the QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan), part of the upcoming SASCOC accreditation process. She informed members that a task force will choose six topics to be taken to the October In-Service Day where faculty and staff will vote to choose one topic as ACTC’s QEP.
Janie announced that the surgical technician program had a 100% pass rate on their recent exam.
She announced that a director will soon be hired for the AEP Credits Count program.
Janie explained to Board members that ACTC was not listed in the recent Obama college scorecard because the focus is on degree production and KCTCS produces many times over certificates. Therefore, for the purposes of the scorecard, KCTCS was not seen as a degree producing institution.
She announced that Pam Klinepeter will be replacing Matt Onion as Director of Library Services due to Matt’s retirement.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, informed Board of Directors that enrollment for fall 2015 is up 30% for NEW students. This is the first increase in this category in five years.
He mentioned that the many changes in the student services area are proving to be less confusing to students and that three new centers have been opened: Veteran’s Center, CREATE Center, and a Welcome Center.
He announced that the open houses were successful and will be repeated. He also explained that changes in recruiting will connect students with ACTC personnel from inquiry to enrollment.
Steve informed members that Cris McDavid, will assume the KCTCS position of College Readiness Coordinator for nine months.
He announced that the STARFISH system has been used by faculty to flag students with concerns regarding progress and that 1/3 of our students have been flagged thus far.
Steve announced a $7500 coal grant that will work with AA/AS students to help with completion and transfer.
John McGlone, Dean of Public Service, discussed the Annual Security Report to be filed in October. He stated that our campus and the nearby community is very stable and there is a low crime rate on our campus.
John announced that the “It’s On Us” campaign will kick off soon. All employees will train online annually and there will also be student training.
Dean McGlone informed Board members that new security cameras are being installed on all three campuses. ACTC employees along with students are doing the work which will save ACTC lots of money and is a great learning experience for students.
Willie McCullough, Dean of Resource Development and External Affairs, discussed progress with the BuildSmart Campaign. She announced a $100,000 award from the Woodlands Foundation.
She reminded those in attendance of the upcoming ACTC Golf Scramble. It is to be held on October 12. ACTC has three sponsors: American Electric Power, John Clark Oil and the Putnam Agency.
Willie announced the Toyota Young Women Lead Conference to be held October 13 and 14 at our Technology Drive Campus. Over 600 high school juniors are expected to attend. There is great community support for this event.
Dean McCullough reminded members of the KCTCS Gala to be held November 14 in Lexington. This year the ACTC honorees will be AEP and retired ACTC Professor Ernie Tucker.
ACTC has received a grant for training on 3D printers and on drones.
She announced that Phase I of the Community Brick Project is complete.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, announced to Board members that our 2016 budget is on track and that our most recent student loan default rate has fell below the necessary 30% mark. She stated that Ed Financial has done a good job working with students in this matter.
Kathryn Barber, SGA President and Student Representative, informed the Board of the recent Constitution Day event which also served as a voter registration event.
She announced the successful Red Cross blood drive. A record 26 units were donated. Kathryn mentioned the upcoming Paramount Arts Center Lip-Sync Battle. ACTC has a team of students and employees who will participate.
Dr. Kay Adkins, President and CEO
Last on the agenda, Dr. Adkins introduced Jack Johnson, IT Specialist, who discussed drone technology, gave a video demonstration and a live demonstration.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair, John Stewart, Jr. at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder