Board of Directors Meeting
Roberts Drive Campus - March 13, 2015 - Minutes
John Clark, Leigh Latherow, Ann Perkins, Kathy Riley, Ramona Salyer, John Stewart, Molly Webb
Toni Armstrong, Cameron Miles
Kay Adkins, Karen Blevins, Steve Flouhouse, Jack Johnson, Janie Kitchen, Willie McCullough, John McGlone, Pam Miller, Steve Woodburn
Board Chair, John Stewart, called the meeting to order at 11:56 a.m. in the conference room of Building 5 on the Roberts Drive Campus.
Members reviewed the minutes of the December 17, 2014 meeting. Leigh Latherow made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Molly Webb seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted to approve the minutes.
Dr. Kay Adkins introduced Jack Johnson, ACTC Information Technology Specialist. Jack presented a 3D printer demonstration. He informed the board about practical ways the printer can be used to create models which faculty can use in classroom instruction. He mentioned that it is also useful for creating items for marketing. All this can be done with significant savings to the college. Board members were given a small ACTC token made by the 3D printer. Learning the 3D programming involved in creating the models is also of great value to students. The presentation was very well received by those in attendance.
Chair, John Stewart, brought to the attention of board members the letter of resignation sent by Marganna Phelps to the Board (copy enclosed with minutes). He proposed a “resolution” honoring her dedication and faithful service to ACTC. A motion to accept the resolution was made by Molly Webb, seconded by Ann Perkins. A vote was taken and approved by all. John informed the Board that the process of filling her position will begin.
Dr. Adkins used a PowerPoint presentation (copy enclosed with minutes) to discuss enrollment and its continued downturn. She compared enrollment numbers for the time period 2012-2015. She noted the comparisons with other colleges in the KCTCS system. She focused on the impact enrollment has on ACTC’s budget. She discussed possible reasons for the downturn and informed the Board of numerous actions being taken in hopes of increasing our enrollment.
President Adkins informed the Board regarding new KCTCS President, Dr. Jay Box, and his upcoming listening tour. He will be visiting each college in the system, asking the question, “What does our community/region need for the college to be in 2022”? He will visit Ashland Community and Technical College on April 1, 2015. He will be participating in activities/discussions on all three ACTC campuses. Our Board of Directors along with the Community and Technical College Foundation Board members will have lunch with Dr. Box that day at 11:30 a.m. on the Roberts Drive Campus.
Steve Woodburn, Dean of Student Success and Enrollment Services, discussed the name change in his unit. Previously known as Student Affairs, Steve explained how the change emphasizes the success of students. He informed the Board of the physical moves of various offices under his leadership. Most all areas under his guidance at the College Drive Campus are now relocated to the main building making a “one stop shop” for students. All this in hopes of making ACTC more student friendly which will assist student success. The second floor of the main CDC building has been painted blue and is very recognizable to all. Here students can find admissions, recruiting, advising and financial aid services.
In addition, Steve told Board members that recruiting employees are now under the supervision of Kevin Coots, Associate Dean of Admissions and Records.
Mr. Woodburn discussed his unit working with area high school technical centers through upcoming parent nights at high schools. Faculty will also be involved in these events. All this in hopes of increased enrollment.
John McGlone, Dean of Public Services, informed the Board of upcoming safety trainings. At the ACTC In-Service Day, March 20, faculty will receive key training, Run, Hide, and Fight, presented by the Kentucky State Police. Staff received the training last August.
Janie Kitchen, Dean of Academic Affairs, told the Board about an invitation to ACTC by the AEP Foundation to submit a grant to work with Lawrence County, KY in their “Credit Counts” program. The grant focuses on middle school exploration in STEM, followed by high school dual credit courses and then to college enrollment. The application has been submitted and, if funded, July 1 will begin the planning year. The grant is valued at $815,000.
With hopes of increasing enrollment, we are talking with West Kentucky Community and Technical College regarding two programs: one in Logistics and one in Marine Technology. They approached us about cooperating with them to offer students in our area these programs. We are currently talking with area businesses and industry to see if there is interest in these programs.
Dr. Kitchen, informed the Board about an articulation agreement in progress with Eastern Kentucky University and Kentucky community colleges, including ACTC, in Aviation Technology. She showed a news clip explaining the program, its need, and how partnering with other institutions can grow the program and bring access to the program for students across the state. Our partnership would use the regional airport at Worthington.
Steve Flouhouse, Dean of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, informed the Board of upcoming discussions to be held with faculty and staff at the March 20th In-Service day. Biennial plan discussions will cover topics such as: access to college, orientation, registration, retention and completion. Following the discussion, steps will be taken to implement ideas with the result of improving the college.
In line with Dr. Box’s listening tour will be the beginning of the strategic planning process for 2016-2022. By next fall or spring the BOD and Foundation Board will be meeting and doing these strategic planning exercises as well.
Karen Blevins, Dean of Business Affairs, discussed a handout (copy enclosed with minutes) titled Cohort Default Rates. She reminded members of the importance of the rate staying below 30%. If an institution has a default rate of 30% or higher for a three-year consecutive period that institution could possibly lose their ability to participate in several financial aid programs. The most recent figures available indicate ACTC is below the 30% mark. The handout compares ACTC with other KCTCS institutions. She informed Board members that ACTC has contracted with a new default management vendor. The new vendor is Ed Financial.
Dr. Adkins brought to Board member’s attention the high default rate in the Eastern area of the state. She noted that it is tied to the economy.
Willie McCullough, Dean of Resource Development and External Affairs, began her report by discussing the ongoing BuildSmart Campaign. She informed the Board that the college family component had 88% participation, Board members had 100% participation and the community awareness portion is now happening with Dr. Adkins visiting many area clubs and organizations. System-wide we are ranked at the top, approaching $240,000 raised.
The raffle for Ernie Tucker’s car has been completed and the car has been sold. The college reaped a total of $14,450.
She noted that today’s meeting was held in ACTC’s new Community and Economic Development Building. All workforce and community education is now in one building. The facility has a computer lab, the entrepreneur center, three conference rooms, and the CDL training room. The building will soon be named. The building will host Dr. Box, along with Board members and Foundation Board members on April 1 for Dr. Box’s Listening Tour. Also, on April 9 we will host the Ashland Alliance “business after hours” in the new building.
John Stewart reminded Board members that the next board meeting has been rescheduled to April 30. That meeting will be the annual evaluation of Dr. Kay Adkins.
John announced graduation, May 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Paramount Arts Center.
President Adkins updated Board members regarding Toni Armstrong and her husband’s ongoing recovery from a car accident.
The meeting adjourned by Chair, John Stewart at 1:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Miller, Recorder