College at a Glance
Fall 2023 Enrollment Facts:
Number of students enrolled: 2,559
- Full time percentage: 41.0%
- Part time percentage: 59.0%
- Female percentage: 60.5%
- Male percentage: 38.5%
- First time freshmen: 462
FIVCO area students: 2,169
- Boyd: 851
- Carter: 409
- Elliott: 71
- Greenup: 657
- Lawrence: 181
- Kentucky: 2,313
- West Virginia: 99
- Ohio: 138
- Other: 9
Percentage receiving Financial Aid (2022-2023):
- First Time Full-Time Students: 97%
- Credential Seeking Students
- Grant or Scholarship Aid: 91%
- Pell Grants: 67%
- Federal Student Loans: 34%
- Non=degree Seeking students
- Grant or Scholarship Aid: 83%
Student faculty ratio: 17:1
Number of full-time faculty: 71
In-state tuition per credit hour
Top five most popular programs:
- Associate in Arts / Associate in Science
- Health Science Technology
- Associate Degree Nursing
- Business Administration
- Computer and Information Technologies
Workforce Solutions (2022-23):
- Businesses served: 68
- Participants: 1,465