Activities Can Enhance the College Experience
November 3, 2016
In addition to academic classes and services, ACTC provides activities that can help students connect to the college, network with fellow students and develop interpersonal and leadership skills. Even though we are a ‘commuter’ school, our goal is to provide a variety of opportunities for student involvement and development.
This fall, our Arts and Science faculty are holding seminars to show different aspects of how art and science impact society, from cartoons to Halloween rituals to music and art. The Student Support Services Program is offering seminars on topics that can help students succeed in life as well as college, such as using online tools, handling stress, finding community resources and managing money.
Throughout the year, students can participate in a number of honor societies, career-oriented organizations and activity clubs. The college also provides college-wide get-togethers such as the fall and spring flings, seasonal celebrations and opportunities to support community charities.
Spending time in activities beyond the classroom can make college a more rewarding experience. We support these activities to help students interact with their fellow students, faculty and staff in a supportive college environment.