Student Support Services
The mission of Student Support Services (SSS), is to increase the retention and graduation rates of first generation, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
SSS, a federally funded TRiO program, offers free tutoring as well as other types of academic support to students who qualify for the program.
Services Offered
A 3-credit college class which qualifies as a behavioral science general education course, developed and taught by SSS advisors, and only offered to SSS participants. The course is taught in-person only and held on Fridays from 9:00-noon on CDC during the spring semester. The purpose of the course is to promote the development of leadership skills, especially in students that lack confidence and self-esteem. The tuition associated with this courses is waived by the institution.
SSS Academic Advising staff assists students in planning their degree programs and monitoring their academic progress. The advisors can answer questions about degree requirements and guide students through the process of selecting majors and setting career goals. In addition, the advisors keep students informed about various services that are available on campus to support their needs.
The SSS program offers intensive tutoring both for academic courses and for study strategies. Tutoring is also available to help students prepare to take examinations such as the COMPASS. SSS tutors help students to learn course content and to improve their test-preparation methods and test-taking strategies.
SSS charters the Zeta Iota Chapter of XAE, a national collegiate honor society available to TRIO programs to encourage collegiality and honor achievement. Zeto Iota is the only XAE chapter in Kentucky or the tri-state area. Since April 2011, over 50 SSS participants have become members of XAE and provide valuable leadership within the program. Approximately 20 new members are inducted each year.
Every semester, SSS offers a wide variety of informative programs. Some typical topics include First Week Freebies, Blackboard use instruction, resume and interview skills, applying to the nursing program, scholarship and financial aid information and many others.
Graduation packets are specially printed for SSS participants that can be submitted directly to the SSS Director to process through the ACTC Records office.
SSS Advisors will assist students with career interest and assessments using Myers Briggs and Career Outlook. Assistance with resumes and cover letters is provided. SSS Advisors assist students with personal issues through referral to local agencies that can assist them.
The tutorial centers on both campus house a textbook library in which SSS participants may check out textbooks to be used during the semester for their class or to be used as additional information in courses.
Tutorial centers on both campuses are equipped with computers, copies and printers to be utilized by SSS participants when needed for their course work.
Held during the spring semester for SSS students and staff to relax, and have fun before finals. This event is held at Armco Park.
SSS also hosts a Student Support and Enrollment Services (SSES) Award ceremony toward the end of the spring semester to celebrate all the accomplishments achieved by the students. This is a very popular themed event SSS students truly enjoy.