ACTC’s Dr. Ferguson to serve on AACC commission | ACTC

ACTC’s Dr. Ferguson to serve on AACC commission

July 22, 2020


Ashland Community and Technical College (ACTC) President and CEO Dr. Larry Ferguson is now serving the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) with a three-year appointment to the Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement.

The president of AACC, Dr. Walter G. Bumphus, told Dr. Ferguson that he was sure his insights and leadership will significantly contribute to the board’s decision-making process and its ability to serve the interest of all other AACC member institutions.

“I am humbled to be selected to serve on this commission and have the opportunity to help propel the mission and vision of community colleges forward in a time where they are desperately needed,” Dr. Ferguson said.

The Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement will focus on visioning and messaging for “friend” raising, coalescing internal and external partners around marketing and public relations campaigns that garner support for the two-year college and elevated fundraising; collaboration with philanthropic organizations, and the private sector to drive investment in the nation’s community colleges; emerging trends in communications; and sustain the AACC 21st-Century Center to benefit all community colleges.

Commissions were established to provide advice to the AACC Board and staff, encourage collaboration among community college entities and organizations and provide a forum for focused conversation about the important community college issues and priorities of the day.