Get CPR certified
June 1, 2020
ACTC is offering an American Heart Association CPR course on Friday, June 5.
This hybrid course is intended for current medical professionals and current medical professional students.
Part 1 of the class is online instruction from 9 a.m.-noon. Part 2 is a skills check-off in person and adhering to all COVID-19 safety guidelines at the Roberts Drive Campus.
The CPR training will include Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. The class will be taught by Sonya Riggs and Robin Harris.
The cost for the class is $60 and includes the cost of the CPR card. Payment must be made no later than the end of business the day before the class begins.
Register by emailing Workforce Solutions at as_workforce@kctcs.edu or by calling 606-326-2072. Register online here.
This course will also be offered on June 19, July 10, and July 23.