ACTC Workforce Solutions, library services still available
April 20, 2020
PThis is the fourth submission in a series of employee spotlights for Ashland Community
and Technical College to highlight how faculty and staff are helping students while
working remotely.
Despite the change in delivery method, ACTC’s employees are dedicated to providing
the best support possible to its students.
Name: Robin Harris
City of Residence: Ashland, Ky.
Educations: Ashland Community and Technical College, 2000 (A.A.S. – Business Management and Associate
in Arts); University of Louisville, 2009 (B.S. in Communication); Murray State University,
2020 (Master of Science in Organizational Communication)
Role(s) at ACTC and how you interact with students: I am the Director of Workforce Solutions and in this role, I manage the area of the
college that provides short-term training such as nurse aide, phlebotomy, KY Medication
Aide, CDL, lineman and CPR. I assist in providing information as well as helping to
enroll in one of our programs. Another big part of our job in Workforce Solutions
is to provide customized business and industry training. We currently work with many
of the long-term care facilities in the area to provide nurse aide training to their
new employees.
How long have you been with ACTC? This year will be my 20th year working at ACTC. I began working part-time in the
business incubator as a receptionist in October of 2000 and began full-time as an
office assistant and coordinator of the nurse aide and phlebotomy programs in 2004.
In 2009, we opened our Assessment Center and I moved into the role of managing the
testing center while continuing to work with the short-term health programs. In 2019,
I was appointed interim manager of Workforce Solutions and as of Jan. 1, 2020, I am
now in the role of director of Workforce Solutions.
What are your favorite things about working at ACTC? Working at ACTC is a very rewarding job. It feels good when you know what you do
has a positive impact on someone else’s life. I love seeing some of our students who
have very little confidence come in to take a class and walk out with confidence and
a skill they can use to make a better life for themselves. Another thing that is amazing
about my job is my co-workers. We all work together for the goals of the college and
provide support for each other in many ways. I love the people I work with and I can
honestly say there are very few days I get up and say, “I don’t want to go to work
Special accomplishments while working at ACTC? I am very proud of the work we do in Workforce Solutions. We have grown our short-term
health programs into one of the prime resources in this area for nurse aide, phlebotomy
and KY Medication Aide training. We have partnerships with a majority of the local
long-term care facilities. Our team has also been very successful over the past year
or so growing our CDL and lineman programs to the point they are in high demand in
this area, as well. We are always looking for ways to enhance the workforce in this
How would your co-workers describe you? I would hope my co-workers would say I am a team player and if I do not have an answer,
I will do my best to get one. I think they would also say I am patient, kind, organized,
passionate to make a difference, transparent and calm. I try to be real and I genuinely
care about each one of them.
Who is your biggest role model and why: My parents are my biggest role models. They taught me about responsibility and to
work hard for anything I want in life. They showed me the importance of having God
in my life, how to be supportive, how to look for the good in people, unconditional
love, how to encourage people to work to achieve their goals, how to be compassionate,
the meaning of love and so much more. I thank God every day for the family He gave
If the students I work with learn one thing, I hope it is… If you want to do something
with your life, do not let anyone make you believe you can’t. If you believe in it,
go for it!
How are you assisting students during the pandemic and what should students know about
your area of service during this time? Everyone in the Workforce Solutions division at ACTC is working remotely to answer
questions by phone and email If anyone has a question, please email to as_workforce@kctcs.edu or call:
Robin Harris (606) 326-2252
Heather Estes (606) 326-2130
We will assist you or get the message to someone who can. We ask that students be
patient with us as we make decisions daily about upcoming testing and training. We
will always put the safety of our students and instructors above all else. We will
work with the students to get them through our programs successfully. Their success
is important to us.
Name: Pamela Klinepeter
City of Residence: Ashland, Ky.
Education: Bachelor of Science in English, Pikeville College (now UPike) (1999); Master of Science
in Library Science, University of Kentucky (2005)
Role(s) at ACTC and how you interact with students: My title is Director of Library Services. I oversee the day-to-day operations of
the library and supervise all library employees. I also provide library instruction
sessions. Faculty can schedule class sessions and bring students to the library or
I will go to the classroom to teach them about library resources and services. I spend
time at the circulation desk at both College Drive and Technology Drive libraries
to answer questions, check books in and out, help in the computer lab. I teach one
section of FYE 100.
How long have you been with ACTC? 15 years as of July 2020
What are your favorite things about working at ACTC? When students tell me that they
remember coming to the library for instruction, or that I came to their class to do
an instruction session, and that it helped them. I’m kind of a know-it-all by nature,
and I want to help people answer their questions.
Special accomplishments while working at ACTC? Upgrading and updating the technology and furniture in the library classroom at College
Drive. Establishing the first makerspace in KCTCS and being able to expand it over
the last few years.
How would your co-workers describe you? I hope they would say that I’m firm but fair and that I genuinely care about our
students, faculty and staff.
If the students I work with learn one thing, I hope it is… never be afraid to ask a question. It’s literally my job to answer questions, so
let me do my job.
How are you assisting students during the pandemic and what should students know about
your area of service during this time? Even though the physical libraries are closed, the library can be wherever you are.
So many of our resources and services are available electronically, and all library
employees are working remotely. We’re available via email at as_library@kctcs.edu, as well as Facebook Messenger (@ACTCLibrary) for chat reference. We can even set
up a meeting in Blackboard Collaborate. We have eBooks, eAudiobooks, articles, and
so much more available in our databases. We also have LibGuides to teach you how to
use the library’s resources, do research, and access the eBooks and eAudiobooks. If
you have questions, we’re still here to answer them.