Practical Nursing application deadline is May 15
April 17, 2020
Complete ACTC’s LPN program in just 11 months!
The Practical Nursing program at ACTC is now accepting applications for the fall 2020 semester class. May 15 is the application deadline.
The diploma program is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing and graduates are eligible to take NCLEX-PN, a national licensing exam. Once licensed, LPNs can find employment in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, long-term care facilities, medical offices and other health care agencies.
Practical Nursing is a selective admissions program. Prospective students must complete an application for the program, an ACTC application and the preadmission online advising conference. A list of prerequisite courses must also be completed prior to admission to the program.
LPN students participate in traditional classroom lectures, skills labs, simulations and are offered a variety of clinical experiences throughout the Tri-State.
Applications and the conference link can be found online here.
To meet the preadmission advising conference requirement, access the link on ACTC’s website, view the conference, print and sign the certificate of completion and submit the certificate with your application.
Applications can be emailed to AS_admissions@kctcs.edu.
For more information, contact Terri Ratliff, LPN program coordinator, at 606-326-2465 or terri.ratliff@kctcs.edu.