Electrical/HVAC continuing education
Oct. 15, 2019
There will be a recertification classes for Kentucky electrical, plumbing and
HVAC professionals on Oct. 19 ACTC’s Roberts Drive Campus.
Green Energy and Business Practices is approved for Kentucky Electrical Contractors
and HVAC Journeymen and Masters, electrical contractors and plumbers. Instructor Mike
Bond will cover topics such as green energy trends, techniques and tips. The class
gives eight continuing education hours.
Analysis of National Electrical Code (NEC) Upgrades is approved for Kentucky
master electricians and electricians. Instructor Lennis Adkins will cover updates
to the National Electrical Code. The class gives six continuing education hours.
Each class will begin at 8 a.m. at the Roberts Drive Campus. The classes will
be available again on Nov. 9.
Each class is $89, and enrollment is through ACTC Workforce Solutions, 606-326-2072,
or email as_workforce@kctcs.edu