Child care provider trainings offered
Jan. 17, 2019
ACTC is once again offering child care provider trainings. The cost is $15 per
person per class. Fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Each three-hour class is taught by an ECE TRIS certified instructor and will
be submitted to ECE TRIS for Child Care Provider Training hours. All classes will
be at ACTC’s Roberts Drive Campus located at 4700 Roberts Drive, Building 5, Ashland.
Upcoming classes are:
• Active Supervision: Jan. 19, 9 a.m.-noon — Distraction happens in the classroom,
but do you know how to handle it? This class will define active supervision, identify
elements and peak times for distractions and identify key elements to active supervision.
This class is designed for all staff.
• Make and Take Math: Feb. 23, 9 a.m.-noon — During this workshop, participants
will gain resources and design wats to set up a hands-on math center in their classroom
learning environment. Participants will discover ways to gain knowledge of their students’
developing math skills through play and help plan math across their curriculum and
throughout the classroom.