ACTC Offers High Demand Fields
Even in a tough economy, there are jobs for people who have college education and training in high demand fields. Ashland Community and Technical College can help students prepare for those jobs with programs that teach the skills that area employers want.
Over one-third of estimated 176,000 new jobs created in Kentucky between 2008 and 2018 will be in healthcare, office and administrative support, and education, according to the Kentucky Outlook. Those fields are popular choices for many students.
Computer and public service fields are other obvious choices. Computer support jobs have been a growing employment area for more than a decade. Law enforcement officers, fire fighters, teachers and social workers perform vital functions in society. Cooks and cosmetologists offer services that are always in demand.
Not so obvious choices are the manufacturing/industrial fields that involve building, operating, repairing and maintaining the country's infrastructure from manufacturing plants to cars.
Preparing for these fields involves hands-on training in state-of-the art technology and equipment, combined with general academic knowledge and experience in teamwork, trouble-shooting and problem solving.
ACTCs technical skills programs include Air Conditioning/HVAC, Chemical or Power Plant Operator, Computer Aided Drafting and Design, Construction, Electrical, Industrial Maintenance, Lineman, Machine Tool, Welding, Auto and Diesel Technologies.
In two years or less, these programs can prepare graduates for jobs paying $15 to $25 per hour or more. Examples include electric power line installers at $23/hour, CNC machinists at $22/hour, air conditioning / HVAC machinists at $18/hour, carpenters at $17/hour and maintenance and repair workers at $16/hour.
Even better, these programs are in fields that will always be needed in our society and that will continue to have openings in the future as more and more baby boomers retire.
Technical programs offer rewarding, long-term opportunities in careers that will continue to grow in demand. They can provide benefits comparable to many of the careers that require a bachelors or higher degree.
Students who want to prepare for whatever the future may bring can add general education courses to their technical program. This gives them the possibility of later earning a degree that can help them qualify for promotions or move into management positions.
For more information on ACTC career choices, go to the web site at ashland.kctcs.edu/education-training and click on Programs of Study. For help choosing a career, contact the Career Center, 606-326-2199 or email: nancy.menshouse@kctcs.edu.
Fall classes start August 13, and August 6 is the application deadline for new students. Applications are on the web at ashland.kctcs.edu and may be submitted online or by mail to the Admissions Office at the College Drive Campus or the Technology Drive Campus.