ACTC graduates more than 800 Tri-State residents
Students from Kentucky
ARGILLITE: James Edward Adams, Jennah P. Baier, Raymond Lee Barker, Michelle Ann Caudill,
Hannah Marie Crum, Harley J. Davis, Shane Wyatt Day, Shawn Michael Heaberlin, Ross
James, Brittany Mendez, Haleigh Kaelynn Moneypenny, Charlie Renee Moore, Jeffrey Morman,
William Bradley Salyers, Hannah Marie Stone, Jessika Leslie Taylor and Austin D Vance.
ASHLAND: Jade Angela Abbott, Kalynn Danielle Adams, Marcus Galen Adams, Christopher
Shawn Adkins, Elizabeth Ann Adkins, Kimberly Dawn Adkins, Tyler Aldridge, Crystal
Nicole Andrews, Kennedy D Ashley, Heath William Baker, Vicky June Baldridge, Alexandra
Maree Ball, Stephanie Idolly Banner, Denise Carol Barber,
Blake Helen Barker, Mattie Nicole Bayes, Nelson D Benitez Ramires, Sarah Elizabeth
Bentley, Secilee Ann Bias, Austin Joseph Biggs, Brent Edward Biggs, Valerie Sue Biggs,
Austin Joseph Biggs, Chad Allen Blair, Hannah Blodgett,
Rebekah Renee Bloomfield, Michael Bocook, Dakota Boggs, Robert Mitchell Bowen, Timothy
Edward Broughton, Gary James Brown, Lowell Curtis Burchett, Shane Matthew Burke, Catherine
Marie Burkes, Emily Jo Burton, Ryan Avery Campbell, Jestin Chaz Cantrell, Dylan Zachary
Carey, Eryn Ashley Casey, Matthew Jordan Cathey, Nathanael Richard Chaney, Madison
T Childers, Abigail Brooklyn Clark, Cheryl Lynn Clay, Shelby Mae Cogan, Allison Colegrove,
Cain Douglas Cooksey, Aron Cooley, Justin R Cordial, Misty Dawn Cox, Joshua Edward
Cox, Amber Dawn Crawford, Alexis Daniels, Christopher Eric Daniels, Tiffany Kay Daniels,
Alexander Scott Davis, Kenneth Andrew Davis, Harold Davis, Mary Catherine Davis, Reece
Daniel Dillon, Robbie David Dillon, Joseph Henry Dixon, Laken Tantania Duckett, Kristin
Lamar Duncan, Samantha Shea Edwards, Anthony Lee Ellis, Evan James Ellis, Dana Rae
Erin Leigh Evans, Michael Lee Fails, Patricia Ann Fannin, Troy Anthony Farris, Deon
Terrell Farrow, Briana Shanese Fitch, Whitney Paige Flaming, Madison Lee Fosson, William
Keith French, Rebecca Victoria Gannon, Danielle Desiree Gedeon, Jeffrey C. Gibson,
Angel Marie Green, William Austin Greenhill, Kevin Edward Griffith, Amanda Grace Griffith,
Colton Lee Griffith, Brittany Leeann Grubb, Kenton Joe Hale, Hayley Mae Hammond, April
D. Harris, Benjamin Travis Hawkey, Ruth Yaritza Hernandez,
Ethan Graham Hicks, Zachary J. Hicks, Chyenne Star Hill, Meaghan Hinchman, Lakyn Angela
Hodgson, Ashley Renee Hogue, Caleigh Jordan Howard, Michael Adrian Howard, Mark Allen
Hundley, Jesse James Hurst, Brandon T. Hutchinson, Lisa Hutchinson, Brittany Layne
Ison, Ciara Nicole James, Desiree Jobe, Cori Johnson, Brian Mitchell Johnson, Chad
N. Johnson, Delynna Denise Johnson, Nathaniel Braidan Jones, Justin Martin Jones,
Jeremy Justice, Heather Dawn Justice, Austin Cooper Kelley, Charles Tyler Kincaid,
Alan Jeffery Kiser, Sarah K. Klein, Cinthia Lynn Kosobud, William Howard Kovacs, Mary
Elizabeth Kress, Kevin T. Large, Dustin Shane Lawson, Jessica Kay Layne, Krissa Chelon
Leadingham, Brittany Leadingham, Cody Matthew Leadingham, Nikita Lashea Lemaster,
Jing Li, Adrianna Malee Long, Chase Anthony Mical Lucas, Taylor Brooke Marie Lucas,
Samuel Christian Lucke, Matthew Alan Lynch, Richard Maddix, Michael Alexander Malloy,
Daniel Stephen Marquez, Elizabeth Nicole Martin, Timothy Zeldon McCarty, Kyle Gregory
McConnell, Samuel Clifford Douglas McConnell, Sherry Marie McConnell, Abbagail Rose
McCormick, Mikaela Oriana McDonald, Samuel Ray McGuire, Mark McMillian, Christopher
Harley McNeal, Ashley Dawnn Meadows, Morgan T Meeks, Mahder Aschalew Mengistu, Jerry
Lance Miller, Mary Alison Miller, Ashley Lynn Miller, Destinee Leah Mills, Michael
Adam Mills, Alannah Lacole Molenda, Amber N. Moore, Natalie Jordan Moore, Letha Ann
Moore, Steven James Morris, Madison Sue Murphy, Jozi Lou Murphy, Natalie Ruth Napier,
Tiffany Dawn Nelson, Joshua D. Nelson, Luke Christofer Neltner, Jordan Newman, Michaela
K. Nivens, Troy Obrien, Shanon Rachelle Odne, Pamela J. Oldham, John David Oney, Cheyenne
Opell, Joshua Donald Opell, Laikin Dakota Parsley, Christopher Alan Patrick, Lacee
D Penix, Michelle Marie Pinson, Travies Lee Plumley, Autumn F. Pope, Luke Andrew Rowe
Porter, Robert Wesley Porter, Arthur Edward Potter, Heather Noelle Ratliff, Sara Lynn
Reedy, Laura Jane Reeves, Carlie Brooke Remy, Gina Marie Rice, April Dawn Rice, Donna
Kaytlyn Rice, William C. Rice, Austin Blake Ritchie, Francesca Rose Roberts, Tara
Nicole Roberts, Brittany Roe, Dylan Jordan Romine, Andrew Keith Runyon, Joshua R.
Russell, Tannathan L. Salyers, Emily Salyers, Hannah Louise Scaff, Mason C. Scaggs,
Jayden Rae Sexton, David Andrew Shaffer, Lawrence Daniel Shaffer, Shonda Gay Sheppard,
Sonya D. Simpson, Robert Owen Simpson, Jennifer Margaret Sloan, Carrieann Faith Slone,
Paige Victoria Smith, Tommie Brooke Smith, Audrey Elizabeth Smith, Breanna Nicole
Smith, Stephenie D. Smith, Rebecca Kay Sorrell, Madison Sparks, Ashley Sparks, Chad
Edward Sparks, Natalie Rae St. Clair, Ivan Brett Stewart, Amy Elizabeth Stewart, Haylee
Morgan Terry, Julian Di Augo Thigpen, Justin Allen Thomas, Milford Gearld Thornberry,
Catherine Nichole Toller, Benjamin Michael Turley, Rebecca Ann Vogel, Kodi Kae Ward,
Valerie Lynn Ward,Joseph Patrick Waugh, Ophelia Marie Weatherholt, Gillian Nikole
Welch, Denver Wells, Christopher Douglas Wells, Alecs Braden West, Martin G White,
Sydney Whitt, Tatum Shayla Williams, Amber Nicole Williamson, Hannah Woodrum, James
David Worstell, Nicholas Philip Zambos and Paulina Reigh-Ann Zendejas.
BLAINE: Brian Lee Hooley.
CATLETTSBURG: Ashley Brooke Akers, Shelby M. Alger, Niklas B. Allen, Amy Lynn Bond,
Jason Andrew Boyd, Crystal Campbell Courtney Frances Castle, Jonathon Franklin Childers,
Brittani Lashae Clark, Tiffany Gail Cornette, Elizabeth Maynard Dean, Justin Wade
Faulkner, Holly Elizabeth Forbes, Travis Fraley, Tammy E Gussler, Danny Lee Hale,
Valerie Renee Hill, Cortney Holbrook, Jon Richard Keelin, Lisa Gail Laney, Haven LeeAnn
Leffingwell, Heather Ann Lester, John David Lovins, Jacqueline Felicia Maynard, Jeffrey
Shawn Mayse Ll, Macey Rochelle Meek, Cody Miller, Michael Ray Miniard, Eddie Marvin
Montgomery Jr., Miranda Faye Morgan, Kayla Michelle Mullins, Sarah L Mulvaney, Tara
Elizabeth Napier, Jason Clayton Nattier, Tracy Talisha Oxendine, Cassandra Dawn Plumley,
Daniel Jacob Robinette, Emily Caroline Salisbury, Timothy Alan Sergent, Robert E.
Shaffer, Rachel Elizabeth Simpson, Charina Marie Stanley, Jerome Thomas Stewart, Lorin
Ashley Suttles, Wesley David Tucker, Tabitha Wallace, Deanna Raye Wellman, Thomas
Harold Wheeler, Sasha Renee Whitaker, Joshua M. Whitt, Chase Austin Wilks and Shawn
Anthony Yates.
DENNISTON: Michelle Erin Hallman.
DENTON: Alissa Dawn Lawson, Tia Michael Levering and Ryan Aaron Lucas.
ELLIOTVILLE: Whitney Shey Pennington.
FLATWOODS: Michael Brandon Blair, Adam Shane Boggs, Heather L Brannan-Wilson, Michael
Alexander Carey, James Oscar Clark Shawn Arthur Colt, Alvin B. Cordle, Cassandra Leigh
Creswell, Tanya Marie Douglas, Brian Keith Elliott,Katelyn Ann Fitchpatrick, Erika
Forbes, Hannah Frazier, Cassidy Brenae Fultz,Cailin Leslie Goebel, Jacob Everett Hall,
John W. Hall, Michael Lee Harris, David Adam Hartman, Taylor Marie Hayden,Erin Renee
Kazee, Joshua Kazee, Darlene L Kazee, Charles Brayden Kouns, Chad Alan Lambiotte,
Clara M Manis, Laura A. Meyer, Desire' Nichole Patrick, Christa Danielle Pettress,
Jessica Erin Presley, Kelsea Michelle Queen, Jody Ann Ratliff, Kelsey Tenile Ross,
Tara Leigh Salvino, Talisha Louise Smith, Torrin James Sutton, Chasidy Dionne Watkins,
Rhonda Faye Williams, Brian Keith Willis, Steve Alan Workman, Brittaney Leeann Worthington,
Susan B. Wurts and Christopher Zachem.
GARRISON: Glenda Jean Bevins and Ryan Dillow.
GEORGETOWN: Joshua Aaron Dalton.
GRAYSON: Bradley Foster Blackburn, Carter Paul Bledsoe, Sean Dillion Blevins, Elisabeth
A. Bocook, Mary Christian Bocook, Kayla Renee Boggs, Whitley Bryann Bowling, Shaina
Madison Burke, Garrett Dakota Bush, Shayla Breanne Bush, Emily Wray Childers, Stephanie
Rae Collins, Jacob Richard Conley, Jana Francine Conley, Shawn William Cordle, Zachary
Todd Craig William Monroe Elliott, Christopher Barrett Fite, Emily Shanay Fultz, Chancey
L Gee, Jared Nicholas Geyer, Candace Hope Glass, Tyler Andrew Griffith, Kacey Charlene
Grills, Amy Dawn Hackney, Logan Alexander Hargraves, Toni Chenise Huff, Caleb Russell
James, James Edward Jones, Danielle K. Jones, Shanna Danielle Keller, Madison Shawnte
Kelley, Kenneth Ray Knipp, Dakota Lee Kouns, Jacob Martin Layne, Michael Edward Lederer,
Kristin Michelle Lowe, Roberta Leigh Lucas, Brittany Dawn Ludwig, Amy Lynn McDavid,
Elyssa Faith McDavid, Trisha Noel McDavid,
Tristan Michael McQuigg, Sydney Alexandra Meadows, Angela S. Morgan, Carrie Ann Mullins,
James Michael Peffer, Amanda Anne Prichard, Nathan Daniel Queen,
Kaden Mkay Rice, April Ann Riley, Ashley Nicole Robinson, Christina L. Rowen,
Michele M. Sammons, Brenda Lou-Ann Samples, Jamie Dean Swanagan, Koty Dakota Tackett,
Chelsea Jade Thomas, Kalah Ariana Wilburn, Brooke Wilson and Amanda Joanne Withrow.
GREENUP: Elisabeth Jayne Allen, Dylan Robert Baker, Kassandra Danielle Banks, Alexander
James Barber, Matthew J Barber, Brittane Amber Bowling, Kimberly Sue Bowling, Justin
Shane Bryant, Ellen Elizabeth Colley, Savannah Sky Cotton, Sara Dawn Fenney, Mark
A. French,Kathy Gail Fultz, Chris Furst, Devyn Elaine Gerber, Vanessa Danielle Gibson,
Austin Ryan Grooms, Cody Allen Gullett, Christopher Cody Hall, Crystal Dawn Hammond,
Frederick Lee Hobson, Harley David Hogge, Zachary Horsley, Kalyn S. Howard, Rachel
Renay Howard, Darius Jackson, Sawyer David Justice, Nichole Marie Kazee, Leslie R.
Lambert, Amber M. Lewis, Brenda Lewis, Amanda Dawne Litteral, Brianna Michelle Meade,
Levi Hayes Meadows, Richard Dwayne Melvin, Jarrod Newman, Josiah Seth Perkins, Samantha
Shea Potter, Jamie Rice, Ryan Matthew Robinson, Hannah Faye Sexton, Brandon Craig
Short, Carrie Faith Smith, April Renae Stephens, Brian Keith Stevens, Taylor Brook
Stevens, Melvin Neil Tolliver, Jett Alan Troxler, Elissa D. Virgin, Tiffany Waddell,
Alexandria Alexis Whitehead, Madison Kaylyn Wilburn, Jonda Nicole Williams, Amy Sue
Wilson and Caitlin Nicole Worthington.
HITCHINS: Shelbie Burton, Rebecca Lee Hall and Tanner Justin Greene.
HORSE CAVE: Lakrishia Gilliam.
ISONVILLE: Gloria Ferguson and Jeremy Scott Wagoner.
LANGLEY: Brittany Nashae Conn.
LEXINGTON: Modest Manase Bittock.
LOUISA: Mycheale Lynn Andrews, Alison Danae Bartlett, Maria Arlene Blackburn, Jessica
Suzanne Blevins, Heather Renee Brown, Jaime Nicole Bush, Daniel Craig Cole, Joshua
Ned Compton, Ronald Lee Conway, Eliza Kaylynn Crum, Bradley Wade Dutton, Tabitha Renee
Fitch, Roxana Belinda Griffith, Michael R. Halcomb, Ashley Bain Hardin, Ashley Nicole
Hatfield, Kayla Renea Henderson, Lydia Marie Heston, Travis Ison, Jessie Ray Jordan,
Tanner Wade Lemaster, Kylie Paige Longstreth, Lydia Mae Marcum, Holly Ann Martin,
Trenton Blake Maynard, Olivia Jordan McGuire, Erica Gayle McKinney, Michael Elmer
Meade, Jerry Allen Mills, Rachel Ann Mills, Jacob Cole Mosley, Grace Ann Music, Stacy
Nicole Napier, Laura Vatasha Perkins, Tamara Reynolds, Nick J. Richie, Kendra Mylee
Riley, Austin Craig Ross, Donna Jean Salyer, Jonathan Tyler Smith, Rebecca L. Spillman,
Roy Dewayne Spillman, Ronda Leanne Stafford, Dakota Andrew Sturgill, Weslie Zackary
Triplett, Tanner Logan Webb, Brian Adam Wilks, Gregory Lynn Woods, Elizabeth L. Wright,
Janella Michelle Wright and Craig Kevin Young.
OLIVE HILL: Michaela Brianne Adkins, Joetta Barker, Jacob David Bays, Joshua Clayton
Carroll, Victoria H. Carroll, Chandler Thomas Caudill, Amanda Faye Cooper, Justin
William Culver, Brianna L Duncan, Mark O. Evans, Lakin Suzanne Gee, Rebecca Michelle
Gilliam, Glen E. Hall, Courtney E. Hedge, Joshua Victor Henderson, Heather Michelle
Kinster, Carrie Mae Kiser, Amanda Dawn Knipp, Maria Sue Littleton, Lanette Noel Littleton,
Chris Lowe, Tony Lee Lucas, Colten Gage Lyons, Tiffany Amanda Mays, David Wayne Miles,
Krystle G. Mortorff, Amber Danielle Nolen Kayla Dawn Phillips, Larry Joshua Rose,
Hunter Joseph Shaffer, Robert Allen Stevens and Robert Michael Sturm II.
PAINTSVILLE: Jarred Blevins.
RACELAND: Samantha Archie, Robert Cody Bates, Amber Michelle Belcher, Jordan Renae
Brown, Dustin Scott-Law Burchett, Lauren Rebecca Howell, Ashley Brook Hunt, James
Russell Marushi, Jared M. Mayo, Rebecca Gayle Sergent and Ryan Wells.
RUSH: Kelsey Ann Blair, Kelsey Hope Cordial, Erica Danielle Hays, Britney Jeanette
Hensley, Kelli Jean Jackson, Merl E. Lewis, Holly Ann Maddox, Jeremy Rogers, Aaron
Cole Rogers, Ashlee Dawn Salley, John Dale Skinner, Joshua Lee Smith, Jennah Eichelle
Stanley, Josh David Sweeney and Joey Lee White.
RUSSELL: Cody Trace Brown, Isabella Joy Carpintero, Garret Dean Cox, Kimberly L Darling,
Nathaniel Thomas Hardy, Robert Blake Harless, Jacob Preston Light, Mykelson Jude Maddox,
Joseph Willard Marcum, Charles Joshua Massie, Jacob Austin Pennington and Corey Michael
SANDY HOOK: Kaylee Faith Blair, Whitley Jam'Al Goodpaster, James Tyler Ison, Jared
Terry Ison, Linda Sue Porter, Destiny Page Simmons, Crystal Lynn Sparks, Ronnie Estill
Stamper and Kobi Ryan Whitley.
SOUTH SHORE: William Brandon Bowling, Sam Wayne Carver, Karan Sue Clark, Shanna Breann
Diamond, Ruthie Michelle Dixon, Brady Clark Fox, Gabriel Brice Hannah, Amanda Richelle
Hedge, Amberdawn Marie Howard, Ashleigh Nicole Lansford, Jacob Shane Roberts, Jonathan
Lee Stapleton, Callina M. Thacker, Erica Dawn Thompson, Derrick Shane Timberlake,
Christopher Eric Timberlake, Brett Austin Wellman and Jennifer Renee Wilks.
WORTHINGTON: Tristan Shawn Kilburn, Kimberly Michelle Quillen, Angela Marie Settles,
Jennifer Reane Settles, David Wayne Stiltner and Kellen Chase Thomas.
WURTLAND: Makayla Shae Castle, Nathaniel Mark French, Robert Lee Groves, Fauna Ticundi
Grubb, Makayla Didama Ann Large, Anthony Isaac Lyon and Heather Dawn Whitt.
Students from Ohio
CHESAPEAKE: Jacob Aleksander Leist, Jessica Denise McCleary, Taylor Elizabeth Price,
Ashley Lynn Stamper and Danielle Kay Wray.
CHILLICOTHE: Rebecca Leigh Dickerson.
COAL GROVE: Molly Ann Miller and Stacie Ann Wilson.
FRANKLIN FURNACE: Robert S. Lintz and Brandon Wallace.
IRONTON: Katlyn Leigh Adkins, Jacquelyn Victoria Ahern, Morgan Grace Artis, Joseph
Eugene Baker, Alexandra Danielle Bazell, Eric Dale Bennett, Kristen Nikole Cochran,
Ryan Henry Fletcher, Katelyn Gillispie, Phyllis Sue Goody, Shane Richard Haney, Bentessa
Annett Kerns, Jacob Daniel Myers, Katie Rebekah Owens, Hayden Robinson, Arden Sparks,
Joseph T. Spears, Michael Patrick Staton, Hayden Ray Suver, Richard Lee Thompson,
Samantha Marie Webb and Duane Eric Woodberry.
KITTS HILL: Shaina L. Henry and Ashlee Kratzenberg.
MCDERMOTT: Tammy Leann Gillette.
PEDRO: Travis Dalton Gates, Zachariah Keith Markel and Emily Kristin Sturgill.
PORTSMOUTH: William Paul Cutlip, Denise Elaine Reed and Nicolas Brandon Roark.
PROCTORVILLE: Jason Ray Easter, Travis R. Hoke, Olivia Ruth Price-Bias and Dustin
Ray White.
SOUTH POINT: Darren Scott Blake, Jason Russell Brown, Jonathan M. Brumfield, Kari
Dawn Childers, Keshia Clark, William Shane Collingsworth, Teresa Jean Davis, William
D. Frazee Jr., Joseph Dale Hall, Tina Margaret Hughes, Jani Allicen Meeks, Asya Nyoka
Hope Poe, Betty Marie Prichard, Lisa Nichole Runnels, Kayla Mae Skeens and Alyissa
Lee Smith.
WHEELERSBURG: William Joseph Brumfield, Belinda Dingess, Brandon Scott Jones,
Brenda Nicole Meeker, Taylor Waller and Hobert Gene Waugh.
WILLOW WOOD: Summer Nicole Pelletier and Melissa Ann Taylor.
Students from West Virginia
BARBOURSVILLE: Andrea Raye Adkins, Amber Brooke McDearis and Katlyn Nikole Meadows.
BRANCHLAND: Trysten Jade Johnson.
CEREDO: Matthew Ryne Hardin and Tayllor White.
CRUM: Vada Laree Hodge and Lauren Brooke Ratcliff.
DUNLOW: Michelle Leigh Barnhart and Kennedy Makayla Beckett.
FORT GAY: Kara Joelle Adkins, Benny Brewer, Millena Dawn Estep, Phillip Andrew Hammond,
James Harold Lively III, Karen Lavon Meade, Samantha Paige Nelson, Marissa Dawn Pack,
Allison Kelli Robertson, Shasta Rachelle Sisk and Bobby Ray Spears.
GENOA: Theresa Lynn Bryant.
HUNTINGTON: Justine Taley Arms, Michelle Lea Brown, Hannah Elizabeth Clay, Christopher
David Crabtree, Morgan K Ferguson, Joshua Tate Fuller, Amanda Renee Furr, Kaytlynn
Nikol Graham, Marlene Faye Howell, Zachary Lee Lackey, Johnny Eugene Martin, Christie
Leanne Mechanic, Grace Nohra Phelps, Sadie Plymale, Danielle Nicolle Quaranta, Tristan
David Roberts, Cassidy Brooke Roy, Tonya Mae Sowder, Danielle Leighann Spurlock, Ryan
Michael Steele and Caleb Chase White.
KENOVA: Joshua Caudill, Alexis Jordan Fraley, Andrew Brian Hamm, Christie Ann Luther,
Ashley L. Massie, Josie McCallister, Amy M. Ratliff, Caitlin Marie Skaggs, Whitney
Diane Skaggs and Michael David Wallace.
KERMIT: LeeAnn Prince.
LAVALETTE: Joseph Aaron Reynolds.
ONA: Laiken Suzanne Call and Krista Lee Hanna.
PRICHARD: Meghan Elizabeth Castle, Tracie A. Cavins, Christopher Luther Dillon, Alexis
I. Frazier, William Evan Richards and Robert Keith Williamson.
WAYNE: Elizabeth Ann Blankenship, Lauren Mackenzie Daniels, Sarah Elizabeth Gillenwater
and Trevor Clayton Maynard.
WEST HAMLIN: Jennifer Marie Adkins.