ACTC Young Men's Conference Features Area Experts
Published on Feb 22, 2017
Area leaders will share their advice for success at the Young Men's Conference March 6 at Ashland Community and Technical College.
They will join keynote speaker Paul R. Sovinski in presenting leadership, education and development tips to high-school sophomore boys from Eastern Kentucky
Ross Turner will be the emcee and opening session speaker. A local pharmacist and former UK Wildcat mascot, he will speak on "How to Navigate the Open Waters of High School and Find Purposeful Opportunities for Your Future."
Breakout sessions will cover issues for young men ranging from leadership and career planning to character traits and girls.
"What Mom & Dad Didn't Tell You about Girls" is a panel discussion on life experiences and how young men should interact with women. Panelists are Amanda Barren, WSAZ TV news anchor; Allison Biggs, United States probation officer; and Amanda Clark, Ashland City Commissioner and vice president of the Ashland Alliance.
"Show Me the Money" introduces the real world of finances and money, with budgeting, debt, credit and saving tips. Presenters are Clayton Brown, director of business marketing & development at Members Choice Credit Union, and Jason Whitlatch, regional business development officer at City National Bank.
"Crossroads, Making the Right Decision" will feature inmates from the Federal Correctional Institution in Ashland. They will share stories of decisions which were not in their best interest. (No cellphones or recording devices will be allowed in this session)
"Social Media" is the topic for Wes Thompson, owner of Whiskey Tango Creative Group and co-owner of The Social Rip, and Dave Daniel, co-owner of The Social Rip. They will talk about how social media and digital advertising are impacting traditional advertising.
"Getting Ahead by Giving" is the topic for Jerri Compton, executive director of the United Way of Northeast Kentucky. She will talk about how volunteerism and advocacy work can help you while helping others.
"Achieving Your Dream" is the topic for Dr. Mohammed Adel, clinical cardiovascular perfusionist at King's Daughters Medical Center (KDMC). He will share tools to help you think positively and learn that life is a journey.
"Make Your Own Future: Being Successful in a Tough World" is the topic for Joshua Blanton, Plant Manager at Vesuvius PLC. He will talk about creating your own opportunities in life and how to be successful with limited financial resources.
"A Big Fish in a Small Pond – How to Start & Grow Your Own Business" is the topic for Kyle Robinson, owner & CEO of Print My Threads. He started his screen printing business in a one car garage and now operates out of a 9,000 sq. ft. building in Flatwoods with nine employees.
"Military Excellence And Discipline: A Marine's True Story" is the topic for Vance Huston, Lt. Colonel U.S. Marine Corps (Retired). A former White House helicopter pilot, he will focus on success and how to get there.
"H.I.T. (Honesty, Integrity, Trust)" is the topic for Pamela Porter, an educational psychologist and ACTC part-time instructor. She will talk about character strengths and how those strengths can contribute to your overall happiness and success.
"Jedi Leadership – Finding Your Yoda" is the topic for Dr. Isaac W. "Ike" Nicholson, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ashland. This workshop on leadership characteristics will explore who is your Yoda, how to find your inner R2D2 and can you love like a Wookie.
"Past + Present = Future" is the topic for a panel discussion about decision making. Panelists are Scott Hill, director of environmental safety/security at KDMC; Bobby Jack Woods, Sheriff of Boyd County; James Stephens, professor at Ohio University Southern and security consultant; John Riley, Senior Pastor and retired hospital chaplain; and Jason Blevins, director of emergency services for King's Daughter Health Systems.
"Needing Help - The Community You Don't Know" is the topic for Todd Young, Director of Operations for The Neighborhood This session will focus on what poverty looks like in our local community, circumstances contributing to poverty, how to get help and how you can help others.
"Today's Emerging Technology" is the topic for Chris Boggs, ACTC associate professor of computers and information technology. He will explore future technology and how it can impact tomorrow's world, including career and entrepreneurship opportunities. ACTC's Mobile Technology Lab will be available for tours, weather permitting.
The free conference at the Technology Drive Campus is sponsored by over 20 area businesses, organizations and individuals, including Clark's Pump N Shop and the Field Memorial Charitable Trust held at Community Trust Bank. For more information, email Coordinator Beverly Sharp at: bsharp0014@kctcs.edu or call ACTC Workforce Solutions 606-326-2134.