Visit with KCTCS President Jay Box on April 1
Dr. Jay Box, President of the Kentucky and Community and Technical College System, will be in Ashland April 1 to get input for the Systems 2016 through 2022 strategic plan. He is visiting all 16 KCTCS college this spring to gather feedback from students, faculty, staff, businesses and the community regarding the future of the system.
During the day, Dr. Box will visit ACTCs three campuses to talk with faculty and staff, students, administrators, Board members, and Workforce/Economic Development partners.
Because our strategic plan will be what drives our entire institution for the next six years, it is vitally important that it is designed through a process that includes input from not just the colleges of KCTCS, but also the entire state that we serve, said Box. ACTC and the other college are invited to consider the question, What does your community/region need for the college to be by 2022?
Area residents who are interested in our educational future are invited to share their ideas with Dr. Box at 1:00 p.m. at the Roberts Drive Campus, Workforce Development Center in Building 5.
An Open Forum for faculty and staff will be at 2:00 p.m. and an Open Forum students will be at 2:30 p.m. Both forums will be in the College Drive Campus Teleconference Room, with live streaming to the Technology Drive Campus Pavilion.
Dr. Jay Box has been KCTCS President since January. He is a community college graduate with more than 30 years of experience in community college leadership. Dr. Box has a history of leadership with KCTCS having served as the president of Hazard Community and Technical College from 2002-2007 and as KCTCS chancellor from 2009 to 2015
His Out of the Box Listening Tour of KCTCS colleges is designed to engage the participation of all Kentuckians in the strategic planning process. The goals for the process are to be open and transparent, engaging and inclusive, integrated and aligned with statewide partners, and compelling and clear, with bold goals and practical, measurable strategies.