Teaching/Learning Conference Will Focus on Diversity
Diversity: Celebrate, Teach, Preserve is the theme of the 17th annual Teaching / Learning Conference hosted by Ashland Community and Technical College on October 22 and 23 at the College Drive Campus.
The conference will include ways to incorporate culture and diversity into the classroom. Designed for educators, administrators, counselors and students from all levels of academia, the conference will include sessions on emerging issues, current research and compliance legislation.
Keynote speaker Elliott Lewis is a former television reporter and the author of Fade: My Journeys in Multiracial America. His keynote address, Chicken Gumbo for the Multicultural Soul will share insights into life as a biracial American.
Featured speaker Dr. Jeff Butterfield is Chair of Computer Information Systems/Technology at Western Kentucky University. He will present Instructional Design in Online Courses for Adult Learners, an interactive session on best practices in delivering online courses.
The $99 conference fee includes program materials, refreshment breaks, continental breakfast on both days and lunch on Thursday. The student fee is $10.
Registration information is on the Conference web site at: www.ashland.kctcs.edu/tlc. For more information, contact Kim Boggs, ACTC Conference Coordinator, 606-326-2164, 800-928-4256 ext. 62164 or email: kim.boggs@kctcs.edu.