Small Business Workshops Focus on Employee and Communication Management
Two free workshops to help business owners and organization managers improve their management skills are offered Monday, August 15, at the Jesse Stuart Foundation building in downtown Ashland.
The seminars are cosponsored by ACTC Workforce Solutions and the Morehead State University -Ashland Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Business coach Dave Beam, an award winning Action Coach, will conduct the workshops.
Attracting and Retaining Great Employees, from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m., will focus on a four-step hiring process to attract, motivate and retain the best employees. Participants will learn how to select employees based on heart and spirit as well as experience and education. This leveraged hiring process will help managers find and keep the best people for their business.
Overcoming Management Communication Challenges from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. will show participants how open and honest communication can produce a positive work environment. Establishing rules for dealing with conflict and confrontation can help overcome negativity and facilitate a high level of commitment.
To sign up for a workshop or for more information, contact the SBDC, 606-329-8011.