Service Learning Workshops Nov. 12
Dr. Linda Gabrielson, a Service Learning expert, will conduct workshops at ACTC Friday,
Nov. 12, to help faculty bring community service into the classroom.
Dr. Gabrielson, Academic Dean of Vermont Community College, developed a service learning
program that has been recognized as a national model for community colleges. From
10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., she will lead discussions on engaging students in all types
of courses, using service projects to meet course objects and building community partnerships.
The workshop sessions are in the College Drive Campus Teleconference Room:
- 10:0011:00 am: Service Learning 101: Engaging Students, Invigorating Classrooms from Nursing to Homeland Security
11:301:00 pm: Brown Bag Round Table Discussion- Service Learning for Your Students
1:302:30 pm: Partners in Learning: Bringing Students into the Community and the Community into the Classroom
Community organizations are invited to the 1:30 p.m. session to see how service learning partnerships can benefit the community.
Service Learning combines academic learning with meaningful community service to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for the common good. Studies show that students engaged in Service Learning are more successful in college.
The workshop sessions are supported by a New Horizons grant received this year by Shawn Brown, Information Technology (IT) Instructor, to incorporate service learning into IT classes. His students have been involved in projects to clean up Grayson Lake State Park and to map the trails using GPS. For more information, contact Brown, 606-326-2091 or email: shawn.brown@kctcs.edu.