Science Fair Entries Due February 23
February 23 is the entry deadline for the ACTC/FIVCO Area Science amp; Engineering Fair that will be held March 2 at ACTCs Roberts Drive Campus.
The Fair is open to all students in fourth to twelfth grades in public, parochial or home-based schools in the FIVCO area of Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup and Lawrence Counties in Kentucky.
Designed to promote and recognize student achievements in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), this Fair follows International Science and Engineering Fair guidelines.
Each student may enter one individual or group project, and group projects are limited to three student participants. For judging purposes, students will be grouped into three age categories: grades 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Awards will be presented in each age category.
We have a steering committee of teachers from every FIVCO school district and Holy Family School, Dr. Walters said. The committee is involved in planning the fair and serving as resource persons for their schools, and we are fortunate to have such dedicated individuals.
The fair will need area residents to help with the setup and judging of fair entries in March. We invite everyone who is interested in school projects, student success or who has expertise in some area of science or technology to help with this project, said Dr. Walters. The fair will be set up on Friday, March 1, and judging will be on March 2.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Dr. Walters at Barbara.walters@kctcs.eduor call 600-326-2103.