PTK Honors Society Receives Awards
ACTCs Alpha Omega Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa has been named a Five-State Chapter for the seventeenth consecutive year. The award was presented at the Kentucky Regional Convention held March 22 and 23 at Henderson Community College.
The ACTC Chapter also received a Distinguished Chapter Award and was second runner up for the Chapter of the Year Award, second runner up for the Honors in Action Hallmark Award and first runner up for the College Project Award.
Distinguished Chapter Officer Awards went to Chapter President Wendy R. Vance, a Greenup resident, and Vice President Ashley A. Godfrey, a Grayson resident. A Distinguished Chapter Member award went to Nadine N. Maggard, an Ashland resident.
Professor Dan G. Bailey and Associate Professor John M. Davis received Distinguished Chapter Advisor Awards
Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College. There are over 2.5 million members in 1,275 chapters worldwide. The Kentucky Region has 22 chapters.