Plant a Tree for Arbor day | ACTC

Plant a Tree for Arbor day

Ashland's annual Arbor Day "Plant a Tree Project" will take place at Ashland's Central Park on Friday, April 26, from noon to 5:00 p.m. or until all tree seedlings are gone, whichever comes first.

Approximately 8,000 seedlings will be available. The seedlings include Eastern Redbud, Hazelnut, River Birch, Mulberry, Cypress, White Pine, Willow Oak, Silky Dogwood, Pin Oak, Black Walnut, Yellow Poplar, Pecan, Blackgum and Chinese Chestnut.

The Arbor Day seedling give-away is sponsored by the City of Ashland and the Kentucky Division of Forestry. The free distribution is part of the city's urban forestry program and a public service of the Ashland Tree Board. ACTC students and employees assist in the distribution as a community service project.

For more information, contact Professor Mark Swetnam at ACTC, email: