Practical Nursing Application Deadline is April 1
Published on Mar 8, 2017
The Practical Nursing Program at Ashland Community and Technical College is now accepting applications for the Fall Semester 2017 class, and April 1 is the application deadline.
"Practical Nursing is a good program for people from ages 18 to 50 plus who want a healthcare career that requires just three semesters of college," said Terri Ratliff, ACTC assistant professor and program coordinator.
The diploma program combines classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences. The program provides the knowledge and skills needed for a career as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). An LPN monitors, evaluates and responds to patient needs under the direction of a Registered Nurse or physician.
Under the guidance of faculty, students gain experience in the care of clients of all ages in a variety of health care settings, including hospitals, health care facilities, long-term care facilities, child care centers and physicians’ offices.
The program is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, and graduates are eligible to take the National Council of Licensing Practical Nursing examination. Once licensed, they can find employment as LPNs in hospitals, nursing homes or convalescent care centers, physicians' and dentists’ offices and in various other health care agencies.
Graduates may also choose to continue their education. "For many students, practical nursing is a stepping stone to other health careers," Ratliff said. "With a practical nursing diploma, they have a good foundation for future education in the nursing field."
Practical Nursing is a selective admission program, and prospective students need to complete an application for the program. Applicants must also submit an ACTC application, scores from the ACT or COMPASS test, and transcripts from other colleges attended.
Applications are available online at ashland.kctcs.edu under Academics, Programs of Study, Licensed Practical Nursing. Applications can be turned in at the Admissions Office or emailed to: AS_admissions@kctcs.edu.
For more information, contact Ratliff at 606-326-2465, or email: terri.ratliff@kctcs.edu.