Photo Story Podcasting Classes for Teachers and Community | ACTC

Photo Story Podcasting Classes for Teachers and Community

Two new classes will help area residents and educators use the latest audio and video technologies. Each class has two versions: one for people who want to use the technology at home and one for teachers who want to use technology in the classroom.

The photo story and podcasting classes will be offered on a Saturday morning and afternoon to make it convenient for people want to take both classes.

Instructor Jeanna Potts is technology coordinator at Notre Dame Elementary School in Ohio. Each class is $25, and enrollment is through ACTC Lifelong Learning, 606-326-2072, 800-928-4256 ext. 62072 or email:

Photo Story 3 is a program used to organize digital photos into a slideshow. The program has features that can be used to rotate, crop and touch-up photos; add a soundtrack or voice narration; and include titles and captions. The slideshows can then be emailed and viewed on a computer, TV or portable windows-based device.

Photo Story 3 for Teachers is Saturday, Oct. 29, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Photo Story 3 for Community is Saturday, Nov. 12, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Participants should bring at least five of their own digital photos.

Podcasting will show how to create an audio file that is posted on the internet. Participants will learn to use the free program Audacity to create and edit files and then upload them to the internet. This class will also cover Yodio, a free program that uses telephones to upload audio files to the internet. Participants will create a podcast that can be uploaded to iTunes

Podcasting for Teachers is Saturday, Oct. 29, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Podcasting for Community is Saturday, Nov. 12, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Participants will need to purchase or bring a plug and play headset/microphone to class (approximately $25).