Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Wins Another 5-Star Award
The ACTC Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) honor society received its 15th consecutive Five Star rating at the Kentucky Regional Conference held March 4 and 5 at Thomas More College in Erlanger, KY.
The Five Star rating, the highest rating possible, is based on completion of a variety of college and community service projects, honors topic activities, participation and leadership in regional activities, and entry in at least five international hallmark competitions.
The Alpha Omega Gamma Chapter also received an Honors in Action Award and a College Project Award for campus and community activities promoting healthier lifestyles.
A Distinguished Chapter Officer Team Award recognized the team of Rhonda Arthur, president; Cheryl Cook, vice president; and Tammy Lee and Susan Perry, co-vice presidents for Honors in Action. Lee and Perry also received Distinguished Chapter Officer Awards.
Distinguished Chapter Advisor Awards went to John M. Davis, associate professor and Business Administrator Program Coordinator, and Ashley Skidmore, Developmental Studies instructor.
A Horizon Award recognizing experienced advisors who have attained new levels of achievement in PTK programs went to Dan G. Bailey, ACTC professor, counselor and coordinator of academic advising and transfer.
A Distinguished Scholarship Award was presented to former AOG member and Alumni Association member Brooke Frye, a student at Morehead State University.
PTK, the international honors society for two year colleges, has more than 2 million members and 1,200 chapters. The Kentucky Region currently has 22 chapters.