Perennial Plant Exchange October 1
Area gardeners are invited to bring their extra flowering and landscape plants, including bulbs and seeds, to a Perennial Plant Exchange Saturday, Oct. 1, from 9 AM to 12 noon at Ashland Community and Technical College. The exchange will be held at the College Drive Campus in the lower parking lot located off Oakview Road.
This is a chance to find new heritage plants, share extra seedlings and cuttings, and network with other home plant enthusiasts. Fall is the best time to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, cold-hardy ornamental grasses and cool-season vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, kale and radish. Bring your extra plants or divided bulbs and find new ornamental or edible plants that can variety to your landscape.
ACTC Lifelong Learning, Boyd County Master Gardeners and the UK Cooperative Extension Service are hosting the exchange. For more information, contact Karen Coburn at ACTC, 606-326-2129, email: kcoburn0007@kctcs.edu or Lori Bowling at the Extension Service, 606-739-5184, email: lori.bowling@uky.edu.